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So overall... This isn't a bad Batman movie.
But I feel like it's still a wasted effort

The way to "reintroduce" Batman imo is thru the bat family.

Here's my vision for the PERFECT Batman trilogy, and what this movie should have been and the direction DC should go in..

Batman movie 1: 35year old Batman, 24 year old robin. They have their first run in with Slade Wilson...Robin becomes Nightwing by the end of the movie. Leaves Batman to start the Titans and have spin off advei with the Titans

Batman movie 2: early 40's Batman gets 2nd Robin Jason Todd. Jason Todd of course goes overkill and is unhinged.. Batman questions his purpose. Todd gets killed by joker at the end of movie. Have him shoot barbra too for good measure.

Batman movie 3: years later. Batman in 50's red hood shows up. Oracle reaches out to Nightwing cuz Batman on some retirement shit. Nightwing realizes Red Hood is Batman trained.... Brings Bruce outta retirement. They stop red hood while realizing that ra's Al ghul was really behind it....

Movie 3 ends with Alfred telling Bruce there's a letter for him in the Batcave. Bruce asks who delivered it, and Alfred has no idea... He just noticed it was there.

It's from Talia.... She's telling Bruce about their son. How he's is out of control. She can't handle him, And with his skill and intelligence by the time Bruce reads this his son is already in Gotham.

Crowd goes ape shit
Just go read the comics if you want all of that. Sounds great as a comic or animated trilogy, awful as movies. General audience cares nothing for Robin, especially not a trilogy with three different ones.
This is probabaly my second fsvorite Batman vibe from the visuals to the simplicity it all worked well for me. I cant wait to see this world built up in further seuqels
So overall... This isn't a bad Batman movie.
But I feel like it's still a wasted effort

The way to "reintroduce" Batman imo is thru the bat family.

Here's my vision for the PERFECT Batman trilogy, and what this movie should have been and the direction DC should go in..

Batman movie 1: 35year old Batman, 24 year old robin. They have their first run in with Slade Wilson...Robin becomes Nightwing by the end of the movie. Leaves Batman to start the Titans and have spin off advei with the Titans

Batman movie 2: early 40's Batman gets 2nd Robin Jason Todd. Jason Todd of course goes overkill and is unhinged.. Batman questions his purpose. Todd gets killed by joker at the end of movie. Have him shoot barbra too for good measure.

Batman movie 3: years later. Batman in 50's red hood shows up. Oracle reaches out to Nightwing cuz Batman on some retirement shit. Nightwing realizes Red Hood is Batman trained.... Brings Bruce outta retirement. They stop red hood while realizing that ra's Al ghul was really behind it....

Movie 3 ends with Alfred telling Bruce there's a letter for him in the Batcave. Bruce asks who delivered it, and Alfred has no idea... He just noticed it was there.

It's from Talia.... She's telling Bruce about their son. How he's is out of control. She can't handle him, And with his skill and intelligence by the time Bruce reads this his son is already in Gotham.

Crowd goes ape shit
Thanks man
They keep trying to give us Batman, but nothing new and refreshing..... This movie wasn't bad. But I can't sit thru the replay cuz nuffin crazy happened in it that I just wanna see again 🤷🏿‍♂️
So overall... This isn't a bad Batman movie.
But I feel like it's still a wasted effort

The way to "reintroduce" Batman imo is thru the bat family.

Here's my vision for the PERFECT Batman trilogy, and what this movie should have been and the direction DC should go in..

Batman movie 1: 35year old Batman, 24 year old robin. They have their first run in with Slade Wilson...Robin becomes Nightwing by the end of the movie. Leaves Batman to start the Titans and have spin off advei with the Titans

Batman movie 2: early 40's Batman gets 2nd Robin Jason Todd. Jason Todd of course goes overkill and is unhinged.. Batman questions his purpose. Todd gets killed by joker at the end of movie. Have him shoot barbra too for good measure.

Batman movie 3: years later. Batman in 50's red hood shows up. Oracle reaches out to Nightwing cuz Batman on some retirement shit. Nightwing realizes Red Hood is Batman trained.... Brings Bruce outta retirement. They stop red hood while realizing that ra's Al ghul was really behind it....

Movie 3 ends with Alfred telling Bruce there's a letter for him in the Batcave. Bruce asks who delivered it, and Alfred has no idea... He just noticed it was there.

It's from Talia.... She's telling Bruce about their son. How he's is out of control. She can't handle him, And with his skill and intelligence by the time Bruce reads this his son is already in Gotham.

Crowd goes ape shit
I read this in Vince McMahon voice
Seven, Zodiac and Once upon a time in China had already been mentioned by the director as "inspirations" for the movie

you sure it wasn’t the 1970’s movie Chinatown, with Jack Nicholson? That movie was about a detective who stumbled upon a plot to fuck with the cities water supply for personal gain.

I love Once upon a time in China, but I can’t see the similarities too much between The Batman and that.
I loved this damn movie. Saw it for the first time last night. Flames.

And this is coming from someone who's sicka Batman honestly. (I thought them Nolan joints was crazy overrated.)

This one was impressive tho. Old boy that played Bruce did his thing. They captured real well just how CRAZY a mf would look in real life if he dressed as a bat at night to fight crime on his own.

The casting, the cinematography, the balance between the original score and the licensed (Nirvana) music.

It worked very well as a gritty ass crime drama. Lookin fwd to seeing it again in my home theater setup.
I think Joker might be up next. But if they do CoO's...its a win win either way.

Do CoO...save Joker for hopefully the 3rd flick.
The owls break everyone out of Arkham 2nd flick setting up Joker and potentially someone like Clayface or Dr Freeze or something as the next villains
I think Joker might be up next. But if they do CoO's...its a win win either way.

Do CoO...save Joker for hopefully the 3rd flick.
No chance is hell they are doing the Joker next. Its too over played and they not about to do the same formula as Dark Knight.

I bet money that the little clip we got in the first might be the only cameo we see of him in this trilogy. Next we will probably get Court Of Owls mixed with a other villain that works well in this universe. More Penguin would be great.