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Big Brother 20

So these idiots are keeping

christie now smh....jackson is stupid

Yeah, I'm watching it play out right now.

As much as I hate her, she deserves to win it all if these idiots are dumb enough to keep her.

Hopefully it comes down to a tiebreaker and Michie comes to his senses and still sends her home.
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Yeah, I'm watching that shit play out now.

As much as I hate her, she deserves to win it all if these idiots are dumb enough to keep her.

Hopefully it comes down to a tiebreaker and Michie is still able to send her home.

Tgis dude waited fuckn weeks to get her out n keeps her bcuz of nick what a fuckn idiot
Tgis dude waited fuckn weeks to get her out n keeps her bcuz of nick what a fuckn idiot

Production probably got in some people's heads in the DR sessions.

Best case scenario would be for Nick or Nicole to win tomorrow's HOH.

I'm tired of seeing so much of her on the feeds.

The face, accent, and voice are beyond annoying.
Lmao they so dumb. I'm praying Christie wins hoh just for the lols. House stuck on retarded.
And Jackson basically orchestrated that blow up too trying to play Christie and nick but played himself. Nick was looking bad out there. Lol.
You left 2 people in the game that are putting you up without a doubt and have the highest chances of winning the next hoh.

Sis could get the slaps.
Might as well have put up nick and Christie if that was what you were going to do.
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I'm hoping this new twist ends up getting Christie out of the house.

It can go either way though.

Basically, the fans are going to vote to make one of the houseguests an anonymous HOH.

Which means they'll be putting up one of the nominees for eviction.........and they can name a replacement nominee if the person they nominate gets taken down.

Now, I think it would be hilarious if Michie somehow got on the block and ended up getting evicted on Holly's HOH.

However, I'm thinking the fans hate Christie so much that they'll vote for someone they know is going to put her on the block.

So they'll probably end up voting for Nick or Michie............since those are the only 2 who are most likely to put up Christie.

Then again, since he's a fan favorite..........they might vote for Cliff to have that power.
Damn, just thought of something.

I know Holly said that Nick's her target, so........it would be crazy if Nick ends up on the block but ends up having HOH powers at the same time.

Dude could have every intention of putting Christie up............but would probably put Michie up instead to get back at Holly for nominating him.

It all depends on when the anonymous HOH gets to use his power.

If Nick gets it........he might wanna give Holly a heads up so that she'll think twice about putting him on the block.

Assuming it's not against the rules for him to tell her.
Holly nominated Nick.........and, whoever the prankster is.......nominated Christie.

Everyone thinks the prankster is Nicole.

Just found out that America voted for Nick to be the prankster.

So he's the one who put up Christie........not Nicole.

According to Jokers Updates, he told Tommy...........then he went and told Holly and Michie about his power.

Jackson won POV, but says he's not going to use it.

Based on the updates, it seems like the POV comp was close and that Nick almost won it.

Christie claims she threw it to Holly and Michie to prove her loyalty, but I'm not sure how much of that is true.

She's probably just trying to save herself.

Nick's probably getting evicted because I don't think he has enough votes to stay.

All he has is Nicole.........and maybe Cliff.

Christie has Tommy, Jess, and probably Michie.

Holly and Michie are in a good position right now because they still haven't had to show their hands........and both sides have reason to believe that they're with them.

Michie and Holly have been running the house for 3 weeks straight.

Dude just won his 2nd HOH.
Jessica's having a breakdown right now.

Well, maybe not a breakdown........but she's been crying to Nicole for the past hour or so.

This is what happens when everybody has this "vote with the house" mentality.

Everything's good until you realize you're not going to be part of the "the house" anymore.
Never would've thought this would happen a month ago, but I think Michie's my favorite houseguest now.

Dude put Holly in her place and told her that he's tired of her bullshit.

Basically saying that he's been doing everything he can to make her happy and she doesn't appreciate it.

Think he's reached his breaking point with her.

Now she's crying and copping pleas.

The timing is horrible, but I hope he sticks to his guns.

Holly's exposing herself to being an emotional wreck..........self-destructive........and her own worst enemy.

She deserves everything she gets if he decides to cut her off.
Nicole won POV.

She probably won't do it, but it might be smart for her to take Cliff off the block........and force Holly to go up.

Holly would definitely go home, and the Final 4 would be Tommy, Michie, Cliff, and Nicole.

Since Michie just won, I don't think he can compete in the next HOH.........so it would be the perfect opportunity to put him on the block.

The only thing that really matters at Final 4 is the POV........and they've got a 3 out of 4 chance of Michie not winning it.

It could backfire though, because if only one of them (Cliff or Nicole) make it to Final 2, they would lose 2 jury votes by going against their word.

If both of them make it to Final 2, it could go either way.

Tommy wins easily if he makes it to Final 2 since most of his alliance is in the jury house.
Watching Cliff unpack his stuff now because he's confident he's not going home.

Would be funny if Michie and Holly change their mind and decide to take him out.

I feel like @IP360 in his BBW thread.

Anyway, I don't understand what these people are doing.

Why are they still politicking and trying to make deals when they've already made Final 4?

Watching last night's After Dark and..........apparently............HOLLY THREW THE HOH TO NICOLE!!!!!

Why would she do something like that???

Better yet, why would anyone do that???

Can't believe these people are that stupid.

She deserves to get kicked out because she's proven herself to be an idiot and nothing more than Michie's pin cushion.

Totally worthless.
Give mechie his money and a oscar. Smmfh. Cliff dumb af.

Ain't no loyalty in final 5. That shit is over. How you make a nigga guilt trip you into bringing his girl along. She couldn't even say nothing for herself.
And Fuck Cliff for copping pleas too.

On camera talking to the feeds saying the Michie reneged on their deal.

After they were about to back out of their Final 4 deal, Michie doesn't owe either one of them a damn thing.

Say what you want about him, but he was being straight with them up until the point when they were considering voting Holly out.

They probably cost him $500,000 too because he wouldn't have lied on Tommy like that if Cliff and Nicole hadn't gone back on their word.

Judging by last night's episode, Holly would've been gone if she hadn't agreed to throw the HOH.

Credit to her for sticking to her word.

Cliff only voted to keep her because he was afraid that Tommy would take Nicole over him in a Final 2 or 3.

Never mind the fact that they all agreed to a Final 4 weeks ago and that Michie and Holly are the only reason they even made it this far to begin with.

I know people say "it's just a game" or whatever, but when people on the show say it.........they're just using it as an excuse to justify doing something that they know isn't right.

That's exactly what Nicole was saying to justify wanting to vote out Holly.

If I was Michie, I wouldn't want anything to do with Cliff or Nicole after the show.

Simply because their actions probably cost him first place.