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Black People Don't Own Sh*t!!

how can a person be the HNIC of their own life if they depend on someone else to earn something to feed their family?

until the system changes ...here we are.

all i am saying is ......why cant we have more control over us. why dont more of us want control over us?
i see some people want us to have our own control...but i also see other want the power over us like the oppressors.

thats why i hate drug dealers and so called street dudes.
they want power over their own.....and dont use it for good.
they hurt us just like if not more than outsiders.

How can we change any system without being HNIC of our own lives first?

Money is a tool so any tool can be used as something to build with or it can be used as a weapon.

You're saying you hate street dudes and drug dealers cuz they want power like their oppressors but what other examples of power or leadership do they have to go off of that doesn't come from the same system that oppressed them?

I heard someone say once that Black people today don't know what a successful Black man or Black woman looks like because our image of success is just a bastardized version of the white man's success.

And we can have more control over us collectively but again that starts with having more control over self individually. What I mean is we can have control over the things we invest and spend our energy on. We can have control over the things we eat, the things we listen to, the websites we visit, the movies and TV shows we watch, the relationships we build, the conditions or agreement of our relationships, things we spend our resources on, the establishments we spend our resources on, how we trade with one another individually or collectively, the food we grow, the way we treat our bodies, the types of exercise we do and the list goes on.

We do have control when we decide to take control. And that's being HNIC of your own narrative and purpose.

Be the HNIC of your health, your mind and body. Let's start there.
What if we decided to just start trading and dealing with each other differently?

What if we only spend our money with corporate institutions only but with each other we trade resource for resource like a barter system or better yet we DO THINGS FOR FREE?

The system can be whatever we decide it to be or allow it to be. If we want an alternative to the system in place we have to decide to do what it takes to make that happen.
What if we decided to just start trading and dealing with each other differently?

What if we only spend our money with corporate institutions only but with each other we trade resource for resource like a barter system or better yet we DO THINGS FOR FREE?

The system can be whatever we decide it to be or allow it to be. If we want an alternative to the system in place we have to decide to do what it takes to make that happen.
i agree....but how many people would put that into action?
how many dude you know that will volunteer up resources to help another black man for free or without some sort of come up?

we want to be the hnic but on small levels while hurting our own.

as for images of successful black men.....they are out there but how are they treated and/or welcomed?
within our own community we look down an certain success and big up others while putting ourselves down in the process. i have so many stories of it and the shit burns me up.
I have always said it starts with us and at home.
we disrespect our women to the point they are ok with it and dance to it.
our men have been disrespected to the point we do it to each other.

we have minimum self love and alot of self hate. and alot is based off of lack of male guidance.
whos telling the youngins to respect the ladies? whos telling the ladies to respect themselves?
whos the fear factor thats at home to stop you from fucking up too badly?
whos there to stop these women from excluding the fathers out the childs life?
whos there to make a dude go get his child or he cant come back on the block?
whos saying fight with your hands if you have a disagreement and whos says its ok to lose without wanting to kill in return?

i see where you going....and i fully agree. i just see it a bit different but its all in the same.
if we are destroyed inside...i guess you would want to destroy outside aswell.
I actually think it’s weird when people other than a Black person, own a company created towards Black people.
the owners of SoulCycle
i agree....but how many people would put that into action?
how many dude you know that will volunteer up resources to help another black man for free or without some sort of come up?

we want to be the hnic but on small levels while hurting our own.

as for images of successful black men.....they are out there but how are they treated and/or welcomed?
within our own community we look down an certain success and big up others while putting ourselves down in the process. i have so many stories of it and the shit burns me up.
I have always said it starts with us and at home.
we disrespect our women to the point they are ok with it and dance to it.
our men have been disrespected to the point we do it to each other.

we have minimum self love and alot of self hate. and alot is based off of lack of male guidance.
whos telling the youngins to respect the ladies? whos telling the ladies to respect themselves?
whos the fear factor thats at home to stop you from fucking up too badly?
whos there to stop these women from excluding the fathers out the childs life?
whos there to make a dude go get his child or he cant come back on the block?
whos saying fight with your hands if you have a disagreement and whos says its ok to lose without wanting to kill in return?

i see where you going....and i fully agree. i just see it a bit different but its all in the same.
if we are destroyed inside...i guess you would want to destroy outside as well.

Instead of focusing on how many people won't do whatever they won't do it would be way more productive for us to focus on those of us who are willing to do something even if it's just one other person. Start with 2 if it's necessary. If those 2 people stay consistent it brings forth results which in turn brings in more people.

But one thing we're failing to discuss is that we're talking about real sacrifices. Social sacrifices, financial sacrifices, personal sacrifices, sacrifices towards things that may never manifest for you in your lifetime. We're talking about a generation of people who are going to have to be willing to take a L for the greater good of the people and who understand that they may not be a recipient of these benefits.

So I can't say what niggaz won't do cuz I know I'm a nigga that will do if necessary...

You asked a series of questions about who will be there to... The answer should be YOU! You will be there to do all of that. Now I'm definitely not saying it's your or our responsibility to save everyone but you are responsible for helping or making that sacrifice when you can.

And that's where it starts, with you, the willing. We don't have time to be discouraged by who's not gonna show up. We just have to show up and play our part.
How can we change any system without being HNIC of our own lives first?

Money is a tool so any tool can be used as something to build with or it can be used as a weapon.

You're saying you hate street dudes and drug dealers cuz they want power like their oppressors but what other examples of power or leadership do they have to go off of that doesn't come from the same system that oppressed them?

I heard someone say once that Black people today don't know what a successful Black man or Black woman looks like because our image of success is just a bastardized version of the white man's success.

And we can have more control over us collectively but again that starts with having more control over self individually. What I mean is we can have control over the things we invest and spend our energy on. We can have control over the things we eat, the things we listen to, the websites we visit, the movies and TV shows we watch, the relationships we build, the conditions or agreement of our relationships, things we spend our resources on, the establishments we spend our resources on, how we trade with one another individually or collectively, the food we grow, the way we treat our bodies, the types of exercise we do and the list goes on.

We do have control when we decide to take control. And that's being HNIC of your own narrative and purpose.

Be the HNIC of your health, your mind and body. Let's start there.
as for this.......we have plenty of examples of leadership
but whats pushed on us is fear backed by weapons.
Instead of focusing on how many people won't do whatever they won't do it would be way more productive for us to focus on those of us who are willing to do something even if it's just one other person. Start with 2 if it's necessary. If those 2 people stay consistent it brings forth results which in turn brings in more people.

But one thing we're failing to discuss is that we're talking about real sacrifices. Social sacrifices, financial sacrifices, personal sacrifices, sacrifices towards things that may never manifest for you in your lifetime. We're talking about a generation of people who are going to have to be willing to take a L for the greater good of the people and who understand that they may not be a recipient of these benefits.

So I can't say what niggaz won't do cuz I know I'm a nigga that will do if necessary...

You asked a series of questions about who will be there to... The answer should be YOU! You will be there to do all of that. Now I'm definitely not saying it's your or our responsibility to save everyone but you are responsible for helping or making that sacrifice when you can.

And that's where it starts, with you, the willing. We don't have time to be discouraged by who's not gonna show up. We just have to show up and play our part.
i am willing and i am doing.
but i am only one.......i can do but so much.
the fund raiser out in De i told you about....warm reception...nothing but love...but they know i can only do so much......its other dudes but they can only do but so much.

bruh.....i am doing tons of shit you wouldnt believe with people globally. but i cant do it all. we need more dudes...
one day i would like to invite you to come to one of my meetings...if you dont walk out frustrated...ill be surprised.
its like a constant war of who will do and who says they aint doing enough yet wont help.

you and I had a posted back and forth once....where i told you i was tired and need to focus on myself for a while. enjoy my life that i made for myself and not worry about others. it was because of frustration.
I read many different viewpoints in this thread. Most of you I agree with. I do feel like we live in a capitalistic society where imperfect competition reigns supreme. In America, it’s about being number one and it’s about getting that bag.

Problem is hitting that lick and the fast come up trumps taking the chance of crapping out after the slow grind of trying to come up and making sacrifices to succeed.

And of course the almighty white man lol. White supremacy. Too afraid of the white man to make a real move cuz you scared it’s gon get snatched away from you or you gon get killed smh. Fuck white supremacy. You gon live and die either way. Protection is bliss.

Aside from that, I think people gon naturally support businesses they most familiar with. Sometimes it just the convenience of handing over your money to companies cuz of location, familiarity, trust of the product, etc.

If I knew a black owned business in my city that sold draws and socks for around the same price I’d gladly shop there. But I don’t I just go to Wally World aka Walmart lol.
as for this.......we have plenty of examples of leadership
but whats pushed on us is fear backed by weapons.

i am willing and i am doing.
but i am only one.......i can do but so much.
the fund raiser out in De i told you about....warm reception...nothing but love...but they know i can only do so much......its other dudes but they can only do but so much.

bruh.....i am doing tons of shit you wouldnt believe with people globally. but i cant do it all. we need more dudes...
one day i would like to invite you to come to one of my meetings...if you dont walk out frustrated...ill be surprised.
its like a constant war of who will do and who says they aint doing enough yet wont help.

you and I had a posted back and forth once....where i told you i was tired and need to focus on myself for a while. enjoy my life that i made for myself and not worry about others. it was because of frustration.

I know you're doing a lot in ways you can and yes you are one person and none of us can do anything major alone.

I understand that when we start getting burned out and frustrated we can become resentful and embittered towards the very people we're investing so much our our energy towards.

Please receive this with love og... First thank you for doing the things you're doing but to me you be sounding defeated by being distracted by the problems and not encouraged by focusing on the solutions. Also you alienate a whole section of our people by your contempt towards the streets. You said you hate street niggaz but those are the only people I really identify with. I grew up embraced by the same element you seem to be unwilling to work with. I prefer to build with the streets than a politician or a condescending rich nigga.

I would love to attend one of your meetings and if you're in the Bay you're more than welcome to come check out some of the things we're doing out here and maybe we can find ways to build. But even though you're just one person you're not alone in the struggle to help Black people. Just do your part. Think about it like this, if you really trying to help Black people you're gonna be doing it for the rest of your life whether alone or not.

You're a businessman. Are you frustrated at the lack of return on your investments into the community? Maybe that's the wrong approach...
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