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OPINION contradictions and lies! exposing the democratic party

Fuckin immigrants man
Can't stand them

You know better. We are not anti immigrant.

Its about pointing out that some immigrants are anti we

When people from immigrant backgrounds get in positions of power to undermine black americans it will be addressed
No you’re not Mr. Delusional but maybe you can take that girl you been stalking since IC
Its so weird how you have no problem openly showing obsession for me. You're not the only abw nigga obsessed with me but you're the only one who shows it clearly.

You'll go from thread to thread derailing the topic and tell lies like its breathing. All because you're too stupid to win debates. Loser

I feel like my presence and @Race Jones presence is the only thing that prevents yall from using coonspeak like "uncle joe" here. Its really disgusting to see any black person caping for such an obvious anti black politician who has done NOTHING for his black base

Even if you have all the intentions of voting democrat for life, wtf does that have to do with calling these people uncle and aunt and family members huh?

It's cuz some black people enjoy subjugation as long as it comes with a smile

Bootlicking biden is not the way to appeal to self respecting black people. Show me a black biden supporter who demonstrates INTEGRITY and DIGNITY. I'll wait..

I feel like my presence and @Race Jones presence is the only thing that prevents yall from using coonspeak like "uncle joe" here. Its really disgusting to see any black person caping for such an obvious anti black politician who has done NOTHING for his black base

Even if you have all the intentions of voting democrat for life, wtf does that have to do with calling these people uncle and aunt and family members huh?

It's cuz some black people enjoy subjugation as long as it comes with a smile

Bootlicking biden is not the way to appeal to self respecting black people. Show me a black biden supporter who demonstrates INTEGRITY and DIGNITY. I'll wait..

Did you even watch the video in the tweet?

Serious question
Did you even watch the video in the tweet?

Serious question
Sir no sir!!

That's my whole point

Ya lost me completely sis

You have no credibility whatsoever

I'll hear out anyone's biden cape even though I know it's bare minimum shit compared to what he's does for EVERYONE ELSE but when you coonspeak to me your point don't exist. Idc

That old white man doesn't portray himself as family in any way shape or form. Obama did, kamala tries a lil but biden litterally talked down to the congregational black caucus and told them to follow latinos lead

Not your uncle.
Its so weird how you have no problem openly showing obsession for me. You're not the only abw nigga obsessed with me but you're the only one who shows it clearly.

You'll go from thread to thread derailing the topic and tell lies like its breathing. All because you're too stupid to win debates. Loser

Lol bro you act like you don’t be throwing gay slurs in threads I’m not even in. You tag me all the time you’re not a victim. A clown