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College FB player kills trans person after sex

Did I bloody well say that? Man I didn't even imply that!!

I'm just stating what I know to be true from the hundreds if not thousand of true crime stories I've listened to. I genuinely don't care if you believe it or not.

You choose to believe what you do based on some sensationalist media representation of "true crime" stories instead of hard facts.
see where you mess me up is how the fuck you ain’t know it was man before you felt balls. I haven’t seen one in person that make me think this is a natural born woman. I really don’t believe niggas when they say they were tricked. Do you?

You do realize the ones you don't know are trannies, you don't know are trannies right?So the ones that you thought were natural born women, but weren't... you never find out you were wrong.

You think you're catching 100% of them because you're only counting the ones you catch.
You choose to believe what you do based on some sensationalist media representation of "true crime" stories instead of hard facts.
Okay my bad, the only sentence I was replying to was this: "There's no epidemic of murders, there's no cause for alarm, there's no none of that"
You do realize the ones you don't know are trannies, you don't know are trannies right?So the ones that you thought were natural born women, but weren't... you never find out you were wrong.

You think you're catching 100% of them because you're only counting the ones you catch.

if I ain’t fucking em no problem
So if you saw on Insta that some chick who sucked your dick one time is trans you'd blame yourself or just wouldn't be mad or what



if I ain’t fucking em no problem

Your point was anyone fucking them is doing it knowingly because no trans people can pass.

Whether your fuckin em or not isn't relevant.

People can transition before they go through puberty, so I'm not sure why you think you're always gonna pick up on masculine features.
I dunno man. It's not like anything you do next is gonna get your dick unsucked by a trans.

But doing some shit that will make the the whole fiasco national news and also land me in jail just seems like compounding L's.

I'm just playing along though since I can't really relate to the scenario.
I dunno man. It's not like anything you do next is gonna get your dick unsucked by a trans.

But doing some shit that will make the the whole fiasco national news and also land me in jail just seems like compounding L's.

I'm just playing along though since I can't really relate to the scenario.

Probably act like nothing happened? What would you do?
You're buckbroken af lmao

Nigga you have reached super saiyan levels of "you can't tell me shit"

You can't tell me how to walk across the street!

You tell me what time is I'll still call POP-CORN

boy you been seasoned, marinated overnight, twice battered and deep fried

You outta here lmao

