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College Was Supposed to Close the Wealth Gap for Black Americans. The Opposite Happened.

The anti-college crowd always amuses me. If you thought college was an instant key to success, you're an idiot. People simply going to college doesn't guarantee anything. You have to got to college with a purpose, plan, and understanding of what you want to do. Tons of people of all races are coming out of colleges with either useless degrees or degrees that they either don't know how to use or aren't willing to put in the work to use. A college degree is not a free pass to wealth. At best it's just the credential you need to get in the door for a lot of professions.

Did you know that as an 18 yr old going to college? If so being honest how many of your fellow classmates., family and friends knew that before going to college for a few years?

IMO it's not even that people are really anti college. IMO it has more to do with what they were told all their life about college and then getting the cold reality about it after all those years.

It's no different than people realizing how much bullshit the so called american dream is.
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Did you know that as an 18 yr old going to college? If so being honest how many of your fellow classmates., family and friends knew that before going to college for a few years?

IMO it's not even that people are really anti college. IMO it has more to do with what they were told all their life about college and then getting the cold reality about it after all those years.

It's no different that people realizing how much bullshit the so called american dream is.

That's exactly why I don't think someone should even declare their major for real til towards the end of their sophomore year at the earliest. Expecting an 18/19 year old to make a decision that big that impacts their future should only be done after some actual experience
That's exactly why I don't think someone should even declare their major for real til towards the end of their sophomore year at the earliest. Expecting an 18/19 year old to make a decision that big that impacts their future should only be done after some actual experience

True and I'd add IMO more parents should push their kids into things that the kids are naturally gravitating to and are good at instead of what would make them the most money.

Money is great but making a little less money but being happier with your profession goes a long way in your personal life.
That's exactly why I don't think someone should even declare their major for real til towards the end of their sophomore year at the earliest. Expecting an 18/19 year old to make a decision that big that impacts their future should only be done after some actual experience
Or wait a year or 2 before entering college
Exactly the funny part about it is the people now screaming that STEM shit don't realize they're repeating the same shit from years past. Instead of it just being "go to college and get a degree" now its "go to college and get a degree in a STEM field"

Same shit different generation.

Facts and lead right back to the same issue too many people doing one thing just increases competition
I want to go back to school myself but Iā€™m not doing it soley to make money the field I wanna be in ainā€™t for the rich. But I can still get a career out of it. Just ainā€™t been in school since 2012
True and I'd add IMO more parents should push their kids into things that the kids are naturally gravitating to and are good at instead of what would make them the most money.

Money is great but making a little less money but being happier with your profession goes a long way in your personal life.

This reminds me of something a friend of mine who works in editing for Marvel TV said. She said "if I hear one more person complain about TV and movies being nothing buy reboots yet they keep pulling their kids out of arts programs...." and the shit made so much sense.
I always suspected college was bullshit.

Like the whole idea of taking out 100's of thousands of dollars out in loans n shit never sat right with me. But because my mother didn't go to college, and we lived in a community where no one else went to college.... She really thought that was my only chance....

It's a fucked up mentality to come up on. A lot of folks who have parents that went to college.... Or have more than one college student in their family really don't grasp it. I had the grades and the sat score to make it in a good school. I personally knew I wasn't ready nor was I excited about the shit.... But every important person in my life was under the impression if I didn't attempt to go, when I had the opportunity...I was throwing my life away.

So I went.... Lasted 18 months flunked out and IMMEDIATELY got a government job making pretty good money at the time. While college was dope for the friends and experience.... I was still left with like 70k in debt at 20....

And most black folk I know that have just Bachelor degree average about 70-200k in debt making about what a government employee with no college would have been making in the same time....

I know niggaz that spent those college years in jail and came out with a more profitable trade than someone who just went to college cuz their parents made them.

The institution of college itself isn't a fix or remedy to black problems. It is simply just one of many tools that if used properly can be beneficial.... However it's but the ONLY tool. And college definitely isn't for everybody.

There's way too many ways to make a decent living without that degree, and more importantly without that debt
I dont know Black parents that tell their kid to major in whatever with the expectation that they will land a high paying job. i had this same debate with my sociology professor when she made the claim ā€œBlack parents dont push their children into going to collegeā€ which is a flat out lie and a huge misconception.

Black ppl are still very strong believers in education being the great equalizer and as someone who worked in the education field i often times heard Black parents telling their kids they need to go to college because ā€œit is the precursor for a successful lifeā€ You would be hard pressed to find Black college bound kids that arent hoping to obtain a degree in biology, computer science, engineering etc especially those attending HBCUS

futhermore a liberal arts degree is still important and should still be pursued

so what @Vagrant-718 said was a lie and i dont need you @Mr BFK trying to back it up

and i wish yall would stop using your very limited unsupplemented personal experience to find fault with Black people for systemic issues COONS
College isn't bullshit. It's still needed and a good path for many to get into their chosen career field. And especially within the Black community many studies have shown that those who have a degree still do better than those without. It's all about what you use those years and that experience for. No it's not for everyone but you can't just write it off as bullshit just because it wasn't personally for you.
It also must be said that some on the "college is overrated" side also neglect to mention that even when you go get a trade you still have to do some form of schooling and taking CE classes to keep everything updated. So even if you don't go to traditional college you still have to go to some form of training or school in order to be certified to do alot of shit
You always have to take into consideration the generation of college student.

I'm very sure black students coming from two parents that are also college graduates have a better understanding of how to utilize than a first generation student that thinks it's either this or the military
How many black folks had to put their houses up for college??

Like we know it's fucked up when you gotta put the house up for bail money..... But it's cool when you gotta do it for college??
I always suspected college was bullshit.

Like the whole idea of taking out 100's of thousands of dollars out in loans n shit never sat right with me. But because my mother didn't go to college, and we lived in a community where no one else went to college.... She really thought that was my only chance....

It's a fucked up mentality to come up on. A lot of folks who have parents that went to college.... Or have more than one college student in their family really don't grasp it. I had the grades and the sat score to make it in a good school. I personally knew I wasn't ready nor was I excited about the shit.... But every important person in my life was under the impression if I didn't attempt to go, when I had the opportunity...I was throwing my life away.

So I went.... Lasted 18 months flunked out and IMMEDIATELY got a government job making pretty good money at the time. While college was dope for the friends and experience.... I was still left with like 70k in debt at 20....

And most black folk I know that have just Bachelor degree average about 70-200k in debt making about what a government employee with no college would have been making in the same time....

I know niggaz that spent those college years in jail and came out with a more profitable trade than someone who just went to college cuz their parents made them.

The institution of college itself isn't a fix or remedy to black problems. It is simply just one of many tools that if used properly can be beneficial.... However it's but the ONLY tool. And college definitely isn't for everybody.

There's way too many ways to make a decent living without that degree, and more importantly without that debt

That debt always steered me away. That's why I never entertained graduate school unless tuition was free on my behalf. I kept it undergrad while not engaging in all of that extreme debt. I had a supervisor that I used to work at this job a few years ago. He had a degree in forensic science with $80,000 in debt. He quit because the stress of it was exceeding. Then got a supervisor position at a floor tile warehouse, and at the time, probably wasnt making no more than $17 per hour smh
This reminds me of something a friend of mine who works in editing for Marvel TV said. She said "if I hear one more person complain about TV and movies being nothing buy reboots yet they keep pulling their kids out of arts programs...." and the shit made so much sense.
What arts programs?

If we're talking about in public schools, a great majority of those programs were cut years ago
Also folks refuse to go the CC route early on but wanna go straight to these universities thatā€™s breaking your pockets.

Or go out of state when they ainā€™t on scholarship which also force you to go deep in debt.

Hit up your local CC for a year or two and see if school is right for you and to weed out what exactly what you want to pursue in life.