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Black Panther director Ryan Coogler arrested after being mistaken for bank robber

Niggas spent 15 pages telling all the things homie should’ve done differently in order to NOT get arrested for robbing the bank that he didn’t try to rob.

This can’t be life.
That's not what happened.

This did not need to be a police matter.

We were roasting the nigga for going to the bank like a damn fool. Like if the police weren't called, I'm sure the staff there would have been laughing their asses off at that shit after he left.

They prolly would have been whispering "look at the note" to each other the rest of the day
I would 100% say the exact same thing to a white person.

I'm not talking efficiently just cuz you black.... I'm talking about over complicating the very simple act of withdrawing money. Again in customer service you get tons of customers who are normal, then u get a few strange ones. Race aside,I will maintain that was a strange way to go for a withdrawal. I don't care who did it. It could have been a little old white lady. It could have been anybody.... That shit still comes off a peculiar. Doesn't justify calling the cops. But still strange.

Someone posted a tweet saying tellers see plenty of dumb shit all day and don't call the cops.

That doesn't stop it from being dumb shit.
Dumb or unorthodox or whatever.
He did what he always does.
And if other people do it…then it should be a common thing to the point it doesn’t scare a person. And I’m sure not everyone has $10k and others have millions….people are people at the end of the day.
Yet we got here?
There is no correct way to bank while black
There is no correct way to bank while black

Bruh this the narrative you tryna push.... And it's disingenuous to the argument at hand.

Calling the cops was stupid and unnecessary. The fear was unwarranted. The cops weren't called because coogler banked incorrectly.. The cops weren't called because coogler banked incorrectly while black. The cops were called because the teller was dumb AF.

However there is 100% correct way to bank. Thousands of blacks make thousands of transactions in thousands of banks all across the country with no incident. There's only a few people who go into banks and move like paranoid weirdos. However doing it the wrong way isn't a criminal offense or even a bad thing. And it's not a racial disparity. It's just dumb.

This whole thing is dumb. The whole conversation is dumb. I don't even know why I'm still talking about this.... I'm perfectly fine with y'all not agreeing with me on such a dumb topic ✌🏿
Close thread.

What y’all niggas got going for dinner tonight? My son wants tacos…again. SMH. I’m thinking of telling him to fuck off and making some pasta.

what y’all think?🤔
I’m being a bum today egg salad sandwich. Then having the quarterly life stress test.
The manager and the teller should be fired.

The man gave his Identification and logged into his account with the correct pin number. If she would've actually did her job and checked the account and made sure he is the person in the ID none of this would've happened.

The manager is even more at fault because when she went to them for guidance they didn't help whatsoever. The whole point of being a manager or someone in charge is to lead your personnel and guide them to make the right decisions by knowing their job, just as well (if not better) than your own. The bank manager should've went to the area and checked everything before having the teller escalating the situation.

Both bank employees failed miserably at their job and embarrassed a customer, themselves and their employer
nigga passed her a napkin talmbout

"just read it"


He walked in looking like Clive Owen from Spike Lee's "Inside Man" movie


Then slid a note over ....


All fun and games but nigga sound like they can't fathom a robbery occuring like this is 😂 reminds me of this situation in Houston 2020:

Police say the suspect walked in shortly after the bank opened and told the teller he needed to make a withdrawal while handing the teller a folded up piece of notebook paper.

In the note, he wrote, "I didn't get a stimulus or that 10K loan. I lost my business to COVID so please make this easy and comply. I don't wanna hurt nobody but will if I have to. Any suspicious moves and I will start shooting so please go get my money. Don't make anything noticeable!"

He walked in looking like Clive Owen from Spike Lee's "Inside Man" movie


Then slid a note over ....


All fun and games but nigga sound like they can't fathom a robbery occuring like this is 😂 reminds me of this situation in Houston 2020:

Police say the suspect walked in shortly after the bank opened and told the teller he needed to make a withdrawal while handing the teller a folded up piece of notebook paper.

In the note, he wrote, "I didn't get a stimulus or that 10K loan. I lost my business to COVID so please make this easy and comply. I don't wanna hurt nobody but will if I have to. Any suspicious moves and I will start shooting so please go get my money. Don't make anything noticeable!"

Difference is dude straight up threatened the teller and didn’t use a debit card nor hand over his ID
The manager and the teller should be fired.

The man gave his Identification and logged into his account with the correct pin number. If she would've actually did her job and checked the account and made sure he is the person in the ID none of this would've happened.

The manager is even more at fault because when she went to them for guidance they didn't help whatsoever. The whole point of being a manager or someone in charge is to lead your personnel and guide them to make the right decisions by knowing their job, just as well (if not better) than your own. The bank manager should've went to the area and checked everything before having the teller escalating the situation.

Both bank employees failed miserably at their job and embarrassed a customer, themselves and their employer

The manager is definitely at fault because he/she could have spoken to the teller and asked the relevant questions. Even speaking to Coogler directly and tell him we understand you want to be discreet so let's take you to this room right here and do a double-check on his credentials before handing over the money.

One thing that didn't make sense in that 911 call was that was the teller calling the dispatcher so did she do that before speaking or after speaking to her manager?
He walked in looking like Clive Owen from Spike Lee's "Inside Man" movie


Then slid a note over ....


All fun and games but nigga sound like they can't fathom a robbery occuring like this is 😂 reminds me of this situation in Houston 2020:

Police say the suspect walked in shortly after the bank opened and told the teller he needed to make a withdrawal while handing the teller a folded up piece of notebook paper.

In the note, he wrote, "I didn't get a stimulus or that 10K loan. I lost my business to COVID so please make this easy and comply. I don't wanna hurt nobody but will if I have to. Any suspicious moves and I will start shooting so please go get my money. Don't make anything noticeable!"

"Please go get my money"

Fam was deadass. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
I pray they never catch that nigga.
The manager is definitely at fault because he/she could have spoken to the teller and asked the relevant questions. Even speaking to Coogler directly and tell him we understand you want to be discreet so let's take you to this room right here and do a double-check on his credentials before handing over the money.

One thing that didn't make sense in that 911 call was that was the teller calling the dispatcher so did she do that before speaking or after speaking to her manager?

To my understanding she called 911 after speaking to the manager.

I remember her sayin "I told to my manager it didnt feel right, and she said to call the cops...."

Odds are that manager knows the teller is a bird n didnt wanna deal w her shit today
To my understanding she called 911 after speaking to the manager.

I remember her sayin "I told to my manager it didnt feel right, and she said to call the cops...."

Odds are that manager knows the teller is a bird n didnt wanna deal w her shit today
On the call she said she didn’t really identify him. Because she was basically already scared.

Manager probably a bird too... Fire the lot of them.

Also let's not act like the police officer drawing for his weapon so quickly was suspect...
Is that even protocol, knowing that there was no mention of coogler even being armed on the 911 call? Thankfully all these dumb actions didn't lead to the ultimate dumb result