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Child Support - Fair or Foul?

a patna of urs was tryna dodge child support?

I aint ask if he was trying to dodge it or not, I just over-heard the convo and his anger about being put on child support.

That's on his body what he and his child's mother going through.

I just listen.
Yo, nigga on point to the T. Lol

Just heard a patna of mines verbatim give this same speech last night. Smh

neva in my life can i eva see myself in this situation under no circumstances ever....

i hate to seem judgemental... but shit like this just ain't for me fam.......

i don't care how much i fuck up in life.....these gonna be words that will NEVER come out my mouth.....

that's some sucka as shit......it just it what it is
neva in my life can i eva see myself in this situation under no circumstances ever....

i hate to seem judgemental... but shit like this just ain't for me fam.......

i don't care how much i fuck up in life.....these gonna be words that will NEVER come out my mouth.....

that's some sucka as shit......it just it what it is
they coming for u. wanna borrow my bullet proof vest?
neva in my life can i eva see myself in this situation under no circumstances ever....

i hate to seem judgemental... but shit like this just ain't for me fam.......

i don't care how much i fuck up in life.....these gonna be words that will NEVER come out my mouth.....

that's some sucka as shit......it just it what it is

Big brother, I feel your heart, but everyone aint like you.

You spoke on something about why it always seem that I at times post about messy/crazy stuff, in my world and your world aint the same (and nothing is wrong wit that) we still all equal at the end of it all. I just like to share the stuff.

This was a comedy skit, but here, this goes on everyday, I know at least 20-30 dudes going through it like this, and this is why the dude made the skit because it happens so often down here.

A guy could do everything right in the book and a chick will go down there with a str8 face downtown, and hit him with them papers, man some chicks here/ period are so grimy and gutta and vindictive, it don't make no sense, they'll wait until the child make 17 and go down and file a support case on you making you have to pay back pay on that child, lie to the judge face and say you aint been providing at all for the child and she's been the primary parental personal for that child/children and what you go do? Say no, she's lying judge, and provide receipts for all what you've done for that child over the 17 years? Courts aint trying to see that nor hear that. I've seen it, heard about it, sad situation, but when mad day come for a woman, there aint nothing you as a man can really do to change her heart.

Saying you Neva won't say that or do what dude did in the clip, I hear you big brother, but I'll bet money against that. Any woman can get under any dude skin, she just gotta know the right button to push
Big brother, I feel your heart, but everyone aint like you.

You spoke on something about why it always seem that I at times post about messy/crazy stuff, in my world and your world aint the same (and nothing is wrong wit that) we still all equal at the end of it all. I just like to share the stuff.

This was a comedy skit, but here, this goes on everyday, I know at least 20-30 dudes going through it like this, and this is why the dude made the skit because it happens so often down here.

A guy could do everything right in the book and a chick will go down there with a str8 face downtown, and hit him with them papers, man some chicks here/ period are so grimy and gutta and vindictive, it don't make no sense, they'll wait until the child make 17 and go down and file a support case on you making you have to pay back pay on that child, lie to the judge face and say you aint been providing at all for the child and she's been the primary parental personal for that child/children and what you go do? Say no, she's lying judge, and provide receipts for all what you've done for that child over the 17 years? Courts aint trying to see that nor hear that. I've seen it, heard about it, sad situation, but when mad day come for a woman, there aint nothing you as a man can really do to change her heart.

Saying you Neva won't say that or do what dude did in the clip, I hear you big brother, but I'll bet money against that. Any woman can get under any dude skin, she just gotta know the right button to push

FIGHT BACK! @Savage Du
Big brother, I feel your heart, but everyone aint like you.

You spoke on something about why it always seem that I at times post about messy/crazy stuff, in my world and your world aint the same (and nothing is wrong wit that) we still all equal at the end of it all. I just like to share the stuff.

This was a comedy skit, but here, this goes on everyday, I know at least 20-30 dudes going through it like this, and this is why the dude made the skit because it happens so often down here.

A guy could do everything right in the book and a chick will go down there with a str8 face downtown, and hit him with them papers, man some chicks here/ period are so grimy and gutta and vindictive, it don't make no sense, they'll wait until the child make 17 and go down and file a support case on you making you have to pay back pay on that child, lie to the judge face and say you aint been providing at all for the child and she's been the primary parental personal for that child/children and what you go do? Say no, she's lying judge, and provide receipts for all what you've done for that child over the 17 years? Courts aint trying to see that nor hear that. I've seen it, heard about it, sad situation, but when mad day come for a woman, there aint nothing you as a man can really do to change her heart.

Saying you Neva won't say that or do what dude did in the clip, I hear you big brother, but I'll bet money against that. Any woman can get under any dude skin, she just gotta know the right button to push
the reason why i made the post i made is because i see it all the time and it always makes my stomach hurt....

i've dealt with some grimey ass chicks bruh, chicks that i am more the certain have put mutliple niggaz on papers before... but i nevva wifed, went raw, or even played like i was fittin to settle down even for a half second with chicks like that....

niggaz play dumb....all the time... the try to bullshit their way out of it, but they knew they was fucking up from the jump....

and really sit there playing shocked when shit blow up.....

i call bullshit....

u have to be a good judge of character when you start playing them type games....

it ain't a coincidence, or luck, or good fortune, or anything else other than being careful as shit that explains me being married and 29 before my first child came into this world....

and i picked a good one....me and my wife both smart, and mature enough to work out our situation if for any reason our relationship don't work out......i picked her like that, and she picked me like that....

and i refuse to believe for one second that we're so much smarter, or luckier than everybody else....

naw we just were a lot more careful, and ain't have no kids with no trifling ass people....

i done fucked my share of trifling chicks, and i'm sure she had her share of trifling niggaz.... but we both survived that shit child free....and we can't say the same for all our friends.....

when i say never i mean never like i ain't never gonna smoke crack or heroin, i seent what it do to people, that ain't for me....

i seent what fuckign with ratchets do to a nigga life... i've been seeing it my whole life......

i ain't even start fucking till i was 20 cuz i couldn't do them ratchets like that......

i done stopped talking with chicks immediately just cuz i knew they wasn't what i really wanted in my life...

good head, good pussy....good looks.....that shit alone ain't enough for me to be reckless with my seed...neither is good drink and smoke.....

niggaz put themselves in them type situations....they don't just happen....

i ain't putting my self in that type of situation, no more than imma put myself in a lion's cage at the zoo....some shit i just know better than
How does a dude know if a girl would put him on child support pr not though?

You can ask the girl after you done fuck'd her good, dress her up in diamonds and pearls, let her pick out the colors of your home, dance at her mama wedding, and she can tell you no she'll neva put you on child support, but guess wha, mad day come and who know what that will bring out in her.

Anyone woman at any given time can put a dude on child support

Now I agree with you about there are cases where you can see it coming from a mile away and you still chose to be involve with the chick but in some cases, dudes be shocked that they get that letter in the mail and go off like how dude went off in the clip

So let me ask you this Du,

What would you tell your son or nephew so that they could avoid child support payments? date nothing but PKs (preacher daughters)
How does a dude know if a girl would put him on child support pr not though?

You can ask the girl after you done fuck'd her good, and she can tell you no but guess wha, mad day come and who know what that will bring out in her.

Anyone woman at any given time can put a dude on child support

Now I agree with you about there are cases where you can see it coming from a mile away and you still chose to be involve with the chick but in some cases, dudes be shocked that they get that letter in the mail and go off like how dude went off in the clip

So let me ask you this Du,

What would you tell your son or nephew so that they could avoid child support payments? date nothing but PKs (preacher daughters)
dude you know a trifling chick when you see her.. red flags popping up all over the place....

if you chose to ignore them. you deserve to get caught up
Dudes still under the impression that the child support system is the old antiquated Staten it was. It's still not totally fair but it's come a long way.

If you even for one second think there might be some fuckery that will take place in the event you and a chick go y'all separate ways, then it's on YOU to provide proof you are providing financial support as well as doing proof that you are actively trying to be in the child life.

Of course if you act like you don't give af, then don't expect no sympathy from anybody. Expect to come out of your pocket. But if you want custody on any level, the court will honor that and won't stick you with some wack amount to pay

Or, idk, how about get your ass an attorney. If your child means that much to you, do what you gotta do to hire an attorney. Stop acting helpless when there are more options at your disposal now than in any point in child custody case history
i can't tell a little man who to like and who not to like.. all i can tell them is to always use good judgement, and don't ignore warning signs that a chick ain't bout shit....

cuz more times than not...they ain't bout shit....in fact...most people ain't bout shit....and people love to show you how much they ain't bout shit... just pay attention....and don't make no life long decisions unless you ready to live that shit out
dude you know a trifling chick when you see her.. red flags popping up all over the place....

if you chose to ignore them. you deserve to get caught up

What if the trifling chick doesn't put one on child support and the non-trifling does? Then wha?

So all these dudes that are on child support have went raw in nothing but trifling chicks and chicks with red flags?
Why wait to get served by papers to start giving a damn in the first place
How does a dude know if a girl would put him on child support pr not though?

You can ask the girl after you done fuck'd her good, dress her up in diamonds and pearls, let her pick out the colors of your home, dance at her mama wedding, and she can tell you no she'll neva put you on child support, but guess wha, mad day come and who know what that will bring out in her.

Anyone woman at any given time can put a dude on child support

Now I agree with you about there are cases where you can see it coming from a mile away and you still chose to be involve with the chick but in some cases, dudes be shocked that they get that letter in the mail and go off like how dude went off in the clip

So let me ask you this Du,

What would you tell your son or nephew so that they could avoid child support payments? date nothing but PKs (preacher daughters)
why are you villifying child support payments? If someone isn't dodging them, they can actually save you money. I know plenty of people paying more on voluntary child support than they would officially. it might be a convenience thing or simply not wanting to chase someone up about it.

also, backdating child support years isn't common unless they filed way back n the person just didn't pay. u can't go to the courts 17 years later and claim u just didn't get around to filing. that'd get you laughed outta court.
Dudes still under the impression that the child support system is the old antiquated Staten it was. It's still not totally fair but it's come a long way.

If you even for one second think there might be some fuckery that will take place in the event you and a chick go y'all separate ways, then it's on YOU to provide proof you are providing financial support as well as doing proof that you are actively trying to be in the child life.

Of course if you act like you don't give af, then don't expect no sympathy from anybody. Expect to come out of your pocket. But if you want custody on any level, the court will honor that and won't stick you with some wack amount to pay

Or, idk, how about get your ass an attorney. If your child means that much to you, do what you gotta do to hire an attorney. Stop acting helpless when there are more options at your disposal now than in any point in child custody case history


You can provide proof, that doesn't mean anything in the court eyes, you can keep all the recepits you want and present them in a folder and even have yo mama saying how she keeps the child, if that child's mama go down there to the courts and file a petition, yo ass will be paying
Why wait to get served by papers to start giving a damn in the first place

Who is saying that one is waiting?

Dudes go all out for their kids, and still get put on papers?

Do you think that it's only dudes who don't provide for their kids are only on papers?
Speaking from experience of being a woman, I have seen my share of women put their kids dad on child support because of a break up and the women weren't trifling at all.
Who is saying that one is waiting?

Dudes go all out for their kids, and still get put on papers?

Do you think that it's only dudes who don't provide for their kids are only on papers?
there are dudes who willingly go on papers because there's a cap on what the courts can charge you in some states. they might be paying $2k informally and only $1.5k if they do things officially. or they just might not want the bullshit of handling it themselves.

acting like being put on papers is a punishment is a lil suspect n wondering if it's because they weren't keeping up with their responsibilities isn't unreasonable.

You can provide proof, that doesn't mean anything in the court eyes, you can keep all the recepits you want and present them in a folder and even have yo mama saying how she keeps the child, if that child's mama go down there to the courts and file a petition, yo ass will be paying
You wrong