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OPINION contradictions and lies! exposing the democratic party

Yea see, just like a lot of yall, he pretends adding brown and minorities and LGBT to BLACK PLIGHT is the morally right thing, but really it's just fucking cowardly. Diluting your plight to include others is cowardly not noble. Its slave mentality. Slaves don't prioritize themselves. You negro liberal tap dancers think just because you're articulate enough to get your point across means it's the right point to make. Its not. Its just cooning.
Plantation appreciation day

Dementia Jim Crow Joe crime bill Biden doesn't sounds very interested and is disingenuous

Kamammy just bedwench babbling. Spewing word salad in the wake of black people being slaughtered

King Jr sounds like a neutered version of his father, bastardizing the message. Dr King never COWERED behind the idea of love and nonviolence even though he pushed for it. The second generation civil rights negroes always tapdance from the King kids to Laila Ali safe ass

Way too much fucking smiling. Negroes just happy to be there, that's all

Biden aint bout to do shit for y'all, cuz HE DOESN'T HAVE TO


Yeah, they're all talk.

Nothing of substance at all.
Ukraine ✅
Asians ✅
illegals from Spanish countries ✅
illegals from Haiti 🚫
Afghans ✅

*checks notes*

Drug addicts ✅

See when the shit hits close to home these cacs are going to look out for each other, not black america

Hunter Biden is getting his folks 450M while the democrats ignore the reparations debt owed to us

Imagine voting for this

Lame ass broad


Imagine honoring karate and not saying the word Japanese

Imagine honoring spaghetti and not saying the word Italian

Now... Imagine honoring hip hop and not saying the word black

There's your first black VP right there, i hope yall proud

From her own lips she's not doing a motherfuckin thing for y'all... Black people are satisfied with getting recognition and attention. The democrats know this....

Toxic f word who gets benefits from the Democratic party for being LGBT and benefits from black people being downtrodden has a big gay cape for kamala

All the Shilling in the world is not going to get us to vote without tangibles or reparations on the table
No one would associate Karate with Japanese cause it originated in China
Thats all you got huh? Thats the takeaway huh?

Fuck all the anti black/pro everybody else content posted in this thread huh?

You're bascially saying none of that matters by deflecting to irrelevance

I dont know much about this dude.. but shiiiiet we need more of this type of talk from both sides. He's a democrat tho so fuck him right?