Tsu Surf over Rum Nitty 2-1 but I’ll say this will be debatable
Goodz over Tay Roc 2-1, Hitman is gonna have a hell of an angle to use against Roc...
Brizz 2-1 over Clips, Brizz takes it in the building I can see his style going over in the south but on cam the battle looks closer
DNA over JC 2-1, but I wouldn’t be surprised if JC wins, I just don’t trust him against top tiers on big stages (Nitty was an outlier)
Shotgun Suge 2-1 over Twork, Suge never loses to new niggas.
T Top 2-1 over Ill Will, Will is too hit and miss, and I think the southern crowd will gravitate to Top more.