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Creepy or Not? Man tries to talk to woman outside of her apartment

@The Lonious Monk Again...what would you like the police to do to the man in this situation? What exactly ‘shouldn’t be allowed legally’? Serious question.

Investigate, engage with the dude and see what's doing, give him a warning to leave the chick alone, hit him with a menacing charge or something similar, etc... There has to a better course of action than "wait until the woman is attacked and then lament how you wish something could have been done."
Investigate, engage with the dude and see what's doing, give him a warning to leave the chick alone, hit him with a menacing charge or something similar, etc... There has to a better course of action than "wait until the woman is attacked and then lament how you wish something could have been done."

So we increase police funding?
@The Lonious Monk Again...what would you like the police to do to the man in this situation? What exactly ‘shouldn’t be allowed legally’? Serious question.

Based on the video evidence alone from the two videos we've seen he can be charged with menacing. In the first video he showed up to her home unannounced and attempted to enter by soliciting her. He also wouldn't leave when she refused his request. Menacing.

In the second video on the bench, he gives probable cause to his menacing in the first video by admitting the real reason why he was there. Him saying that he was going to rush in her apartment is an admission of guilt to the earlier menacing.

If they are in Memphis like her photo implicates or Dallas like the other video shows, then the two videos alone is enough evidence for the Police to CHARGE that guy with menacing.


At the bare minimum she has enough evidence for The Police Department to charge him with Menacing.
Investigate, engage with the dude and see what's doing, give him a warning to leave the chick alone, hit him with a menacing charge or something similar, etc... There has to a better course of action than "wait until the woman is attacked and then lament how you wish something could have been done."

Na, that's a real slippery slope that you're talking about. Outside of there being absolutely nothing illegal about what he did in that video (I haven't seen the 2nd video people are talking about), you REALLY want police to be able to go 'investigate' any black man that rings a doorbell and tries to talk to the occupant, all willy nilly?
Based on the video evidence alone from the two videos we've seen he can be charged with menacing. In the first video he showed up to her home unannounced and attempted to enter by soliciting her. He also wouldn't leave when she refused his request. Menacing.

In the second video on the bench, he gives probable cause to his menacing in the first video by admitting the real reason why he was there. Him saying that he was going to rush in her apartment is an admission of guilt to the earlier menacing.

If they are in Memphis like her photo implicates or Dallas like the other video shows, then the two videos alone is enough evidence for the Police to CHARGE that guy with menacing.


At the bare minimum she has enough evidence for The Police Department to charge him with Menacing.

I haven't seen the second video so I can't comment on it. But the older is false.

Also, I'm going based on the first video and video only. I'm pretty sure she went to the police station before the dumb nigga released that lying ass video trying to clean the hit up.
Na, that's a real slippery slope that you're talking about. Outside of there being absolutely nothing illegal about what he did in that video (I haven't seen the 2nd video people are talking about), you REALLY want police to be able to go 'investigate' any black man that rings a doorbell and tries to talk to the occupant, all willy nilly?

@Los216 just laid it out for you bruh.

We're not talking about calling the police on someone for ringing a doorbell here.
Remember when movies and other goofy media made it seem like crazy shit like this was the type of thing to do to show a chick you were really interested in her.

Yeah I've seen and read quite a few pieces over the past few years about how that shit in TV and movies basically sent the message that stalking and chasing a woman until she "finally gives in" was some romantic shit every woman likes. This is what happens when you have mainly men writing women characters in alot of media we were shown.
Yeah I've seen and read quite a few pieces over the past few years about how that shit in TV and movies basically sent the message that stalking and chasing a woman until she "finally gives in" was some romantic shit every woman likes. This is what happens when you have mainly men writing women characters in alot of media we were shown.

I don't know. I think the problem is more that people can't seem to tell the difference between fantasy and real life. You can blame the male writers, but a lot of that shit happened in RomComs that are primarily meant for women. So if women ate that shit up, then can you really blame the male writers for giving their audience what they want?

All these dudes running around doing dumb shit see themselves as playing it like it's in the movies and are incapable of reading the room and seeing that they are mistaken.
I don't know. I think the problem is more that people can't seem to tell the difference between fantasy and real life. You can blame the male writers, but a lot of that shit happened in RomComs that are primarily meant for women. So if women ate that shit up, then can you really blame the male writers for giving their audience what they want?

All these dudes running around doing dumb shit see themselves as playing it like it's in the movies and are incapable of reading the room and seeing that they are mistaken.

Oh nah that Disney princess "I want a man to come sweep me off my feet" shit that alot of parents instill in their daughters is also to blame for leaving them open to this shit as well.
I haven't seen the second video so I can't comment on it. But the older is false.

Also, I'm going based on the first video and video only. I'm pretty sure she went to the police station before the dumb nigga released that lying ass video trying to clean the hit up.

He was menacing in the first video. He said he lived on the property and he doesn't. He also attempted to enter her home. He also waited around to see if she was there.

That's menacing.
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He was menacing in the first video. he said he lived on the property and he doesn't. He also attempted to enter her home. He also waited around to see if she was there.

That's menacing.

We must've watched two different videos, my guy. Lol. Nothing in that video tells me that he was waiting for her. From what it looks like, the recording starts after he rang the doorbell or knocked. I didn't at all get that he was just sitting to there waiting until she randomly said 'Hello?'. And I also don't see where he tried to get into her home.

But honestly, we can all agree that the nigga is outta pocket, so this isn't the hill that I wanna die on, ya know?
We must've watched two different videos, my guy. Lol. Nothing in that video tells me that he was waiting for her. From what it looks like, the recording starts after he rang the doorbell or knocked. I didn't at all get that he was just sitting to there waiting until she randomly said 'Hello?'. And I also don't see where he tried to get into her home.

But honestly, we can all agree that the nigga is outta pocket, so this isn't the hill that I wanna die on, ya know?

Even though you believe dude is out of pocket, you don't seem to believe that anything legal should be done about is actions. That's really the point of disagreement here.
Even though you believe dude is out of pocket, you don't seem to believe that anything legal should be done about is actions. That's really the point of disagreement here.

Let me be clear about my position, because I don't want anything to be misconstrued. 'Should' has nothing to do with it. I'm not commenting on what 'should' happen at all.

My point is, according to the actual law, there really isn't anything that COULD be done, based on that video. I fail to see what laws homie violated. That's my point.