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Bus drivers shoots teen after being stomped out

that is self defense. welcome to america. where you cannot even defend yourself. and even if it was so called no longer self defense.

anybody who gets jump by 5 to 10 dudes. is not going to be in the right frame of mind. and you are going to want to reilate or kill somebody.

cannot blame the man. i want to kill my neibors dog and them. and lord knows. i throw a glass at my neibors yard. and cut up the dogs feet.

as a warning shot. saying anymore dog poop in my yard. and they both finna get injured.

i been jump alot of times in my life. and by the grace of god. i never had my knife on me when i did.

i would of stab somebody. or be dead.

i been about 40 fights. and jumped 10 times. since elementary school. and the level of bad thoughts and murderous thoughts that is on your head is insane.

5. i believe the white man. because it was not a regular white or us citizen. it was a bus driver. 80% of the time meaning they not going try to fight you or start some shit. just tell you to get off the bus. or stop cursing. or they might be a jerk.

but they never going put they hands on you. they just call the police on you.

if the bus driver was been mean or rude. they should of just got off the bus. or when it left throw something at the bus. and ran.

or spit at him. or throw a drink and left. and ran.
First thing I thought of was what that cac did to them jits to make him get stomped out.
Board full of old niggaz so it's an automatic hate for the youngins I guess 🤷🏽‍♀️

i rode the cota bus for about 20 years of my 35 year miserable life. and before disable uber service. i hate alot of bus drivers because they are mean,rude and full of themselves. espically with the disable and mentally ill clients who are there biggest cusomters.

so your right. i do have a distain for them.

but at the end of the day. bus drivers never put there hands on riders. or confront them or fuck with them unless they are blasting loud music,eating,smoking and drinking or causing a scene. or been rude and sexual explicted shit or messing with other customers.

i dealth with some bad ones too.

but none of it ever called for me to jump them or beat them up.

and most bus drivers never fuck with the riders or do somethign that makes somebody that mad that they would have 10 niggas fight one nigga.

Putting myself in his shoes.
I'm 48 years old and being jumped on by kids more than half my age and getting kicked and stomped on.
Heck by my age, I might already have had a previous heart attack/weak heart or other medical issues and bodily ailments.
I'm taking all of those lumps including to my head 🤕 as a threat to my life... So if I got the means to retaliate on one or all of them, of course I'm gonna do it.

This ain't he went looking for them a week later, he reacted instanteously and instinctively... Fight or Flight! Once he had the opportunity to get up, he chose the former.

Also to them kids, if you gonna jump someone especially a very grown ass man and where you outnumber them, best be prepared for whatever. You only felt you had strength in numbers, well he had strength in his bullets to level up.

Can't be wanting smoke and crying when there's a smoking gun....
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I just saw a story about some kids car jacking and killing an old man at a gas station. I'm tired of these savages. Fuck 'em all. I can't for the life of me find it, but I remember seeing an article a while back where the Feds did some research and found out that the majority of the violent crime was committed by around 2% of the people in the community. If that's really true, I'm good with that 2% being taken out of here.
Man I dont condone jumping or getting jumped but some of yall too hard on the kids.

The kids are 15. They dumb. Yall never got into a group fight or jumped a mfer or got jumped as kids?

Shit aint right but shit worth getting killed over.

And I say that even though I felt it was fair for dude to shoot them cause in the heat of the moment, you gotta protect yourself.

All that said, I aint about to sit here and say I wish the kids should have got killed just for jumping a mfer at 15. They aint even old enough to really learn the lessons from their mistakes.

Now if they was 25+, then id feel differently cause they should have been learned why they cant jump grown folks by then.
Man I dont condone jumping or getting jumped but some of yall too hard on the kids.

The kids are 15. They dumb. Yall never got into a group fight or jumped a mfer or got jumped as kids?

Shit aint right but shit worth getting killed over.

And I say that even though I felt it was fair for dude to shoot them cause in the heat of the moment, you gotta protect yourself.

All that said, I aint about to sit here and say I wish the kids should have got killed just for jumping a mfer at 15. They aint even old enough to really learn the lessons from their mistakes.

Now if they was 25+, then id feel differently cause they should have been learned why they cant jump grown folks by then.
One kick to the head could have killed that man so I have no issue with him popping one of those kids
Word. Its why I said it was fair for him to shoot them.

Cats in this thread saying they wished he killed them is what I have a problem with.

lol Bruh, if you cool with someone getting shot at, you need to be cool with them getting killed too because if it goes to gunplay, somebody dying is a very likely outcome.

And all that "They just 15" shit is out the door. 15 y/os are out there merking people these days. I get what you're saying. When I was in high school niggas used to jump people, but they knew when to stop. They wasn't trying to really take anyone outta here. It's not like that anymore.
Man I dont condone jumping or getting jumped but some of yall too hard on the kids.

The kids are 15. They dumb. Yall never got into a group fight or jumped a mfer or got jumped as kids?

Shit aint right but shit worth getting killed over.

And I say that even though I felt it was fair for dude to shoot them cause in the heat of the moment, you gotta protect yourself.

All that said, I aint about to sit here and say I wish the kids should have got killed just for jumping a mfer at 15. They aint even old enough to really learn the lessons from their mistakes.

Now if they was 25+, then id feel differently cause they should have been learned why they cant jump grown folks by then.

At 15 in Detroit at the height of the crack epidemic there, we still had enough respect for our elders that wasn't nobody gettin' jumped like that. Nigga could be on the bus talking shit ant we'll have words, then get off the bus but wasn't nobody flingin' their fists like that.

Them kids knew right from wrong, there's no need to try to defend their actions.

If you engage someone physically, especially in a group like that, expect death as a fair option once the person you jumped is able to reach a weapon. If it was one-on-one that's different; it's hoe shit to shoot 'cause you got your ass kicked. But 1-on-5??? Nah b, the only assumption that could be made is that they're trying to kill you and your options to defend yourself include shooting.
Fuck all the coulda should woulda if.....if.....if

Nothing in that short clip we see condones MURDERING them young men

Injuring and scattering them, sure.
Killing them? Fuck and no
lol Bruh, if you cool with someone getting shot at, you need to be cool with them getting killed too because if it goes to gunplay, somebody dying is a very likely outcome.

And all that "They just 15" shit is out the door. 15 y/os are out there merking people these days. I get what you're saying. When I was in high school niggas used to jump people, but they knew when to stop. They wasn't trying to really take anyone outta here. It's not like that anymore.

I really dont understand where our disconnect is. Maybe im not explaining myself correctly.

All im saying is, the dude being jumped was justified in shooting and killing them. Thats fair.

The people in here saying he wished he killed the kids after the fact is who im having issues with.

Heat of the moment, man is allowed to do whatever he feels to protect himself.

But when its done and we look at it from here and call 15 year olds savage and hope they died, i cant rock with it. 15 year old are allowed to fuck up and learn from it imo.