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Also, there used to be something that said “your threads” where you could find all your threads.

That’s gone now too.

I’ve been trying to find some of my previous threads, but I can’t locate them.

Is there any chance of that coming back?



I just added "Your Threads" under the "What's New" tab.
it's being discussed now

if you have any suggestions as to what can be bought with abw currency, post them here
I don't remember all that was available

Changing someones profile pic, changing someones username, banning someone from a thread permanently or temporary, banning someone from a sub forum permanently or temporary, banning from the site permanently or temporary, adding a banner, changing someones description, removing ability to post from someone for such amount of time, be a mod for a day/week/month or something

No idea if some of those are even possible. I'll come back if I think of more
this aint a big deal but i'll toss it out there anyway.

The cosign button reaction being smaller than the rest of them joints bugs me when I see it...lol

And not really a question but more of a suggestion... would be nice to have a "wtf" 😱 reaction or maybe a "goofy" 🥴 reaction
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We will get right on it. You want some cheese with that wine sir
Don’t know how it is for everyone else but reacting on mobile has always been a bit of a chore. Got to press and hold on it to get the other reactions otherwise you only hit like
Tubi doesn't deserve a fucking prefix lol. Isn't showtime combining with paramount? Might as well convert the Showtime one into Paramount+