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I like thor a lot. Im big into mythology stuff, greek, norse, egyptian, and so on so im familiar a little bit with some of Thor's universe like Odin and Loki. Seeing them reimagined in a marvel way is pretty cool whether its Comics or film. They really dropped the ball on his films though. Hes a total badass in comics, not so much in his movies.
maybe its just me, but thor really aint all that intriguing of a character to me

i mean, he probably is a badass in the comics, but maybe thats just a character that doesnt translate well to films

i still havent watched any of his solo movies
They haven't done the greatest job in doing that like Guardians of the Galaxy he traverses throughout space all the time battling monsters big and small. A storyline called the godbutcher was crazy and could've been it's own trilogy.
yea...see...thats too much for me lol

i do love the GOTG though. I had no idea about any of its origins, but it was very interested in the movie

my only gripe was the dance off ending, but other than that, it was a pretty perfect film
Ben Affleck has stepped down as Director of The Batman. He will still be Writer/Actor/Producer of the film, but has stepped back from directing.

Understandable, but still has me worried with WB.
Meanwhile Aquaman just signed the brotha from The Get Down to be Black Manta and Nicole Kidman is in talks to play Aquamans mother.
Meanwhile Aquaman just signed the brotha from The Get Down to be Black Manta and Nicole Kidman is in talks to play Aquamans mother.

Aquaman is sounding so dope so far. Hope to god Geoff Johns input can change the critics attitude towards the DC films. Will still be there opening day for each film Marvel or DC though.
where is the Logan movie in the Xmen timeline again?

then where does this fit in within the Logan films?
You're not understanding brotha Fox doesn't give a damn.;l'// this is supposed to be in a post apocalyptic future though so assume most xmen and other mutants are dead
So dude doesn't have a daughter in the comics they just on some other shit
He never had a daughter she's a clone. The 23rd attempt hence her being called X-23. He does have a son though which doesn't look like that'll be happening lol.
where is the Logan movie in the Xmen timeline again?

All we know is its in the future. Its related to the xmen universe, but i dont think anything thats happened in previous films has an effect on Logan. I could be wrong though.

Heres a quote from the director on the timeline:

We are in the future, we have passed the point of the epilogue of Days Of Future Past. We're finding all these characters in circumstances that are a little more real. The questions of ageing, of loneliness, of where I belong. Am I still useful to the world? I saw it as an opportunity. We've seen these characters in action, saving the universe. But what happens when you're in retirement and that career is over? The really interesting thing to me, or a place to dig that hadn't been dug, was the idea of mutants when they're no longer useful to the world, or even sure if they can do what they used to do. Their powers are diminished like all of ours are by age.

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