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FEATURED At What Age Should A Kid Discuss Gender Identity?

Bruh I’m 36 I was not a teen till after 2000 idk wtf celebs you talking about that were accepted for being gay outside of like Ru Paul abd he your age. Kids in the hall the white boy shit? We talking about black people bro.

Rupaul is in his 60's. That nigga ain't nowhere near "my age".

All sorts of high profile celebs "came out" in the 90's. By the early 2000's being gay is seen as a norm so you're not really helping your case here.

Also, we're talking about "people", not just Black people.
Rupaul is in his 60's. That nigga ain't nowhere near "my age".

All sorts of high profile celebs "came out" in the 90's. By the early 2000's being gay is seen as a norm so you're not really helping your case here.

Also, we're talking about "people", not just Black people.

Ain’t you 55?
People need to stop running to social media to handle their grievances and personally step to those who offend them.

I think it’s wrong to ask a kid that, and not because I think it’s an indoctrination angle, but because you ask me shit like that, not my kid.

I’m letting the doctor know on the spot don’t ever ask my kid some shit like that again. Then I’d probably find another doctor and set the record straight up front.

Swear we have the dumbest shit to be mad about. Just raise ya kids right. If your kid can be turned gay, your kid was gay already.


I would've had my son step out the room so the adults could have a little pow wow real quick.
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Respectfully. Never. Non-issue. Fairy tales. The standard for gender is either M or F (not what you identify as).

These tha type of answers you can expect from black democrats/democrat minded people that support such ideology.. They don't know shyt. They one of the most easily misguided if not most misguided demographic of all and you can sway them anyway your heart desires as long as you have (D) attached to your name. Basically, that demographic following silly perverted cac lies, passed off as research, advanced mostly by democrats and give smarty pants responses to these type of issues. No facts, proof, history, etc..

Most of the posters here on ABW don't even care to understand the significance of these pics.
Respectfully. Never. Non-issue. Fairy tales. The standard for gender is either M or F (not what you identify as).

These tha type of answers you can expect from black democrats/democrat minded people that support such ideology.. They don't know shyt. They one of the most easily misguided if not most misguided demographic of all and you can sway them anyway your heart desires as long as you have (D) attached to your name. Basically, that demographic following silly perverted cac lies, passed off as research, advanced mostly by democrats and give smarty pants responses to these type of issues. No facts, proof, history, etc..

Most of the posters here on ABW don't even care to understand the significance of these pics.
I believe that scientifically you’re either a man or a woman, full stop. I think it’s dumb for people to deny that.

I also believe people can call themselves whatever the fuck they want. I think it’s dumb for people to deny that as well.

All of this gender identity and trans stuff only really exists in media. And the loudest are those that claim to hate it. Go outside and you’ll barely see anyone identifying with something other than what they were born as.
All of this gender identity and trans stuff only really exists in media.
False. I posted a tweet of Michigan passing pronouns laws that carry financial penalty. This shit is being written into policy by the dems y'all support

People will be punished for not playing along. What they're doing is not harmless.
I believe that scientifically you’re either a man or a woman, full stop. I think it’s dumb for people to deny that.

Your belief is pretty accurate. M or W, - M or F, but let's just stick w/ tha facts.

I also believe people can call themselves whatever the fuck they want. I think it’s dumb for people to deny that as well.

That's okay. I shouldn't have to be fined, fired, or punished for for disagreeing either.

All of this gender identity and trans stuff only really exists in media. And the loudest are those that claim to hate it. Go outside and you’ll barely see anyone identifying with something other than what they were born as.

Actually there's been a surge in this ideology, like it's a fad and I actually worked with people who fell for the shenanigans. It was just best not to use any gender/sex when talking to them. If all of this ideology only really existed in media, there would be no need for laws/fines for "misgendering".
False. I posted a tweet of Michigan passing pronouns laws that carry financial penalty. This shit is being written into policy by the dems y'all support

People will be punished for not playing along. What they're doing is not harmless.

Yep, my wife owns a dance studio, and she constantly has parents coming in there wanting to put their sons in Tutus. She basically has to take it seriously because those people will sue or try and take down her school.
Yep, them super liberal white people don't even wait for the kids to understand what gender is. They just be pushing shit on the kids for the hell of it.
My daughters brothers dad had a studio in a mixed location. But mostly black parents brought their kids.

Shit was crazy. One mom would run in the floor to hug her son whenever he got the dance move…..and it would slow down the class. Then I was told another parent had it with her and they was scrapping in the streets.

I’m so glad my kids are grown.
Chuck and cheese days were the worse.
False. I posted a tweet of Michigan passing pronouns laws that carry financial penalty. This shit is being written into policy by the dems y'all support

People will be punished for not playing along. What they're doing is not harmless.

If you're gonna actually talk about laws being passed be accurate and not just use tweets

New legislation that would expand Michigan’s hate crime law to include protections for the LGBTQ+ community would not make it a felony to address a person by the wrong pronouns.

The word “pronoun” does not even appear in the bill, which was recently passed by the Michigan House. Critics claim that since House Bill 4474 lists “intimidation” under the list of prohibited acts, someone could potentially be charged with a felony for using the wrong gender pronouns. It is not likely at all, and not that cut and dry, experts say -- but, still, those claims have spread across the internet.

House Bill 4474 seeks to expand what constitutes as a hate crime in Michigan as it relates to real or perceived identifying characteristics including race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, and more. The bill also outlines the punishments for such crimes.

Nowhere in the bill does it explicitly criminalize the use of incorrect pronouns

As for the thread itself that should be up to the parents knowing their child's own maturity level but as a previous thread showed some have trouble approaching any topic of sex, gender etc... with their kids and wanna put it off as long as possible.
If you're gonna actually talk about laws being passed be accurate and not just use tweets

As for the thread itself that should be up to the parents knowing their child's own maturity level but as a previous thread showed some have trouble approaching any topic of sex, gender etc... with their kids and wanna put it off as long as possible.

Can’t talk to em after they pregnant or penetrated.
People just afraid to mess up
False. I posted a tweet of Michigan passing pronouns laws that carry financial penalty. This shit is being written into policy by the dems y'all support

People will be punished for not playing along. What they're doing is not harmless.
If you're gonna actually talk about laws being passed be accurate and not just use tweets

As for the thread itself that should be up to the parents knowing their child's own maturity level but as a previous thread showed some have trouble approaching any topic of sex, gender etc... with their kids and wanna put it off as long as possible.
If you're gonna actually talk about laws being passed be accurate and not just use tweets

As for the thread itself that should be up to the parents knowing their child's own maturity level but as a previous thread showed some have trouble approaching any topic of sex, gender etc... with their kids and wanna put it off as long as possible.
The fact we're even having this conversation means we're headed in a harmful direction.