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I'ma watch it legally so it can count in their numbers and they see that they can release shit straight to streaming and it still be successful

Also to show them that dark content can work with a more mature audience
Them and Sony in a race to see who can fuck shit up the worst
at least Sony has had legit successes. DC takes 2 steps forward and then 3 steps back.

plus Sony can at least say "Well we've only got Spiderman and his characters". DC/WB have got the whoooooole DC roster. They could pump out half a dozen movies in a year without any overlap in characters, and could have different genres and time periods.
Didn't feel like 4 hours. CGI looked dated but I enjoyed it. Glad they gave more love to Cyborg. Joker was pointless though.
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So we gonna act like shazam, aquaman and the first wonder woman movie didn't exist?
Didn't see Shazam. Aquaman didn't do it for me and while Wonder Woman was good, I enjoyed Birds of Prey more. DC's adult R rated content is the one thing they thing have over the MCU rn and they win when they dip into that.
I watched the whole 4 hrs of the Synder Cut and... The WB execs who were responsible at the time for putting out the original JL movie need to be fired or a foot in they're asses. The people at Warner Bros are the reason DCEU movies get the criticism that they do.

This film shouldn't have been 4 hrs long but this should have been the version that made it to theaters in 2017. What WB should have done if the JL Synder Cut was going to be 4 hrs is split the movie in two films like Marvel did w/Infinity War & Endgame.

I actually enjoyed watching this version of the Justice League movie as the added scenes, story pacing, & visual effects really did JUSTICE to this movie and made actual sense.

First view rating: 8.5 - 9/10
They'd be fools to not let Snyder come back to do a proper follow up to his original vision... but DC/WB have shown us time and time again how foolish they can be

Those executives at WB are so incompetent when it comes to DC films it's ridiculous. They should be begging Synder to come back but I wouldn't be mad if he told those same execs: FUCK YOU!

He stepped down from directing his version because his child died... Then Joss Wheden and the dumb ass WB execs stripped down his film and gave audiences a barebones JL movie.

You can trace the history all the way back to the original Batman films after Batman Returns. They destroyed the credibility of Batman on film to the point they had to sit Batman down for near a decade after Batman & Robin. Looking back I'm surprised we got a GOAT Batman movie trilogy w/the Nolan films.
They never wanted to let Batman grow into the toxic person his lifestyle logically pushes him towards....

Like moving going audiences are so robbed of the full scope of Bruce wayne / Batman

Titans plays with it...

Arrowverse showed a dope Batman with the infinite crisis...

But outside of Nolan, you don't really get into how broken dude is... I still think a quality Dick Grayson could carry the DCEU