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Student loan debt in the United States continues to rise above $1.4 trillion as the costs for college keep rising. But it’s women, and especially black women, who are taking on the biggest load of educational debt and for the longest amount of time.

A 2018 report on college debt found women comprise nearly two-thirds of the staggering $1.4 trillion of total debt, with female students having $890 million of that share compared to $490 million held against male students. The data from 2015 to 2016 was collected by the American Association of University Women (AAUW) in a report released last month titled “Deeper in Debt: Women and Student Loans.”

U.S. women, especially black women, take on the most outstanding student loan debt at the completion of their bachelor’s degrees, comprising about two-thirds of all American student loan debt.REUTERS | RANDALL MIKKELSEN

The National Postsecondary Student Aid Study found women make up a majority of enrolled college students across the country, composing 56 percent of all U.S. higher education attendees. But despite making up this slight majority of the student body, women are holding on to nearly two-thirds (65 percent) of outstanding U.S. student debt. Seventy-one percent of women reported student loan debt at their bachelor’s degree graduation, compared to 66 percent of men.

Black women have by far the most outstanding student debt after college graduation compared with both white men and white women. The report found African-American women amass an average of $30,400 by college graduation, compared with $22,000 held against white women and $19,500 for Caucasian male students.

“Student debt levels have reached an all-time high, with women carrying a bigger burden of debt than men,” said Kim Churches, chief executive officer of AAUW. “This debt is an albatross for many women as they embark on careers and work to support their households and families. And, it only gets worse over time when coupled with the gender pay gap.”

The AAUW noted that the gender pay gap was one of the many compounded factors behind women taking several years longer to pay back their student loan debt. A 2016 AAUW report found that women who work full-time jobs bring in just 80 percent of the income their male coworkers earn. Black and Hispanic women with bachelor’s degrees make 37 percent and 34 percent less, respectively, than white men with bachelor's degrees. The report suggested securing Pell Grants for low-income students and reducing other financial burdens on poorer students in order for the loans to be paid back more efficiently.

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“The imbalances compound. Higher student debt, lower pay, child and family care costs, and other factors all add up to leave women at a deficit as they work to maintain financial security. With women leading more households today, enough is enough. Solutions are needed now,” added Churches.

Congress is currently considering the reauthorization of the Higher Education Act (HEA), which has not been updated in more than a decade. During that time period, the number of U.S. students with outstanding college debt shot up from 31.5 million to 45 million.

Recent reports unveiled a new television game show called Paid Off, which will feature trivia questions aimed at producing a winner to have their student loan paid off by prize money. The TruTV game show is slated to start July 12.
how can we fix this? Is it even a problem?

this is not a bashing thread.

just something i have been reading up on.

I have a family member who always throws around her degrees in a guys face....but shes 42 and single, has her own crib, cars, degrees, unstable job and debt.
I mean....the reason for taking out loans is more apparent in black people. A lot of people in my generation are the first in their families to go to college period let alone graduate...so we don't have the support, the tools or the means to get aid anywhere else.

But this highlights a big problem with college. We don't know how to "college" properly.
I mean....the reason for taking out loans is more apparent in black people. A lot of people in my generation are the first in their families to go to college period let alone graduate...so we don't have the support, the tools or the means to get aid anywhere else.

But this highlights a big problem with college. We don't know how to "college" properly.
good way to put it.

how could someone college properly?
good way to put it.

how could someone college properly?
Not go until you know why you're going....this isn't Europe or somewhere in Latin America where college is free or inexpensive. This is America...you gotta pay to play. Take a gap year (or 2 or 3) and work, travel if you have the means, go to community college or take some online courses to get the early years out the way and keep costs low...do whatever you gotta do to have a purpose to going to college. Don't go just to go. Cuz that's where we fuck up and waste time and money. Shit during that time off you might even fuck around and find out you'd be better off taking up a skilled trade cuz college just ain't for you.

Also...taking the wrong degrees that don't have any value.
I should’ve went to trade school.
i did....i made out better than alot of people.

its always crazy to me how they clowned me to my wife because i didnt go to college and they all went.

you had to hear what they was saying to her.
she used to be hot.
things have a strange way of working out tho and she slowly rubbed their faces in it.
i did....i made out better than alot of people.

its always crazy to me how they clowned me to my wife because i didnt go to college and they all went.

you had to hear what they was saying to her.
she used to be hot.
things have a strange way of working out tho and she slowly rubbed their faces in it.
This is what I was talking about in that thread in LSA where I got a warning....bunch of the women in there talkin bout no I wouldn't date a man without a degree meanwhile electricians and welders are making double than the avg college grad. How you got a negligible degree with debt out the ass thinking you too good to even entertain a conversation from a firefighter? How you a college grad making 50k a year turning your nose up at somebody making 40....when that's 90k yall could have together?
This is what I was talking about in that thread in LSA where I got a warning....bunch of the women in there talkin bout no I wouldn't date a man without a degree meanwhile electricians and welders are making double than the avg college grad. How you got a negligible degree with debt out the ass thinking you too good to even entertain a conversation from a firefighter? How you a college grad making 50k a year turning your nose up at somebody making 40....when that's 90k yall could have together?
thats what im talking about gabi...you always on point.

they not seeing the 90k.
they seeing they cant quit or live the reality tv lifestyle.
so why give him a chance.
whats that old saying "i can do bad by myself?". that shit is embedded in some people psyche.
like struggling aint apart of life.

but would those same ladies deal with a dude making 90k but got a shit load of debt with not alot of free money?
Not go until you know why you're going....this isn't Europe or somewhere in Latin America where college is free or inexpensive. This is America...you gotta pay to play. Take a gap year (or 2 or 3) and work, travel if you have the means, go to community college or take some online courses to get the early years out the way and keep costs low...do whatever you gotta do to have a purpose to going to college. Don't go just to go. Cuz that's where we fuck up and waste time and money. Shit during that time off you might even fuck around and find out you'd be better off taking up a skilled trade cuz college just ain't for you.

Also...taking the wrong degrees that don't have any value.


Going to community college imo is a great route to go.
Not go until you know why you're going....this isn't Europe or somewhere in Latin America where college is free or inexpensive. This is America...you gotta pay to play. Take a gap year (or 2 or 3) and work, travel if you have the means, go to community college or take some online courses to get the early years out the way and keep costs low...do whatever you gotta do to have a purpose to going to college. Don't go just to go. Cuz that's where we fuck up and waste time and money. Shit during that time off you might even fuck around and find out you'd be better off taking up a skilled trade cuz college just ain't for you.

Also...taking the wrong degrees that don't have any value.

I wish someone had explained this to me prior to me taking out my second student loan.
Yeah I have a decent job but could have gotten the same exact job without my degree. It was a fun experience but college did absolutely nothing for me professionally. Still got about $15k left in student loans.
If I could do it all again, I would've stuck to Graphic Design and never pursued a business degree. I feel negative saying this, but some degrees just aren't worth the time and debt.
I bet it ain’t. I’m trying to be a teacher, so I need the degree but that damn debt can’t be worth it.

The US need to hop on that free education wave. I don’t know why people should have to pay to learn some shit. Half my classes felt like shit i could’ve lived without knowing.
Question for those with degrees:

Knowing what you know now, how much would you pay for that degree knowing what it got you?

I probably would have dropped $5-8K on mine

Actual cost was $45-50K I think including scholarship money.
Wish I would have joined the Navy fresh outta high school. I know I still would have gotten training in a tech field...

would be further ahead than I am now. Without the debt.

and to add on...

many professions now...especially tech related rely on certs and exp vice a degree...

like for IT....I know kids coming out of high school with the skills to get a 50k job at 18....
A solution imo would be to stop putting value in these degrees and stop going to these institutions. Male and female.

A degree for the most part is a status symbol and it's all about getting a job. We don't need a degree to be an entrepreneur and create our own businesses.

The problem imo is that as a people we look at what white folks do at the definition of success but when we play their game we just wind up with more debt than everyone. We are fully invested into a system of white supremacy that exploits us.

And something is backwards if a sista got all kinds of debt with a degree but looks down on a "broke nigga" without one. It's just one more thing that created more division in our relationships with each other.
The mistakes with school will made will not be shared with our kids.

We gotta stay on top of the best ways to get educated and great career paths for the future

If my kids dont get full ride scholarships for college...

we going trade school or military.

my son is already tech savvy so im cultivating that with him now at 9 yrs old.

If he continues on this path....he will be studying for IT certs as much or even more than the ACT and SAT