What's there to explain? You're a coon for even questioning that
All of this garbage comes from the minds gay whites first and foremost
They demand to be recognized as something they're not
They demand regular people reclassify themselves to benefit their agenda
They PUNISH those who don't pretend with them
Its liberal style white supremacy, period.
I mean how does this hurt black people specifically or any other racial group? It’s millions of whites against this. If a Black trans person wants to go by the gender they want are they hitting you with white supremacy? I don’t see the oppression.
I could see if they were on some shit saying you cant call yourself a male or female. Too you calling them by the name they want is an offense because you feel it’s forced on you by their society. To me it’s literally a small part of my day to call somebody the name they want. I can’t apply it to race though.
And I know Bow is gonna use the possibility of trans men sneaking into girls rooms but I think that’s more a pedophile issue than a trans issue. Trans people ain’t the ones molesting kids. The deadnaming shit or getting fired because you didn’t respect the rules of your job and called somebody a name they don’t go by that’s your fault. You live in the Bay every job has rules about gender and race and religion and politics.
But I need to see what does calling somebody by the name they decide hurt you as a Black man? Specifically I haven’t seen a large uptick of Black men becoming transgender they ain’t taking our jobs or families. Is it just because it makes you uncomfortable.
Is it possible more extreme stuff can happen like Bow said? Maybe in like Cali or NYC.