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Big Brother 20

Haleigh is trying too hard and doing too much explaining.

She's trying to convince Tyler to use the POV on Rockstar, but doesn't realize that it really doesn't help his game to do that because that would mean that someone else that he's working with would go home.

Her and Rockstar were trying to convince him that they......as well as Fessy......would guarantee his safety for the next 4 weeks.

That's going overboard because there's gonna be less people to choose from and multiple scenarios where it wouldn't make sense.

All they'd have to say is "I'm sorry I have to do this"......and he'd end up going home.

Almost hard to watch because, at this point, they don't have the numbers now........and they're gonna be in an even worse position once Rockstar goes home.

It'll basically be Fessy, Haleigh, and Scotty against everybody else:

Tyler, Angela, Kaycee, JC, Brett, and Sam.

Their only chance is to win consecutive HOH's..........AND Hacker comps..........AND Veto competitions.

Otherwise, their own people will end up going home on their HOH's because the other side controls the votes.

The odds are definitely not in their favor to do all of that.

It seems like the only thing left to look forward to now is seeing Level 6 turn on each other when there's no one else left to take out.
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Something I like about this season is that the houseguests are pretty much like, "f the HOH." the last past few seasons it's been "do whatever the HOH wants" and dang near all the votes were unanimous. I hated that.
Something I like about this season is that the houseguests are pretty much like, "f the HOH." the last past few seasons it's been "do whatever the HOH wants" and dang near all the votes were unanimous. I hated that.

I think it would have been like that this season but the non-level 6 people have no clue what's going on at all ever.

As evidenced by Fessy saying he was on the opposite side of the house for the last 5 votes and didn't want to do it again. Like - how bad at math do you have to be to not realize there's something going on and you ain't a part of it?

But it does make it way less boring.
I think it would have been like that this season but the non-level 6 people have no clue what's going on at all ever.

As evidenced by Fessy saying he was on the opposite side of the house for the last 5 votes and didn't want to do it again. Like - how bad at math do you have to be to not realize there's something going on and you ain't a part of it?

But it does make it way less boring.

True, but that is how L6 made the game, and rightly so. The other side still don't know what's what. They think they have Brett now, not realizing they getting played. L6 has done a good job managing the entire house and Tyler will go down as one of the GOAT players.. If L6 hadn't lost two members already they would be much closer to Brigade status in the list of GOAT alliances...
True, but that is how L6 made the game, and rightly so. The other side still don't know what's what. They think they have Brett now, not realizing they getting played. L6 has done a good job managing the entire house and Tyler will go down as one of the GOAT players.. If L6 hadn't lost two members already they would be much closer to Brigade status in the list of GOAT alliances...

Yo I forgot about that. How the hell do they think they have Brett when every damn time one of them put him up he got mysteriously saved and they were all stumped as to how?

LMAO @ when there's only level 6 left and just one floater and they still don't get it.
Yo! This ragtag group of misfits just can't get right. How is she gonna tell him the answer and then later run back early with the wrong damn answer. And then cry about not getting taken off the block by someone on the other side of the house?


I can't wait for this hideous and pathetic creature to be off my tv for good
Fessy won HOH.

Tyler still has that power. Angela or Scottie might get sent home this week.

This is why I hate it when so many people try to use the backdoor strategy.

Too many things have to fall in place for it to work.

If you just put them on the block at the nomination ceremony, at least they're actually on the block.

Granted, you're giving them a chance to play in the POV competition.

However, there's no guarantee they'll even be on the block if you try to backdoor them and someone wins the POV who doesn't wanna use it.

So, if he gets put up at the Nomination Ceremony...his power is exposed and he can't use it anymore.

Then you have to use the backdoor because that would be the only way to get him out that week.

But if you just go with the backdoor strategy, his power app still applies and he ends up being safe for the week.

It's gonna be interesting to see whether Haleigh or JC has more influence over his HOH.
I can barely understand what he's saying half the time, but it's always entertaining to listen to JC talk game with people.

They wana put up scottie bcuz jc said so

They wana put up scottie bcuz jc said so

Nah, that's all Fessy.

JC's dead-on about Scotty though.

Dude's definitely hating on Haleigh and Fessy's relationship.

Another reason why showmances are a bad idea.

Never know how other people are gonna react to them.