I may be getting too deep here, but work with me..... Cuz I swear something race said triggered a thought I was having the other day.....
We have an obsession with jail, that may not necessarily match our true beliefs about right and wrong.
To deny that prison is largely about profit in this country is simply down to ignorance at this point. Prison is a business. Harsh sentencing has little to do with right and wrong,, but everything to do with green.
That said let's look back at for a quick second at our..... Childhoods...
We're constantly taught about mistakes. Saying we're sorry, and giving people second chances. We teach our children the same values. People make mistakes. Forgiveness is even a cornerstone of many of our religions.
Even in cartoons. The bad guy sees his wrong, feels bad, apologizes, and everyone hugs and forgives him. He has his redemption through facing his peers, and then he is allowed to be one with the group again.
This is at our cores. We recognize that any one of us can have a bad day, or make bad decisions. We don't take the stance that all those who fuck up should be punished, we are more, everybody makes mistakes.
That's until we reach adulthood and have an over whelming urge to see people punished for the silliest shit....
We make constant mockeries of it. We been arguing for decades as to the integrity of it due to so so much corruption.
Plus to add in the very obvious racist agendas being enforced through police, and the fact that the elitist make trillions off of the prison system.
There's just too much going on to not question the absolute worth of police....
I would love to sum this up with a solution or alternative, but imma let this cook first