Aite the 3rd episode is more of what I expected lmao

“ thanks for the Nandos bitch”
missed the 1st two episodes (fell asleep) but got em dvr

now I'm thinkin bout jus waitin til the seasons over to binge watch

still on the fence
Watched the 3rd ep

it was iight

one thing atlanta has going for it it makes the mundane interesting
He's writing Vanessa perfectly. A woman that's annoyed by you but yet she cant stop following you around
So uhhh that plastic sheet coming down on Euro Pac was hilarious at first because it was so unexpected.

I legit bust out laughing. Not my proudest laugh
I think we all did lol

I know I did for sure
I love how this show has a main story and consistent sight gags that you only get if you get it. And you will sit there thinking you got them all, till someone gets the ones you didn’t get and when you think about it. When you saw it, it seemed like nothing. And consider the fact that the ones you identified seemed like nothing to someone else. Like the lil girl wit the outburst in the fubu episode was on her period and the teachers were understanding that it lead to emotional outbursts, didn’t flip out and the next time you see her shorty is the best student in the class. It little shit like that, cause they don’t even make a big deal about it for the entire episode, shit was just some shit that happened in the background.