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Blk Women Should Wear Natural Hair Or Not Complain About Culture Appropriation

All this shit stupid.

Like both sides suck.

If your job want your hair a certainway and you need your job

Then do what you gotta do provide.....

But at the same time that's bullshit....

It's just hair....let niggaz wear that shit however they want, as long as it don't interfere with the job....ain't we supposed to be a tolerant society??
:-) @BNE @Race Jones @MissK @Blactivity

I'm shopping at the moment lovelies but I'll be sure to answer every question as soon as I get these rugrats in the house.

Not bought to go in on me and I can't respond. Stankin booty little girls.

But how is it selling your soul when you are trying to work and provide and earn a living?
You have to find a balance and the end of the day. I know that my hair has cost me opportunity and continues to cost me financially but we have a roof over our heads and a bed to sleep in and no one is hungry. It comes down to what price are you willing to pay for what you believe in or what you stand for. But remember even if you try to fit the way someone else wants you to fit you will never be one of them.
You have to find a balance and the end of the day. I know that my hair has cost me opportunity and continues to cost me financially but we have a roof over our heads and a bed to sleep in and no one is hungry. It comes down to what price are you willing to pay for what you believe in or what you stand for. But remember even if you try to fit the way someone else wants you to fit you will never be one of them.

real nigga post
what do we do when even HBCUs r on that tip?

Go to another school

The military not too long ago reversed it's restrictions/bans regarding natural/dreaded hair. Im sure a lot of these ppl just couldn't say "Oh well, I guess I'll quit". It was unfortunate, but it is what it is in certain circumstances.

Being a veteran myself I am fully aware of the 'restrictions' that the military had regarding dreads. However, a natural style is not restricted to dreads. I spent my entire 8 years in a ponytail or perhaps a short curly do if I decided to cut it. No perms or weaves. MY hair in different styles. Why would the ban on dreads regarding the military have any bearing on my financial stability or job?

And if you had dreads previous to going in to sign up for the military you are told in the recruitment office that they did not allow dreads as well as many other things they had restrictions on and you would either have the choice to stay or go.
word. even as a free agent without a set employer, I wld still have to get clients n cast a wide net. then u got public facing roles? ppls reception of u wld have an impact. shit, even if u r an entrepreneur. n being an entrepreneur aint 4 every1.

@Reesey, did u not say u r cautious of what you wear as a voluptuous woman because of how your corporate colleagues will respond?

It isn't apples and apples but my point is that peoples perceptions of your appearance does play a part in your aesthetic decision making. I aint judging - I do the same thing to a certain extent - but the catering exists.

Even when you reach a point in your career where your position wouldn't be threatened by it, it is easier said than done to completely divorce yourself.

I agree.. there is a level of catering regarding the workforce. When you are surrounded by horny toads and would rather them look at you like a business woman than a juicy piece of meat, so I decided to "TRY" and dress more conservative in the conservative environment. (try being the key factor cause them fools are drooling still haha)

However, If they were to tell me that I couldn't wear my hair a certain way, had to only wear heels and that my skirt had to be above my knees with a split and my blouse revealing my breasts should I conform to that just to get a paycheck?

Where would it end? Where do we draw the line just to get a dollar or claim that it be the reason that we are allowing others to dictate our appearance.
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think about what yall are saying here.

do you understand how many Black people are denied business loans?

or what about predatory loans that keep Black people in a socioeconomic trap?

what about some of us that don't want to own a business? (like me)

if I wore a weave, worked my ass off for my degree and went out in the world to make a difference that should be all that matters.

not whats on my fucking head.

why are white people and Black people policing Black womens hair?

werent yall the same ones mad at the video clip reesey posted yesterday and now yall turning around and doing the same shit?

you are legit telling Black women not to go to work and do what they have to do to survive because of something as trite as hair.

that shit is real scary to me.

My baby is HEATED.. I love it!

I am not telling anyone to do anything. I am just bringing a different perspective to the table. Many won't do it for fear of being ridiculed but it is relevant so here I am.

I do however feel that we shouldn't be forced to be something we are not to get ahead in life. If it is trite than why do we allow it to exist?

It should be just as minuscule viewing it in the opposite. How dare you deny me this that and the 3rd because of my hair!
I'd rather not work for a company that requires me to change who I am, or get a loan from a bank that see's me as hair and not as a human being. That is what we "should" be saying, not enabling women by saying they have no choice but to conform.
Go to another school

Being a veteran myself I am fully aware of the 'restrictions' that the military had regarding dreads. However, a natural style is not restricted to dreads. I spent my entire 8 years in a ponytail or perhaps a short curly do if I decided to cut it. No perms or weaves. MY hair in different styles. Why would the ban on dreads regarding the military have any bearing on my financial stability or job?

And if you had dreads previous to going in to sign up for the military you are told in the recruitment office that they did not allow dreads as well as many other things they had restrictions on and you would either have the choice to stay or go.
Im not saying you weren't aware. Iwjs that not everyone's situation (financial) is the same tho. Some ppl find a career in the military and have to do what they have to do for their check. What if they decide to convert to a dif religion and have restrictions based on appearance?

Dreads are allowed in the marines and army, however the navy, coastguard, and airforce have stricter gudielines. All im saying is everyone's circumstances are different. The reality is we sometimes have to bite the bullet and conform or fake it til we make it until the time comes for the opportunity for reformation.
You have to find a balance and the end of the day. I know that my hair has cost me opportunity and continues to cost me financially but we have a roof over our heads and a bed to sleep in and no one is hungry. It comes down to what price are you willing to pay for what you believe in or what you stand for. But remember even if you try to fit the way someone else wants you to fit you will never be one of them.

and Im not mad at anyone that doesn't wish to sacrifice their job for their beliefs
I think nothing is more beautiful than natural black hair but in the meantime I refuse to police other black women on hair choices. Black women should feel free to wear our hair anyway we want.
he asked where sacrifices begin and end?
that was how I interpreted it

Im not cutting my hair for a job
the end.
But but but what about all those business and predatory loans? How will u survive?
You have to find a balance and the end of the day. I know that my hair has cost me opportunity and continues to cost me financially but we have a roof over our heads and a bed to sleep in and no one is hungry. It comes down to what price are you willing to pay for what you believe in or what you stand for. But remember even if you try to fit the way someone else wants you to fit you will never be one of them.

I'm not making big money but I have been told several times by my boss not to wear my hair a certain way. I'm not going to lower my standards of living, which isn't high over hair. Plus take into account where people live. I'm sorry but this isn't feasible for many people. In this country yes you are going to have to fit in why because we are the minority. It doesn't matter how high you get. Case in point Michelle Obama has been seen recently rocking natural texture, did you see her doing that in the white house?? No. And that's pretty damn high up so I think the expectation to exist in a world where we can be ourselves all the time is pretty unreleastic for the foreseeable future.