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Big Brother 20

I hope it's a twist in which either:

1. Tommy can't use the POV on the third nominee because he didn't put them up.


2. If he is able to use the POV on Christie, then he can't choose the replacement nominee........and the person who goes up has already been decided by who America voted on for the field trip.

So, if Michie won safety............and Christie gets taken down...........then that would mean that Analyse (Sis) would automatically go up.

Personally, I would love to see her get evicted wearing that chicken suit.

Props to production.

They gave them alcohol tonight hoping they would drink, but then Michie and a few others decided they'd rather save it for tomorrow and have a pool party or something.

Then, apparently, production talked to Cliff..........and Cliff told the rest of the house that they were taking the alcohol away if they didn't drink it tonight.

One of the few times I actually approve of production's shenanigans.
Jessica's an idiot.

She shouldn't be confiding in Christie about anything.

Ironic though that, when Christie tried to put her on game about Kat not targeting Michie and Holly............Jess refuses to believe her.

Honestly, I was surprised that Christie was being that forthcoming with her........so maybe she is being sincere.

She literally told Jess to put 2 and 2 together.

Told her that, if Michie and Holly are really Kat's targets........then why are both of them trying to convince people to keep Kat?

It was like talking to a brick wall because Jess still didn't believe her.

Also funny how Holly was all up Jess' butt when she was HOH..........but isn't around her at all now.

If Kat goes, After Dark/live feeds aren't going to even be watchable anymore.

I'd estimate that more than half of the screentime is devoted to Christie talking to somebody..........and I'm already sick of seeing her and hearing her talk.

Probably gonna just end up tuning into the live broadcasts if Kat goes home.

These people don't have any kind of heart at all.

They deserve to get picked off one by one.

Hope Jess has another HOH left, but I don't think she can win the slippery comp they're about to compete in.
I might go back and watch the Janelle/kaysar seasons just to get the feeling back.
Jackson won HOH

Wants to put up christie

Hope he doesn't overthink it and ruin his HOH.

As much as I'd like to see him put Tommy and Christie on the block.........the smartest move would be to put up Cliff and Nicole.

That way, he can pretend that he's not targeting the overall core group of Sis, Nick, Tommy, and Christie..........and possibly become part of that group again and guarantee him and Holly's safety for a few more weeks if he can make an agreement with them and convince them that they're not his target.

It really is the best move since the new "Six" doesn't really care about Cliff and Nicole either way.........and probably wouldn't have a problem with Cliff going home next week.

Jess is pretty much irrelevant at this point unless she wins another HOH.

The only way it could backfire for him is if they throw the next HOH to whoever stays and use that person to do their dirty work by going after him and Holly.
Unless there's a mistake or some technical issues, something must be going down........or went down.

Don't know about the feeds, but After Dark isn't on.

Usually the only time this happens is if they're in the middle of a comp or something.

Veto comp already happened over the weekend, so it can't be that.

Something must've happened at the veto ceremony then, but I thought that was always on Tuesdays..........not Mondays.
Unless there's a mistake or some technical issues, something must be going down........or went down.

Don't know about the feeds, but After Dark isn't on.

Usually the only time this happens is if they're in the middle of a comp or something.

Veto comp already happened over the weekend, so it can't be that.

Something must've happened at the veto ceremony then, but I thought that was always on Tuesdays..........not Mondays.

Somebody on air horn went by the back yard n yelled

"Cristie n tommy know each other!!!" And

Big brother producers is flipping out now

Jackson heard it
Somebody on air horn went by the back yard n yelled

"Cristie n tommy know each other!!!" And

Big brother producers is flipping out now

Jackson heard it

Big brother probably behind that shit. How have they not solved the problem of people just running up on the set like that after all these years.

CBS on the cook up. They know what they doing. Drama makes the machine twerk.
WTF is wrong with Jess?

Why is she still all up Christie's butt?

Listening to last night's After Dark, and she's in the boat room now listening to Christie throw Sis and Tommy under the bus.

Saying that it makes more sense to keep her in the house because she's always gonna be a bigger target.........and because Sis isn't a threat to anybody.

Don't understand how Jess doesn't realize that........if Christie's willing to turn on her closest friends in the house........then she could easily turn on her too.
Jess just needs to be accepted by the pretty blonde white girl. First it was kat who was actually a solid chick now its Christie by default.

Jess ain't winning this thing regardless.
Jess is clueless basically...she doesnt have a alliance really....

I still think about how her fat ass fell off during that hoh comp