COMMUNITY Biden to officially nominates Kentanji Brown Jackson for US Supreme Court. Update: KBJ becomes 1st Blk woman Confirmed to the SCOTUS

Damn... I was legit excited about this news. My Facebook fam is all Black Woman yay! Come here and she got a white husband. I didn't do my research yet on this woman.

I did let the fact that she has a white husband bring my respect down a notch. But I will remain hopeful that she makes a real impact in her role.

I have a real question though.

Is there any black person married to a white person that the collective respects? And that person does have measurable impact on blacks people lives here in the U.S?

This is in regards to blacks who are politicians, activists..anyone in that arena of doing dedicated works to making melaninated lives better.

Does being married to a white person really discredit the ability and support 🤔

I have heard the argument that white people are a gatekeeper and being connected to a white woman or man is not just "love".

I know i am prejudice, cus I feel a way about a black man with a white woman or black woman with a white man. I have gotten better with it. Cus who someone with should not concern me. But I look sideways a little at the person. And I met some cool as white folks. But marriage....and in you "fighting" again the image of power which in this country is white men.

Maybe he really supports black people and is what they call an "Ally". People who really for the cause. Because many white people support and have helped blacks in many areas gain some forward progress.
Damn... I was legit excited about this news. My Facebook fam is all Black Woman yay! Come here and she got a white husband. I didn't do my research yet on this woman.

I did let the fact that she has a white husband bring my respect down a notch. But I will remain hopeful that she makes a real impact in her role.

I have a real question though.

Is there any black person married to a white person that the collective respects? And that person does have measurable impact on blacks people lives here in the U.S?

This is in regards to blacks who are politicians, activists..anyone in that arena of doing dedicated works to making melaninated lives better.

Does being married to a white person really discredit the ability and support 🤔

I have heard the argument that white people are a gatekeeper and being connected to a white woman or man is not just "love".

I know i am prejudice, cus I feel a way about a black man with a white woman or black woman with a white man. I have gotten better with it. Cus who someone with should not concern me. But I look sideways a little at the person. And I met some cool as white folks. But marriage....and in you "fighting" again the image of power which in this country is white men.

Maybe he really supports black people and is what they call an "Ally". People who really for the cause. Because many white people support and have helped blacks in many areas gain some forward progress.

Some of most iconic civil rights activists...artists...entertainers...educators...dated/married a white person. And they were STILL more pro-black than a lot of these folks today. It's their ACTIONS.

I want someone to post ALL the cases she presided over. Then make the judgment to see where she falls at in her rulings. Don’t give me one case that's obviously posted as some click bait, designed to purposely show her in a negative way. If folks truly want to know more about her and lot of the your research. Educate ya'self.

Woman hasn't even stepped foot in the Supreme Court yet and folks already assuming how she's gonna rule. Based off who she's married too? Really? C'mon man.
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Some of most iconic civil rights activists...artists...entertainers...educators...was married to a white person. And they were STILL more pro-black than a lot of these folks today.

Like who?

Malcolm X wasn't married to White person.

MLK wasn't married to a White person.

Huey P. Newton wasn't married to a White person.

Bobby Seale wasn't married to a White person.

WEB Dubois wasn't married to a White person.

Ida B. Wells didn't marry a White person.

Fannie Lou Hamer didn't marry a White person.

Paul Robeson did'nt marry a White person.

Federick Douglass married some ugly ass White lady after getting old as hell.

We can go down a list of Black activists and the most effective ones don't have a White spouse. If you really love Black people, can't have no White spouse anyway.
Like who?

Malcolm X wasn't married to White person.

MLK wasn't married to a White person.

Huey P. Newton wasn't married to a White person.

Bobby Seale wasn't married to a White person.

WEB Dubois wasn't married to a White person.

Ida B. Wells didn't marry a White person.

Fannie Lou Hamer didn't marry a White person.

Paul Robeson did'nt marry a White person.

Federick Douglass married some ugly ass White lady after getting old as hell.

We can go down a list of Black activists and the most effective ones don't have a White spouse. If you really love Black people, can't have no White spouse anyway.

Like who?

Malcolm X wasn't married to White person.

MLK wasn't married to a White person.

Huey P. Newton wasn't married to a White person.

Bobby Seale wasn't married to a White person.

WEB Dubois wasn't married to a White person.

Ida B. Wells didn't marry a White person.

Fannie Lou Hamer didn't marry a White person.

Paul Robeson did'nt marry a White person.

Federick Douglass married some ugly ass White lady after getting old as hell.

We can go down a list of Black activists and the most effective ones don't have a White spouse. If you really love Black people, can't have no White spouse anyway.

So according you...who a person marries is more important than the work they do?

So if this judge ruled in a case in favor of black families suing predator real estate agencies and those families got HUGE settlements...her being married to white man negates ALL that? Lol.

She's a judge. So I know for a fact that I'm not gonna agree wit EVERYTHING she's gonna rule on. That's reality. But we can't sit here and complain about us not being represented in these high azzz positions...get put in said positions...but then turn around and say "Yeah but..."

Can the woman meet her new staff

Can the woman meet the other justices

Can the woman sit in the seat she gonna be presiding in

Can the woman get her 1st SC case

BEFORE we start assuming what her ruling record is gonna be the rest of her life? Goodness. That's all I'm saying. Lol
So according you...who a person marries is more important than the work they do?

So if this judge ruled in a case in favor of black families suing predator real estate agencies and those families got HUGE settlements...her being married to white man negates ALL that? Lol.

She's a judge. So I know for a fact that I'm not gonna agree wit EVERYTHING she's gonna rule on. That's reality. But we can't sit here and complain about us not being represented in these high azzz positions...get put in said positions...but then turn around and say "Yeah but..."

Can the woman meet her new staff

Can the woman meet the other justices

Can the woman sit in the seat she gonna be presiding in

Can the woman get her 1st SC case

BEFORE we start assuming what her ruling record is gonna be the rest of her life? Goodness. That's all I'm saying. Lol

Yes, who you marry is reflection of your character. If Barack Obama had enough sense after fucking all the White bitches he can get his hands on, to marry a Black woman, so he can look like he give a fuck about Black people and their issues, how we gonna have this woman, married to a White man?

And she's a liberal-centrist judge anyway. She is no different than Kamala. She comes from upper class Black stock, her parents went to an HBCU, married an elite White man, got put in by the Democrats as a token.

What do you think she is gonna be like?

I am not even pro-Black like that, but Black people back in the day had enough sense not to trust no Black person married to a White person to be some kind of force for change for the average Black person.
If Clyburn put her up I know she is terrible.

He tried to slide Michelle Childs through and she has issues within her own state. Can't wait for the skeletons of this one to come out.

SCOTUS only rules for corporations anyways.
Yes, who you marry is reflection of your character. If Barack Obama had enough sense after fucking all the White bitches he can get his hands on, to marry a Black woman, so he can look like he give a fuck about Black people and their issues, how we gonna have this woman, married to a White man?

And she's a liberal-centrist judge anyway. She is no different than Kamala. She comes from upper class Black stock, her parents went to an HBCU, married an elite White man, got put in by the Democrats as a token.

What do you think she is gonna be like?

I am not even pro-Black like that, but Black people back in the day had enough sense not to trust no Black person married to a White person to be some kind of force for change for the average Black person.

...geezus crust. Aight man. Lol!