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OPINION Contradictions and Lies! Exposing the Democratic Party

Arrested for fighting for the rights of black people to vote in anti black politicians/policies

Maybe @CeLLar-DooR can explain why the democrats he bust it open for do more for illegal immigrants than they do for their foundational black citizens..
Fam you should volunteer in the inner city or do a internship for social services if you think the government don’t do shit for black people. Shit next time I’m down town in my area, ima take pictures of all dat shit
only ppl that dont do any real community work say shit like “inner city” and “the government is helping ppl” 😭😭😭😭😭😭
only ppl that dont do any real community work say shit like “inner city” and “the government is helping ppl” 😭😭😭😭😭😭
Race I’m not sure who they do in philly, but I’ve fucking seen the planning for the initiatives, I’ve seen them in actions and I’ve seen it raise families out of the projects and into homes. There are real live people that work their ass off on behalf of the government to help black people. My very own aunt and sister being two of em.
I’ve worked for the county and the city, I seent it. I’m sorry the it don’t align with the narrative you live by.

idc what you saw or what you think is happening but governement assistance is scarce for a lot of poor Black ppl and i dont see how anyone living in a pandemic at this present moment can think the government has been a supporter of the people just because they aunt and great great great uncle said so
idc what you saw or what you think is happening but governement assistance is scarce for a lot of poor Black ppl and i dont see how anyone living in a pandemic at this present moment can think the government has been a supporter of the people just because they aunt and great great great uncle said so
I’m not talking about government assistance. I’m talking about government intervention. But I get why you don’t get it. Till I seen the full scope of what’s being done, I didn’t believe they did much of nothing either.
I’m not talking about government assistance. I’m talking about government intervention. But I get why you don’t get it. Till I seen the full scope of what’s being done, I didn’t believe they did much of nothing either.

what have you seen?