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I feel like folks is really being intellectually dishonest with the 'just don't take drugs out the country' take

.07 grams is a blunt yo. 9 yrs is excessive. Being a political prisoner is absurd. Shrugging her plight off because she broke their 'law' is dangerous.

Dangerous af
If you don't want to do a bid for bringing.07 grams of CBD through a Russian airport than don't get caught bringing .07 grams of CBD through a Russian airport.

We have too many real problems going on to waste our limited resources on stupid people who make horrifically bad decisions. Brittany Griner was sentenced on the same day that the feds finally indicated the pigs who murdered Brianna Taylor. When you cry wolf for idiots like Brittany Griner it makes it that much more difficult to get justice for people like Brianna Taylor. Sorry Brittany but you did it to yourself 🤷. See ya in 9 years.
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Wrong. My stance is don’t play in other people countries because the same rules don’t apply.

What rules don't apply? Your entire stance is to respect the laws of the land your in and if you break them then whatever punishment you get is fair game because it's their views and culture. You just can't expect everyone else to cosign an idea that gives a pass to disproportionate punishment simply because "its the law".
I mean, the Taliban out here stoning women for adultery and shit and that's legal and just.

Throwing someone in prison for a decade over a blunt is dumb.

And Russia is the only country that put more people per 100,000 than the USA. Just like the USA, it is a prison nation.

We already know that harsh prison sentences and harsh laws do not deter crime whatsoever. And drug enforcement laws fuels the drug trade.

Russia doesn't even punish their own super criminals nor would they ever extradite their own to another country. So it's not as if Russia is acting out of some sense of morality.

Russia is not Singapore.

BG is only locked up because she's American. Which is why the State Department do not suggest Americans go to China or Russia, because they'll lock your ass up for anything.

The proper protocol for what BG is accused of, for something that minor, is to send her ass back to America and ban her from entering the country.


This basically could have been half the dudes in this thread saying this shit.

I saw a lot of posters whose opinions I used to respect show their ass frankly because it was a black lesbian getting her life ruined over some shit they probably do every day.

Talking that fascist shit like they never broke a law before. Disgusting.
.07 is a blunt here .... Yet that could be considered a ki' in country's that don't play bringing drugs into the country.

We're all looking at it like it's no biggie because we're here in the US but if she was in Thailand or one of those Asian or Arab countries she could get the death penalty.
False af. Again, intellectually dishonest

Her charges b4 she plead guilty was intent to distribute. You know the game as well as better than I....what you distributing with less than a blunt???
You can't break another country laws even if you think the law is dumb and that's what people not realizing.
Again, intellectually dishonest

You SHOULDN'T break any country law, even your home country laws. But we all know stupid laws exist that don't necessarily reflect the culture/times of today

For example: It’s illegal to be drunk while in a bar in Alaska. Yes, a bar......

Getting caught in an international airport with illegal drugs is NOT the same thing as getting beat up for "talking back" to a police officer.
No but it the same as having 3.5grams and an officer writing the report as intent to distribute

Which happens in the US ALL the time. No need to take this outside the realm of drugs
If you don't want to do a bid for bringing.07 grams of CBD through a Russian airport than don't get caught bringing .07 grams of CBD through a Russian airport.

We have too many real problems going on to waste our limited resources on stupid people who make horrifically bad decisions. Brittany Griner was sentenced on the same day that the feds finally indicated the pigs who murdered Brianna Taylor. When you cry wolf for idiots like Brittany Griner it makes it that much more difficult to get justice for people like Brianna Taylor. Sorry Brittany but you did it to yourself 🤷. See ya in 9 years.

how? breonna taylor’s murderers been walking around free years before BG’s ass was even locked up in a foreign country

they’ve had all that time to do right by her and aint did shit. but NOW BG’s case is making it difficult for them to seek justice for breonna taylor?

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I want homegirl back home with her family 🤷

She did a dumb but if we can make a trade for her, I'd do it. Putting on airs like we solved weapons smuggling by keeping one old ass dude locked up ain't helping nobody. I think it was reported that Biden actually offered the dude a while ago on the hush but Putin is bullshitting. Now that she actually convicted, they might try to squeeze more out of us.