I dont think Black ppl should criticize each other in public when it comes to social issues or in Mo’niques/Kapernicks case, when someone Black is personally fighting aganist the machine.
too many dickheads were criticizing Kap in the media when they should have amplified his cause or spoke about issues that prompted him to kneel in the first place.
the same with Mo’nique—I personally think Tiffany should have just said “no comment” or spoke about issues pertaining to women of color and the wage gap or racism/misogynoir in hollyweird —-but thats only IF she has the range.
Now when it comes to Obama, Im on the fence. I think so many Black ppl are caught up in the symbolism of Obama and many are too blinded by their fandom to critique him fully in mass media. I havent seen one real ass opinion about Obama from a Black person outside of maybe Cornel West. So if someone who was informed begin to speak about the many failures within Obamas presidency both locally and abroad, it would be refreshing—-whether they are in front of “colonizers” or not.
I guess how I feel is, speak about shit that you have fully studied and can give a somewhat pragmatic view on.
Also, never downplay or undermine another Black persons “fight” in mass media. If Monique said hey I was a victim of misogynoir or “hey Netflix treated me in a racist way” just simply affirm her, even if you dont necessarily agree and keep it pushing.
Its really that simple