You don't think the dems will take on a different lead demographic, ain't like they gotta worry about blacks going to the other or different party.
Check the previous posts in this thread.
They actually are worried about getting the black vote.
Well, to what you're saying........they might not be worried about black people going to a different party.
But they are worried they won't get enough black votes to stay in power.
On the surface, it seems like the same thing..........but that's not necessarily true.
Meaning, just because black people might not vote republican or go to another doesn't mean they're gonna show up in droves for the democratic party like they have in the past.
Had a similar discussion with
@Disanthrope a week or so ago.
If you look at last year's elections, a lot of those races were only decided by a percentage point or less.
There were a lot of 50-49.........49-48.......48-47...........etc races.
Herschel Walker almost became a senator.
Election was so close they had to have a recount/run-off election to decide that race.
The point is, given how close last year's races were.............if that pattern holds true in's not going to take an overwhelming number of black votes (or lack thereof) to get them out of power.
All it's gonna take is just enough to push it in favor of the republicans due to the dems not getting enough black votes.