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Blk Women Should Wear Natural Hair Or Not Complain About Culture Appropriation

But how is it selling your soul when you are trying to work and provide and earn a living?

Because massa said you can only do that if you look a certain way. Or that you can't if you look a certain way.

So do we change that up just to work?
Because massa said you can only do that if you look a certain way. Or that you can't if you look a certain way.

So do we change that up just to work?

I get what you are saying but truthfully yes-just as I code switch.

I don't have the choice to just up and leave or not work at a place that demands this and neither do many of us
I get what you are saying but truthfully yes-just as I code switch.

I don't have the choice to just up and leave or not work at a place that demands this and neither do many of us

And there lies their hand of control on many of us. This...they know.

truth, but do we conform, because of these facts? Do we "not" wear our natural hair because of the restrictions set in place by those who despise us?

Should we sell our souls so that we can attend a business course, school or other establishments that would not accept us otherwise?

what do we do when even HBCUs r on that tip?
Because massa said you can only do that if you look a certain way. Or that you can't if you look a certain way.

So do we change that up just to work?
The military not too long ago reversed it's restrictions/bans regarding natural/dreaded hair. Im sure a lot of these ppl just couldn't say "Oh well, I guess I'll quit". It was unfortunate, but it is what it is in certain circumstances.
@Reesey babe its not realistic.

are you going to provide an alternative route for these women?

are you going to supplement their income since they can no longer work for "massa" and make a decent living?
instead of scolding Black women how about scold a society that shames and berates Black women for their hair choices.
damn give us a fucking break.

we got enough on our plates already

I know that's not a solution for now but I think if we started changing our mind state from wanting to work for their companies and move up to working for ourselves where we wouldn't have to answer to anybody but ourselves we wouldn't face some of the issues we do.
think about what yall are saying here.

do you understand how many Black people are denied business loans?

or what about predatory loans that keep Black people in a socioeconomic trap?

what about some of us that don't want to own a business? (like me)

if I wore a weave, worked my ass off for my degree and went out in the world to make a difference that should be all that matters.

not whats on my fucking head.

why are white people and Black people policing Black womens hair?

werent yall the same ones mad at the video clip reesey posted yesterday and now yall turning around and doing the same shit?

you are legit telling Black women not to go to work and do what they have to do to survive because of something as trite as hair.

that shit is real scary to me.
think about what yall are saying here.

do you understand how many Black people are denied business loans?

or what about predatory loans that keep Black people in a socioeconomic trap?

what about some of us that don't want to own a business? (like me)

if I wore a weave, worked my ass off for my degree and went out in the world to make a difference that should be all that matters.

not whats on my fucking head.

why are white people and Black people policing Black womens hair?

werent yall the same ones mad at the video clip reesy posted yesterday and now yall turning around and doing the same shit?

you are legit telling Black women not to go to work and do what they have to do to survive because of something as trite as hair.

that shit is real scary to me.

Nigga calm down lol We're having a discussion, nobody's attacking anyone. There's many ways to skin a cat, we're just trading ideas on how to reach the same goal, we're all on the same team here.
think about what yall are saying here.

do you understand how many Black people are denied business loans?

or what about predatory loans that keep Black people in a socioeconomic trap?

what about some of us that don't want to own a business? (like me)

if I wore a weave, worked my ass off for my degree and went out in the world to make a difference that should be all that matters.

not whats on my fucking head.

why are white people and Black people policing Black womens hair?

werent yall the same ones mad at the video clip reesy posted yesterday and now yall turning around and doing the same shit?

you are legit telling Black women not to go to work and do what they have to do to survive because of something as trite as hair.

that shit is real scary to me.
word. even as a free agent without a set employer, I wld still have to get clients n cast a wide net. then u got public facing roles? ppls reception of u wld have an impact. shit, even if u r an entrepreneur. n being an entrepreneur aint 4 every1.

@Reesey, did u not say u r cautious of what you wear as a voluptuous woman because of how your corporate colleagues will respond?
Yes, I buy things to try and hide the girls as well.
I work in the Exec world full of white folk who may have only seen a juicy black woman in porno's.
I'm like a exotic martian in heels to these dudes smh.

I started wearing ONLY business suits and high neck dresses. lol that wasn't good enough.
My female SVP (who, mind you, wears low cut shirts, cleavage all over the place) decided to tell me that I was a distraction in the workplace and that she would like for me to try and dress a different way.

I said, with all due respect ma'am, but I wear business suits where you wear low cut blouses and mini skirts. We can go today and buy the exact same turtle neck ankle length dress and wear it the same day and you all will still find it revealing/a distraction.

she laughed it off and tried to hit me with the "Giiirrl, we can't help what we have amiright?"

It isn't apples and apples but my point is that peoples perceptions of your appearance does play a part in your aesthetic decision making. I aint judging - I do the same thing to a certain extent - but the catering exists.

Even when you reach a point in your career where your position wouldn't be threatened by it, it is easier said than done to completely divorce yourself.
At my high school nobody could have dreads and only girls could wear braids/cornrows. Afros got you sent home as a distraction. I also would like to ask, If I bleach, color, braid, twist, straighten or manipulate my hair to resemble any other type hair ..would it not still be my natural hair? just not it's natural state...
Not trying to go in, Im just tired, thats all

Black women are vanishing at this very moment and niggas are bashing us about our hair every other day

niggas was hot with me on Facebook when I suggested that Black girls might be running away from dehumanization.

I mean everywhere they turn they are being told that they ain't shit, that they're not worth investment, that they deserve abuse, and if they die it will be their own fault.

everyday they are policed, their bodies are policed, their hair is being policed, everything and its so dehumanizing.

people just wanna live and do what they have to do in this world without someone jumping down their throat every minute telling them to wear this, dress like this, act like this.... ya know?

No race is perfect but only Black people have to be "perfect" in order to survive and live comfortably

I'm tired.

Black girls can wear their hair however they want.

They can do as they please.
we need to stop centering white folks in everything we do.
People hate white folks so much but make them the center of everything.

we should just let Black women rock and style themselves however they see fit.

is that too much to ask?
I know that's not a solution for now but I think if we started changing our mind state from wanting to work for their companies and move up to working for ourselves where we wouldn't have to answer to anybody but ourselves we wouldn't face some of the issues we do.
I like where ur head is @ altho race is right about predatory, high interest business loans n such.

can u make a thread or post with business advice for aspiring black entrepreneurs? a lot of it goes bust because of a lack of support.