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Dad’s not ready for a baby...

The logic may be, if she feels able to care for the baby and carries it to term, the father should help assist her.
Chappelle was right:

Men should be able to opt out of that shit.

"If you can kill this muhfucker, then I can at least abandon him. My money, my choice."

Chappelles a comedian bro. And the best ever. But never get your logic from a comedian.

It takes a ton of money and even more effort to raise a kid. No one persons should be 100% responsible for a kid two persons went 50% on.
This is a double standard, but it is what it is.

Double standards exist, and this is one that favors women.

As a man we are lucky that we dont have to carry a baby in us for 9 months and then give birth and take another few months to recover. With that luck comes the draw back that women have more of a say in deciding to carry a baby for 9 months or not too.
Chappelles a comedian bro. And the best ever. But never get your logic from a comedian.

It takes a ton of money and even more effort to raise a kid. No one persons should be 100% responsible for a kid two persons went 50% on.

You can get sound logic from anybody

stop putting folks in a box. You sound like them “shut up and dribble folks” right now fam.

Cleanse yourself
This modern perception of comedians is woefully myopic.

The comedian is the lense by which leaders critically view our shortcomings.

Don't confuse the comedian for the jester.

A comedian stretches the truth to make it funny.

Chappelle took something that has truth in it, and stretched it to make it funny. What chappelle said isnt the truth, its the stretched truth.

Not even chappelle would believe that a man should be able to opt out of responsibility for a kid.

We agree what Dave said has a lot of truth in it, but its not totally logical
no because everyone knows what may come after sex, stds or babies. if she decides to abort it ok, but if she decides to keep it, act accordingly.

...you knew what it was when you went in with no condom
A comedian stretches the truth to make it funny.

Chappelle took something that has truth in it, and stretched it to make it funny. What chappelle said isnt the truth, its the stretched truth.

Not even chappelle would believe that a man should be able to opt out of responsibility for a kid.

We agree what Dave said has a lot of truth in it, but its not totally logical
Comedy doesn't derive from truth. Truth is derived from comedy.

He told a joke. It's up to the audience to determine what makes sense.

Jon Stewart did it for years, holding up a comedic mirror to media and politics and left it up to the public to do with it what we felt was right. And before him, George Carlin and still Bill Maher.

All I'm saying is, to just say "he's a comedian, therefore you shouldn't consider the truth in his content" is an extremely myopic view of what comedy actually is.
Either way Dave joke ain’t have no truth in it that’s gonna wake up people. It’s many ways not to have a kid you don’t want and that’s it