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dababy gets dragged for homophobic remarks

This. Till Black rights are taken care of first prioritize your people (black people straight or gay) first then we can attack the issue that hits the Black gay community. Because trust and believe they don't see a gay male/female first they see a Black person first and they will act accordingly
last I checked this thread was Wednesday on pg 6

guess I'll see yall in a few days if & when I catch up (sum more fuckery had better ensued)

Black gays are at the bottom of the barrel when it comes to the gay community.

White gays are not concerned with black gays, they are protesting against white men and white women. They use causes like this situation to aid their fight for equal rights, whatever that means.

White straight men, and white women, many of them, do not fuck with the white gay community or any other gay community.

White and other non black gay men and women discriminate towards black gays and sometimes each other. That's why this is a shit show when it comes to black gays protesting, who are you protesting against?? Black straight people, the very people are don't own nor control anything.

With this issue with the da baby or any other black straight person who says something close as name-calling, they want to latch on to it, and try and create a narrative about equal rights, black gays latch on to it, so that they can show the white gays, who have all of the resources, that they are in the same fight.

Black gays are being used, protesting to noone, nobody is coming to aid black gay people.
Black straight people has always supported gay black people, from Luther, to Little Richard, all the way down to James Baldwin, all the way down to the church choir director or organ player. Black folks don't shut out black gay folks, the most black people do is joke, and everybody jokes on everybody.

Da Baby talks about shooting black men, and other things in his music, the white gay community gives him platforms to continue to promote the negativity , white companies sponsors him.
Gay community of ALL races has nothing to say

The black gay community did not have anything to say when Da Baby was making those comments in his music, but he says something that was not a direct slur towards anybody but dudes who give head in the parking lot, which was him just making a statement, and once the white gay community felt disrespected or tried to feel disrespected, then it was ok for the black gay community to try and jump in front of the narrative.

Kid Rock made comments about gays about 2 weeks ago, and there wasn't a big uproar about his statements
You barely heard anything about it.

Is Kid's Rock thread 50 pages long? I'm sure the black gay community got in his ass for making those comments, no pun intended.

Kid Rock repeats homophobic slur in tweet about gay friends - Los Angeles Times (latimes.com)
Black gays need to protest towards white straight men, women, and other non-black straight and gay people, which equals to them doing the same thing that Black straight people are doing, protesting against white supremacy which keeps us down and locked out of resources.

All these non black groups, gay and straight practice against gay blacks, which puts them in the same boat with black straight people
Currently chatting about this with my gay coworker who s also a good friend .... his take on this is that he ain’t even offended but if anything DaBaby should be cancelled for being this stupid in 2021

Also said DaBaby prolly had an experience in the parking lot himself which is what may have led to his statement

This dude always telling me about how many dudes that you wouldn’t think are on the DL actually are....
You're black first. Noone knows if you're gay unless you make it known, to the person. A person's race has always been the root, then gender.

Black people did not get lynched because they were gay. They were lynched because they were black. Our race has always been a determining factor in our community and outcomes. Black folks weren't denied housing loans because they were gay.

Black men and women were not harassed and pulled over by cops, because they were gay.

It's time for black gays to understand that they are being used by the gay community. Black gays are taking up for a community who continues to shut them out of resources that they get from donors. Those dollars that the gay community receive do not trickle down to the gay black folks.

The "gay rights" that were given to the gays, were the results of the non-black gay push, black gays just latched onto the movement and tried to be included but those 'gay rights' that Obama signed off were because of white, non-black gay folks.

Black gays don't even see the position that they are in.

Black gays are the ones having to do, at times, some strange things in the parking lot, be ostracized by their employer, who is gay or on the DL, which is still gay.

These black gays have to do these extreme things just to survive in this world, because their own gay community shuts them out or discriminate towards them

Black gays have to participate in gutter sex to even be accepted in these gay circle groups which consist of non-black people who are gay. They hang around these groups so that they could be accepted so that they can actually cover rent or keep a job that's a decent living wage.

That's where the abuse come into play that, but nobody never talks about it and go into full depth. The token black gays that hang in these non-black circles, are the ones that are getting abused by their own circle of gay friends.

The non-black gays are the ones abusing, having the black gay men give head in parking lots, in offices, at Ed Buck's house, to make a living or keep their job or get a raise etc.