dababy gets dragged for homophobic remarks

Toni Morrison’s “Paradise” speaks to how a “race first” approach to liberation only serves Black heterosexual men, while homophobia, classism, misogyny, etc stays intact

Black Rain and Hellczar are the few Black men on this forum that are truly race first

the majority of these niggas are white men in dress up
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I’m apart of the black community and if you and your community want to bash a black man I’ll be here to call out y’all fuckery. Those cases got more attention than Ed Buck.

If you're gonna keep with the bad trolling attempts with the "yall" and pretending you're dumber than you are then you may as well quit now.
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Blackness maybe secondary for someone ppl and thats ok.

tbh even I am not a race first person. I look at everything from a dual lens, woman and Black.

what we need to do is have a dialogue about how folks love to perform Blackness but have 0 interpersonal skills and the awareness of a thumb about other shit within Blackness ie: sexual abuse, homophobia, misogyny, etc.

I disagree on this one.
whats the problem?

Let’s take a black gay man fighting for gay rights.

Gay rights improve.
Black rights don’t.

So that black gay man is still in the same position from before.

Black rights is rights for all black folks gay or straight. Gay rights is for gay folks so he don’t benefit because he’s still held back due to the color of his skin.

That’s just a surface level take on it.

we folks say black rights, it’s not assumed it’s for straight black folks but us all.
Let’s take a black gay man fighting for gay rights.

Gay rights improve.
Black rights don’t.

So that black gay man is still in the same position from before.

Black rights is rights for all black folks gay or straight. Gay rights is for gay folks so he don’t benefit because he’s still held back due to the color of his skin.

That’s just a surface level take on it.

we folks say black rights, it’s not assumed it’s for straight black folks but us all.

first you need to outline your definition of “gay rights” and if Black gay ppls wants/needs align with it
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I respect the black LGBT that understand white supremacy and are black first.
Blackness maybe secondary for someone ppl and thats ok.

tbh even I am not a race first person. I look at everything from a dual lens, woman and Black.

what we need to do is have a dialogue about how folks love to perform Blackness but have 0 interpersonal skills and the awareness of a thumb about other shit within Blackness ie: sexual abuse, homophobia, misogyny, etc.

It's hard for some people to realize they hold more than 1 role in society and to view the world through those multiple lenses. They won't always align in terms of what's best for 1 vs the other. This has been the issue alot of women have raised in terms of Black Civil rights while still being women which no matter the progress of rights for Blacks as a whole being a woman will still leave you getting the short end of the stick.
It's hard for some people to realize they hold more than 1 role in society and to view the world through those multiple lenses. They won't always align in terms of what's best for 1 vs the other. This has been the issue alot of women have raised in terms of Black Civil rights while still being women which no matter the progress of rights for Blacks as a whole being a woman will still leave you getting the short end of the stick.

Shit is crazy how folks want you to put gender over race or race over gender or sexuality. When literally that apart of who you are. Y’all don’t put blackness over being a man or being straight because you don’t have too. But y’all will say a rapist or something can’t be cancelled because he a black man. Even if his victims were black we can’t let the white folk talk bad about our brothers. That’s type of thinking has allowed a lot of bullshit. We should be able to check each other.
I respect the black LGBT that understand white supremacy and are black first.
This. Till Black rights are taken care of first prioritize your people (black people straight or gay) first then we can attack the issue that hits the Black gay community. Because trust and believe they don't see a gay male/female first they see a Black person first and they will act accordingly