They really campaigned standing on abortion and wonder why they lost
That delusional scenario she made up applies to 1 in a million
Why the fuck should that be the most important thing to me and us?
That's what really made me leave the party of
Mules behind.
How for decades they scream at the top of their lungs..MY BODY MY CHOICE..???
When it came to abortion issues when big pharmas forced vaccine mandates came
I KNEW this would be the moment ...common ground can be made. NOW MEN can really join the fight for my body my choice..and
Link up and become a force
Boy was I LET DOWN big time.. All of a sudden the my body my choice crowd was
Silent as fuck.
As enemies to American freedom like Howard
Stern...who used to be the man in speaking up
For Freedom of speech...he was literally the poster child for Free Speech in the eighties.
Only to utter the most UnAmerican thing a mfuka could say.
and it was. "FUCK YOUR FREEDOM"
I knew at that point ...who the true enemies of American freedom were .
Fuckin Alan dorkwitz whatever the fuck lawyers name is
Literally said we should be able to force experimental drugs in people.
I knew it's only a matter of time before real
Men stand up to these cosplaying weirdos.
Cosplaying as sane adults trying to make America like the no freedom ass place they
Spawned from.
America for those that love what America really stands for .
And that's our Free Republic!!!
For which it stands.
One Nation
Under God...
Fuck democracy that's just fuckin
Mob Rule.
We are a nation of Laws.