Mindfucker. Inconvenient Truth + Necessary Evil
Coward. This is white supremacy's doingFeel bad for what? This is his doing
Coward. This is white supremacy's doingFeel bad for what? This is his doing
This nigga said no its not.. the white man is innocent wow.
He was a dumb ass in the shadows thoDeshaun don’t get let off the hook for being a dumbass lol
Lol bruhOf course they not gonna settle when they have the momentum for more. Ready for this shit to conclude though, if the broads lying, kill they ass, If homie lying he may be done…for a lil while. Too much talent for 32 teams to pass up
It does seem like its a smear first. Cash grab, a close 2nd.I think the shit gonna get thrown out for lack of evidence
Comes across more as smear campaign than a cash grab or prosecution
Buddy wants the NFL to do more to prove his clients case lol. No bozo
Nigga are you dense?Lol bruh slaves escaping is a lol but different from asking massage therapists for hand jobs. I think we can agree Houston foul for this but that nigga had so many other options than being a creep
Nigga are you dense?
This is not about those women
If he never wanted to leave we wouldn't know about any of this
Why is that so hard to stand on?