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OUT NOW Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

What time do you guys typically group up and play. I'm trying to link up but I'm a early sleeper. Seems like yall get on hella late.
I've been working overnights for years. I'm going to sleep as early and waking up as early as I can. Lol at losing daylight to play video games.
sooooo you cant take vitamins b/c you work overnight? lol

i knew what you meant the first time nignog. I was just telling you to take some vitamins anyway regardless of when you're up/sleep

I cant talk. Anytime my lil girl comes over, the move is to always put her to bed around 8:30 CST, let her get in her REM sleep, then jump on the game by 9:30 and like clockwork, my eyes start to get heavy as shit and i go to sleep

I'ma try to hop on this weekend, but I just dont see it happening lol. I actually end up catching up on sleep when she's here
Man I thought you was about to Lex Lugar my ass, I couldn't move, PM popped yo ass in the head, to free me, then I popped PM in the neck PM LOL.

I heard Cain yell over the mic, I think you had got Cain with the execution, or it may have been Du

That boy Mooney was doing his thing.
I was so mad that i didnt get both yall niggas smh
You won when everyone was sleepy lol
That's a malarkey ass lie...

I told y'all from the jump I was surgical on rust....

Any time we run rust I'm finishing top 3 if not #1

Cain knew it was real when I jumped and threw a fire bomb at him while he thought he was hiding up top...

I was picking everybody off that ran up there