Nicole won POV.
She probably won't do it, but it might be smart for her to take Cliff off the block........and force Holly to go up.
Holly would definitely go home, and the Final 4 would be Tommy, Michie, Cliff, and Nicole.
Since Michie just won, I don't think he can compete in the next it would be the perfect opportunity to put him on the block.
The only thing that really matters at Final 4 is the POV........and they've got a 3 out of 4 chance of Michie not winning it.
It could backfire though, because if only one of them (Cliff or Nicole) make it to Final 2, they would lose 2 jury votes by going against their word.
If both of them make it to Final 2, it could go either way.
Tommy wins easily if he makes it to Final 2 since most of his alliance is in the jury house.