Mindfucker. Inconvenient Truth + Necessary Evil
That's not true. If cops had a deterrent they wouldn't be so quick on the trigger. If an example was made of them black lives would actually matter to them.No that is not what I'm saying. What are you Dos Jr making up shit for your own points. I've repeatedly said whether or not that family forgave that woman won't have shit to do with stopping or starting a white person who ws already emboldened enough to view black lives as less than. Thats what yall aren't getting. The people who feel this way will continue to regardless if you forgive them or not. Not forving them won't instill some fear in white folks. Especially if it's not followed by any tangible actions behind it.
And what about emboldening the next unfortunate victims of white supremacy? How about setting an example for them to not take the Christian way out and stand up for yourself and JUSTICE?
Any cosigning or sympathizing with that docile behavior is perpetuating the problem