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Denzel Washington "I don't blame the prison system, 'It starts at the home'


Kobe With The Pivot
Site Owner
The Oscar winner says making the film did not make him more cynical about the justice system and, when asked about the prison-industrial complex, the “Malcolm X” star offered a surprising take.

“It starts at the home,” he told reporters at the film’s downtown New York premiere. “It starts at home.”

When prodded to expand on his answer, the 62-year-old Mount Vernon native replied: “It starts with how you raise your children. If a young man doesn’t have a father figure, he’ll go find a father figure.

“So you know I can’t blame the system,” he continued. “It’s unfortunate that we make such easy work for them.”

Washington came into the project with an insider’s edge on writer-director Dan Gilroy; he spars at the same gym as Jake Gyllenhaal, who starred in Gilroy’s critically acclaimed 2014 film “Nightcrawler,” and the actor gave Washington a full briefing on Gilroy.

“I got to learn a little bit about Dan in advance, and to see the great collaboration they had together,” Washington explained. “So it was easy, it was seamless and it was invigorating.”

(Washington declined to answer questions as to whether he or Gyllenhaal would win in the boxing ring).

The Oscar winner has played a lawyer before (“Philadelphia”), but his reasons for taking on this role weren’t so much because he wanted to return to a courtroom.

“It really didn’t have much to do with that,” he said. “It was just that Dan wrote a good script, a good story, the guy happened to be a lawyer. Law wasn’t the thing that attracted me to the story.”

Roman Israel — a legal savant — is certainly a departure for the actor. Washington told the Daily News that he based the character’s eccentricities on those of a friend’s son who is on the autism spectrum.

“He knew all the laws and everything, so I did a lot of research on Asperger’s, and the spectrum, and went in that direction,” he revealed.

Washington says he is not worrying about what his fans will make of this film.

“I just do what I do,” the “Training Day” star said. “I can’t be concerned. I don’t know what they’re going to think, so that’s not something that comes into my head. . . . If it’s something I’m interested in, then I do it if I can, and we’ll find out what they think about it.”
He's right, if parents were raising their kids right and keeping them out the streets then they wouldn't have to be worried about the prison system.
I see his point with raising ur children right, but to say the prison system is at no fault? lol nah fam
His point has some merit, but money and privilege clouds his reality.

Cuz parents are not perfect. My son is 6. He has two very active and involved parents who are busting their ass to deal with his behaviour issues in school.

And the stakes are high.

These public schools don't have the resources to really help any kid who struggles with anything. Their answer is always throw them in the system.

If a kid had my kids issues, and a single mom who rode the bus instead of drove. And had a job that wasn't as lenient with us going up to the school to deal with him like we do....That principal would already have him arrested, in the system, and the parents down social services trying to prove they're fit parents.

Denzel has to never deal with that. His kid could be twenty times worse behaved than mines, but because they got lower class sizes, better resources, more personnel on hand....His kid will never be forced in the system.

Mines could get processed if I don't drive fast enough.

It starts at home true. But this system is designed to keep our people as a slave class through the prisons. Cuz they condition us early as fuck.

We accept and rationalize unacceptable conditions cuz we believe we deserve it.

Perception is a bitch
We all know the system is fucked up but stupid niggas keep putting themselves in it. My dad laid down the law to the point I didn't fuck up and for the most part I stayed out of trouble.

We can't keep blaming the system for these people being screwed by it, they put themselves in the position to allow it.
It's not that cut and dry...

No one is perfect. Everybody makes mistakes.

We have to be damn near perfect to avoid a life in the system, and that just is unreasonable at the least
It's not that cut and dry...

No one is perfect. Everybody makes mistakes.

We have to be damn near perfect to avoid a life in the system, and that just is unreasonable at the least

You making excuses, it's not that hard to keep yourself out of trouble. I'm sure as hell not perfect and I've never been in the system.
Consider yourselves fortunate.

I know I do.

I'm grateful. Cuz I'm not perfect. I gotta temper. I've had bad days. I work as a bouncer at nights.

I fuck up from time to time.....

But thankfully I've avoided being arrested for my fuck ups.

I recognize that.

Maybe y'all niggaz perfect or something. Maybe y'all really that law abiding.

I take my hat off to y'all niggaz. Kudos for being a perfect model citizen. I know it's hard work.

But I ain't that...so I'm thankful I'm not in that fucked up system. Cuz I coulda easily been in it off of millions of things I've done in my life.....

That's me tho
He's right. If you're black and brown living in America off the rip you know the deck is stacked against you. So without question you and your family should know that bringing a child in this world isn't some fairytale shit and you have to give him or her the right tools from birth to move right.

If you lived in the hood growing up you knew which kids was going to do good and which was going to be bad. 9 times out of 10 the broken home no support system child almost always fell in the trap. Also Denzel stated that he can't really blame the system "because we make it too easy for them" which we have to an extent. To front like we haven't is false and silly.

Is there a system setup where once YOU fuck up that it throw YOUR black/brown ass behind bars with ease......yes. If you're on the corner trapping, hustling, gangbanging and God forbid killing someone that's not the systems fault that's YOUR dumbass fault.
Consider yourselves fortunate.

I know I do.

I'm grateful. Cuz I'm not perfect. I gotta temper. I've had bad days. I work as a bouncer at nights.

I fuck up from time to time.....

But thankfully I've avoided being arrested for my fuck ups.

I recognize that.

Maybe y'all niggaz perfect or something. Maybe y'all really that law abiding.

I take my hat off to y'all niggaz. Kudos for being a perfect model citizen. I know it's hard work.

But I ain't that...so I'm thankful I'm not in that fucked up system. Cuz I coulda easily been in it off of millions of things I've done in my life.....

That's me tho

Then all that is something you're doing not the system. How many times do you read a dumbass getting out and doing the exact same thing he did to get locked up the first time. At some point we gotta stop blaming the system and putting the blame on the person committing the crime.
i'm an advocate for accountability, trust me i am.

but the actions of the wrong don't justify a corrupt system that is designed to entrap men for life.

both things can still exist....

niggaz can be wrong for fucking, up, but that don't change the fact that the system is much much more fucked up...

too many people conditioned to accept that the way they got this shit set up is cool just cuz they are fortunate enough to avoid the traps.....

a death trap is still a death trap no matter how well you are able to avoid it....someone else who is not deserving of a death sentence may not be as fortunate, and we need to identify and attack that problem as well instead of victimizing those who got caught in the trap. everybody can't be dumb asses.....some of them dudes would be much better served with their families being productive than being caught up for life over some silly shit.....
He's right. If you're black and brown living in America off the rip you know the deck is stacked against you. So without question you and your family should know that bringing a child in this world isn't some fairytale shit and you have to give him or her the right tools from birth to move right.

If you lived in the hood growing up you knew which kids was going to do good and which was going to be bad. 9 times out of 10 the broken home no support system child almost always fell in the trap. Also Denzel stated that he can't really blame the system "because we make it too easy for them" which we have to an extent. To front like we haven't is false and silly.

Is there a system setup where once YOU fuck up that it throw YOUR black/brown ass behind bars with ease......yes. If you're on the corner trapping, hustling, gangbanging and God forbid killing someone that's not the systems fault that's YOUR dumbass fault.


As fucked up this country is and can be, it's not them Dictator/Communist countries that will lock you and throw away the key just because it's Tuesday. You still have to do SOMETHING in order for the system to fuck you over.
i just pray yall niggaz never have a bad day.

one casual run in with the police could mean you in handcuffs for the rest of your life.....

i was thinking the other day had i got to the school a few minutes later and seen a cop grabbing my 6 year old how would that have worked out for me....

even at my calmest, i'm at the least moving his hand away firmly
i just pray yall niggaz never have a bad day.

one casual run in with the police could mean you in handcuffs for the rest of your life.....

i was thinking the other day had i got to the school a few minutes later and seen a cop grabbing my 6 year old how would that have worked out for me....

even at my calmest, i'm at the least moving his hand away firmly
Been there bro lol I live in the South. Born and raised in the country where redneck's use to pull us over all the time. Lol even before I was hustling I would get tested.

Now when I started hustling and putting rims on my car's I got the treatment 10x worse. Regardless I was in the wrong and to be honest I was riding dirty and I knew better but didn't care.
you lucky you able to be a father for your son today bruh....

like you gotta see that shit...any one thing you did wrong in your life goes another way....you not there today...

and regardless of how stupid you might've been.. he don't deserve that....

and to be honest, at the end of the day that we gotta feel that fucking lucky....and that's my whole point.....shit shouldn't' be that serious
you lucky you able to be a father for your son today bruh....

like you gotta see that shit...any one thing you did wrong in your life goes another way....you not there today...

and regardless of how stupid you might've been.. he don't deserve that....

and to be honest, at the end of the day that we gotta feel that fucking lucky....and that's my whole point.....shit shouldn't' be that serious

You're right especially now. It's just him and I so I have to move different nowadays can't be a hothead or just wild out no more. Have to actually let shit go lol smh
So I guess oppressed people shouldn’t do what oppressed people do. Systematic poverty is not an accident. The root causes of why some people commit crimes have to change. People are acting like it is not more common for us to be arrested and put into the system than anyone else. The system is not balanced when you have an inequality of justice and the way it is handed out. But you keep believing that if you just raise your child correctly it will be ok. You are wrong people commit crimes. The system chooses how it deals with those people and that is unfair . When everyone is locked up at the same rate and given the same Justice then we can stop blaming the system but until then stop this nonsense about it isn’t the system