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Dallas Officer Amber Guyger's trial for the murder of Botham Shem Jean begins (FOUND GUILTY)

No that is not what I'm saying. What are you Dos Jr making up shit for your own points. I've repeatedly said whether or not that family forgave that woman won't have shit to do with stopping or starting a white person who ws already emboldened enough to view black lives as less than. Thats what yall aren't getting. The people who feel this way will continue to regardless if you forgive them or not. Not forving them won't instill some fear in white folks. Especially if it's not followed by any tangible actions behind it.
That's not true. If cops had a deterrent they wouldn't be so quick on the trigger. If an example was made of them black lives would actually matter to them.
And what about emboldening the next unfortunate victims of white supremacy? How about setting an example for them to not take the Christian way out and stand up for yourself and JUSTICE?

Any cosigning or sympathizing with that docile behavior is perpetuating the problem
No that is not what I'm saying. What are you Dos Jr making up shit for your own points. I've repeatedly said whether or not that family forgave that woman won't have shit to do with stopping or starting a white person who ws already emboldened enough to view black lives as less than. Thats what yall aren't getting. The people who feel this way will continue to regardless if you forgive them or not. Not forving them won't instill some fear in white folks. Especially if it's not followed by any tangible actions behind it.
why he gotta be dos jr?
If every black person in America stop forgiving, being sincere, acting gentle towards white folks for the evil acts that they do, I promise you, shit will change. We'll actually get some respect not only from white folks but from other groups.
White folks have not forgiven Mike Vick over what he did to some dogs. They haven't forgiven Colin Kapernick and he never committed a crime. They haven't forgiven OJ or Michael Jackson and they were both found not guilty. MJ been dead for how long? And not only have they not forgiven him they are still trying to convict him from the grave.

Get the fuck on with that foot shuffling, shuck and jive, sambo ass white jesus forgiveness bullshit. These demonic, hate filled, evil ass cacs never have and never will forgive you for ANYTHING! You slave ass church niggas are a disgrace.
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You ignoring the point on purpose. At some point you either have the courage to stand up for yourself despit the odds or bow down. Many of our anscestors chose to stand up and fight.

I dont call Nat and Denmarks rebellions failures. Thats an insult to them giving their lives. They chose to face death rather than live like subhumans. Thats courage in its rawest form.

And it aint ridiculous at all to compare the mindset of slaves to modern blacks when there has been little change in that mindset.

Brother Malcom discussed the comparison you described in his house/field negro speech.

I'm not really sure what point I ignored, but it wasn't on purpose if I missed something.

I think you're missing the point that I was making though. I don't care how bad your life is right now, it's better than the that of slaves hundreds of years ago. Yeah, when you compare the lives of Black Americans to the lives of White Americans, there is a big discrepancy there, but that's not the same as saying that Blacks live inhuman lives. I can't speak for you, but I live my life as a man and don't go through everyday feeling like a subhuman. So I'm not sure why you would think that I or any of the millions of black people in this country would have the same mindset towards strategies of resistance as people who actually were treated like subhumans.

That doesn't really make sense. Your yourself admit, Nat and Denmark were willing to give their lives because fighting and dying were preferable to the existences they had. Again, I can't speak for you, but for me, going out and killing a couple cops in protest and then getting killed myself isn't preferable to simply living my life and trying to help other black people whenever I can and however I can.
Niggas been forgiving white folks for their evil acts for many years, since the 1400s, and where has that's gotten black folks in 2019? No fucking where, we still getting our brains blown out. That bitch, almost got off on this case, which was a case a 3rd grader could have done. The shit too complicated to even be able to have justice against these ppl and this evil ass system and we got black ppl forgiving these evil ass actions, knowing if a nigga today, shoot their dayum dog, let alone a family member, there would be no remorse. Backward ass ppl we are smh. We gotta grow the fuck up and get on one accord.

I kinda wish she would have gotten 10 days for her murder and I would like to know if the brother would have been on that stupid shit. Don't know if it's true or not but I heard the motherfucker say, he wish she didn't have to go to prison. smh.
lol I keep seeing ya'll saying that Black people been forgiving for blah blah blah

Where is this even coming from? Some black people have chosen to forgive. A lot of black people to this day can't stand CACs, and I'd say most black people don't really trust them. Ya'll niggas really think ya'll are the only ones with animosity towards white people. Ya'll need to stop acting like isolated events like this are the norm in the community. No, the average black person probably isn't walking around with hate in his or her heart for every white person they see, but how would doing that even help us really? It wouldn't. The niggas out there that hate white people ain't living any better than the ones that have forgiven white people. In fact, they are probably living worse because people whose judgement is clouded by hate tend to make bad decisions whenever the subjects of their hate are involved.

Also, this whole "White people haven't forgiven so and so" shit ya'll keep spouting is stupid. Did every white person in the country that was mad at Vick for killing dogs forgive him? No. Were there a hell of a lot of white people in Philly that were mad at him out there wearing his Jersey after his first win with the Eagles? Yep. Ya'll have to stop acting like either group is a monolith. Some white people never forgive blacks for anything even the slightest infraction. Some whites forgive everything. Most fall somewhere in the middle. Some black turn the other cheek and forgive everything whites do. Some blacks never get over anything whites do. Most fall somewhere in the middle. These arguments you're making are illogical and don't really reflect reality. The truth is very few black people, Christian or otherwise, would do what that kid did, so I'm not sure why you're acting like this is something common place in any segment of the black community.
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I'm not really sure what point I ignored, but it wasn't on purpose if I missed something.

I think you're missing the point that I was making though. I don't care how bad your life is right now, it's better than the that of slaves hundreds of years ago. Yeah, when you compare the lives of Black Americans to the lives of White Americans, there is a big discrepancy there, but that's not the same as saying that Blacks live inhuman lives. I can't speak for you, but I live my life as a man and don't go through everyday feeling like a subhuman. So I'm not sure why you would think that I or any of the millions of black people in this country would have the same mindset towards strategies of resistance as people who actually were treated like subhumans.

That doesn't really make sense. Your yourself admit, Nat and Denmark were willing to give their lives because fighting and dying were preferable to the existences they had. Again, I can't speak for you, but for me, going out and killing a couple cops in protest and then getting killed myself isn't preferable to simply living my life and trying to help other black people whenever I can and however I can.

Now you are trying to say that I was implying our lives are as hard as theirs were. I wasnt.

What I am saying is although we arent living on plantations, a lot of the same shit is still going on and partly due to the mindset of some of our own ppl. And I didnt say anything about randomly killing cops in protest. But our reaction to being murdered and killed shouldnt be no damn hugging and crying. We should be willing to fight against the odds. Not at random, but in defense.

And yeah everytime a black man, woman or child is murdered with little to no consequence, our ppl are still being treated as less than human. Im not talking about how you feel, Im talking about whats being done.
Now you are trying to say that I was implying our lives are as hard as theirs were. I wasnt.

What I am saying is although we arent living on plantations, a lot of the same shit is still going on and partly due to the mindset of some of our own ppl. And I didnt say anything about randomly killing cops in protest. But our reaction to being murdered and killed shouldnt be no damn hugging and crying. We should be willing to fight against the odds. Not at random, but in defense.

And yeah everytime a black man, woman or child is murdered with little to no consequence, our ppl are still being treated as less than human. Im not talking about how you feel, Im talking about whats being done.

I never implied you said our lives are as hard as theirs. I pointed out that our lives aren't like theirs, so it unreasonable for anyone to believe that our motivations and resulting actions should be the same.

And how many times have you seen what Botham's brother did happen? That shit almost never happens as one of you even admitted. So why are ya'll acting like this is some regular thing? It isn't. Black people been out her protesting, speaking out, pushing for policy change, rioting, and some have actually killed cops in retaliation for the injustices we face. But let ya'll tell it, blacks are just forgiving and refusing to fight against the odds.

I don't know man. I can't call it wit you dudes. Ya'll have now gone from bashing this one dude for being to forgiving to indicting damn near the whole community for being too forgiving and rolling over for injustice. Ya'll got it. I can't really argue against your fantasies anymore.
You're conditioned bro.

Just like I asked one poster to post a video of white folks forgiving OJ and 9/11, and he couldn't do it, I doubt that you would be able to do the same.

You're just talking with emotions, what has anybody stated that has white folks in an elevation state? What do you mean by ppl are elevating white folks? If Anything, folks are shitting on white folks and calling them all types of devils and racist and etc.

Niggas in here basically giving props to white folks for "never forgetting" while calling black folks who simply disagree or even agree but coming from a different POV everything under the sun and you don't see the problem with that? Tell me what part of conditioning is it to say that I don't give 2 fucks about how white folks conduct themselves and i don't use them as a barometer for my own morals and how i live my life?
That's not true. If cops had a deterrent they wouldn't be so quick on the trigger. If an example was made of them black lives would actually matter to them.
And what about emboldening the next unfortunate victims of white supremacy? How about setting an example for them to not take the Christian way out and stand up for yourself and JUSTICE?

Any cosigning or sympathizing with that docile behavior is perpetuating the problem

Nigga drove from Baltimore to NY few years back and randomly killed a cop. Dorner was a former police who killed cops. They still out here shooting unarmed black folks even after their coworkers been made an example of...so you got another solution? One you would actually partake in and not live through somebody else?
I never implied you said our lives are as hard as theirs. I pointed out that our lives aren't like theirs, so it unreasonable for anyone to believe that our motivations and resulting actions should be the same.

And how many times have you seen what Botham's brother did happen? That shit almost never happens as one of you even admitted. So why are ya'll acting like this is some regular thing? It isn't. Black people been out her protesting, speaking out, pushing for policy change, rioting, and some have actually killed cops in retaliation for the injustices we face. But let ya'll tell it, blacks are just forgiving and refusing to fight against the odds.

I don't know man. I can't call it wit you dudes. Ya'll have now gone from bashing this one dude for being to forgiving to indicting damn near the whole community for being too forgiving and rolling over for injustice. Ya'll got it. I can't really argue against your fantasies anymore.

There have been plenty forgivness episodes like this one. Quick search will bring it up. And marching and protesting is fine but what comes of it? Theyd rather we do that than anything else, so long as we dont get too outspoken or disrupt their convenience.

Im done arguing this as well. I cant argue against YALL fantasies.
There have been plenty forgivness episodes like this one. Quick search will bring it up. And marching and protesting is fine but what comes of it? Theyd rather we do that than anything else, so long as we dont get too outspoken or disrupt their convenience.

Im done arguing this as well. I cant argue against YALL fantasies.

So what should be done? We shouldn't forgive. We shouldn't protest. We shouldn't get people into office to change the system from within. We shouldn't work to build up our own communities and gain more independence from the corrupt society. Black people are doing all these things, and the problems we faced haven't been completely eliminated. So, I'm guessing you think those measures aren't good enough. What then do you suggest be done, and why haven't you taken lead on doing it?
So what should be done? We shouldn't forgive. We shouldn't protest. We shouldn't get people into office to change the system from within. We shouldn't work to build up our own communities and gain more independence from the corrupt society. Black people are doing all these things, and the problems we faced haven't been completely eliminated. So, I'm guessing you think those measures aren't good enough. What then do you suggest be done, and why haven't you taken lead on doing it?


We shouldnt forgive- No.not when the same group of ppl keep doing the same shit

Protesting - I said fine but what has come of it? That was a question

Changing the system within - Yeah that black judge sure changed shit. Black faces have to be held accountable.

. We shouldn't work to build up our own communities and gain more independence from the corrupt society. - I aint ever said no dumb shit like that. If anything Im always saying thats what we need more than anything.

As far as leading anything, yall niggas always assume somebody isnt doing something. I give time, money and physical protection to my community and ppl. I done been the only person to show up at career day to encourage our little ones. I done been one of unfortunately very few black men to show up at a local townhall to speak up for our women. Its plenty out here not doing shit. I aint one of em tho.

But yeah, Im done arguign about this man.