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OPINION Black women accuse Instagram of racism over Kim Kardashian picture

Never seen so many people mad that another person wants the ravages of premature female balding.

Time is going to get Kim and the great thing about ist is we all get to watch it happen.

She doesnt workout, she foesnt eat right and she is constantly getting cut on due to her undiagnosed body dismorphia... Yeah. Her downfall is going to be down right epic.
Didn't they already whine about this shit with Kim's sister? How is this racist though? I agree she's exploiting black culture for profit, but is that really racist or just culturally insensitive.
No. The thots are saying Instagram as a company doesnt let black IG thots show out as much as they let Kim K.

So they are accusing IG itself of being racist.

Oh lord, it's stupider than I thought. People need to stop crying race for everything. Kim is getting away with shit like that because she's rich and famous not because she's white.
Trump is slowly crowning himself king.....and these broads are crying about hoe discrimination? lol
KimK got a 100+ million followers, that's bring in more money than all those upset x10. IG going to protect it's miney.

Yall can call em thots but they weren't lying. It shouldn't matter who has more followers, right is right and wrong is wrong.

Funny you say that 'cause I've seen plenty of bare Black titties on IG over the last coupla years and they're probably all still up. The problem is these chicks complaining are prolly "known" IG hoes that don't have the traffic stats that Kim K does and they're gettin flagged... But you gotta wonder who's doing the flagging?


As you can see there's plenty of bare titties and ass on IG, and Kim K's shit was blurred out. There's way more shit like that out there. Seems to me like these hoes just butthurt.
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