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Creepy or Not? Man tries to talk to woman outside of her apartment

seen one where dude comes up to her door, knocks… waits, she answers, he asks for a Jessica, the girl says

“no there’s no one here by that name..”

him: oh so she’s not here?

her: no, no Jessica here

him: is there anyone here?

her: no

him: can I eat you out?

her *shuts door immediately*

him *tries to stop door from closing* “come on!”

then he walks away

wild shit
So hmm, it seems as though she was aware of who he is. Perhaps she has seem him when she coming home and whatnot. So I don't know if it's creepy but my word is awkward 🤔. My immediate thoughts were not that he is dangerous but more so nervous, pushy and scattered emotions. When she stated she wasn't home the "where you at " questioning was a lil much.

He seemed liked he thought she was home, so that leads me to think he is familiar with her car, but if he was stalking then he would have known she wasn't home. He does come off very young.

He wasn't disrespectful with his words. But I would love to know if she called him. I need more information. Also I want to know what city this is lol