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Blk Women Should Wear Natural Hair Or Not Complain About Culture Appropriation

I'm not making big money but I have been told several times by my boss not to wear my hair a certain way. I'm not going to lower my standards of living, which isn't high over hair. Plus take into account where people live. I'm sorry but this isn't feasible for many people. In this country yes you are going to have to fit in why because we are the minority. It doesn't matter how high you get. Case in point Michelle Obama has been seen recently rocking natural texture, did you see her doing that in the white house?? No. And that's pretty damn high up so I think the expectation to exist in a world where we can be ourselves all the time is pretty unreleastic for the foreseeable future.
Without know the former First Lady I am sure she knew her husband wouldn't get elected if she wore her hair natural and would get judged harshly after the election. So she sacrficed for her family and the rest of us as black people for that manner. I started my post with you have to have balance. Meaning you have to do with you are comfortable doing in order to look yourself in the mirror. No one should judge you for that and please forgive me if you think I did. Sometimes typing makes it hard to view where a person is coming from. I am ok with my sacrifices but I wouldn't put that burden on anyone else.
The more we allow others to put us in a box the smaller that box will get.

If we begin to change our hair because of financial fears what will we change next? There are opportunities out there for everyone. I truly believe that and have experienced it myself.

My success and the amount of money I make isn't a reflection of my degrees, my perm, my cosmetic surgery, my white husband & mixed children, or the inheritance I received from my great grandparents. (None of which I have) It is a reflection of me and me alone. What I chose and did not choose to do in and with my life and there is not a D*MN company alive that will have me second guessing who I am or what makes me smile just to receive a check.

I've left and/or not accepted jobs in the past and I would do it again. Do not teach our little ones to compromise what they believe or what makes them smile for money. There is always a way to keep yourself in tact and live the life you love with Joy.

Many call me naive because they have no idea where I come from. I chuckle :) But I and these chickens smile uncompromised and at the end of the day, that's all that matters.
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Well i am glad y'all got it like that but Kay gotta eat

I live in a pretty much all white community and to not conform means I don't eat.

I am sorry I am going to provide for mine the best way I can, if I have to wear my hair a certain way, covering my boobs, dressing conservative-women especially (not just black women) have been doing this to survive in a mans world for decades.

Just because I choose to do this does not mean I have lost my soul or my identity-my hair does not make me who I am so for me it isnt even close to being that serious.

And we are all conforming in some way