Are you coming to rescue her?

People change and act out due to emotions, stress, life changes, etc. You can have a baby with someone and not know what they will act like in the future. Yes, red flags are a thing but some people don’t show theirs until triggered. Just because someone acts a certain way right now don’t mean they will always be that way.

A man could have never hit you or threatened to hit you until you said something that triggered him unknowingly and now he is a woman beater. How is that the woman’s fault?
She better call the cops or call her brother, cousin, uncle father etc, I'll go and get my kid...Might have a word or two with dude about hitting women

I think back to when my boy's cousin was getting her ass whooped by her dude. He went through there and him and the dude started going at it. She, called the cops on
And that's the funny part.

You go over there trying to be a hero, and she might fuck around and call the cops on YO ass....then what? What does your chivalry get you then?

Or she might've already called the cops, and you go over there to get your kid, you and duke start arguing, and the cops show up in the middle of that and YOU get caught up in some bullshit.

Be smarter out here. That's all I'm saying. Some of y'all take that machismo shit to silly ass lengths. Have you sitting in jail or shot up by the cops for a domestic issue that she might forget in two weeks, and be laid back up with that muhfucka.....and have your seed right back in the same predicament.


ah yes

which brings us to another classic

Man fuck no this some lame ass shit but im suspecting people are projecting their own feelings about their baby mothers/situation to garner these responses and cosigns.

What if yall mutually parted ways and have a dope co parenting situation? Still remaining friends but things didnt work out? How could you look at your kid, knowing their mom is in any kind of danger and pass them a lunchables like shit sweet? Knowing the type of trauma that may inflict on their upbringing?

Not saying you gotta kill him but damn show that that shit wont be tolerated moving further as a man...if not for her, ya damn child. I wish i would have to explain to my kid why im allowing momma to get beat on..

whew, i had this rant typed up that I deleted

l'll just respond by saying, the premise of the thread is are YOU coming to rescue her. Of course there's going to be some projection b/c not all these situations are lovey dovey, oh we exes but we really friends too on some kumbaya shit. That should be the goal or at a minimum, a mutual respect as the other parent, however, an overwhelming majority of situations DO NOT END up this way.

If you read my post and felt I was That's how I would respond to this situation if it involved ME.

If YOU, LURK, would move differently, then only you can speak on that.

and miss me with some "posting to garner responses and cosigns". I can remove the reactions altogether and I would still feel the way I do.
whew, i had this rant typed up that I deleted

l'll just respond by saying, the premise of the thread is are YOU coming to rescue her. Of course there's going to be some projection b/c not all these situations are lovey dovey, oh we exes but we really friends too on some kumbaya shit. That should be the goal or at a minimum, a mutual respect as the other parent, however, an overwhelming majority of situations DO NOT END up this way.

If you read my post and felt I was That's how I would respond to this situation if it involved ME.

If YOU, LURK, would move differently, then only you can speak on that.

and miss me with some "posting to garner responses and cosigns". I can remove the reactions altogether and I would still feel the way I do.
Ok man
People change and act out due to emotions, stress, life changes, etc. You can have a baby with someone and not know what they will act like in the future. Yes, red flags are a thing but some people don’t show theirs until triggered. Just because someone acts a certain way right now don’t mean they will always be that way.

A man could have never hit you or threatened to hit you until you said something that triggered him unknowingly and now he is a woman beater. How is that the woman’s fault?
Someone explain to me how if you know a muhfucka, and MARRY (key word) that muhfucka, why would you expect hands to be thrown at any time?
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these threads always take an interesting turn.

since its kinda missed......

can i ask you guys make it a point to meet the new dude or any dude your ex is involved with?
or is this looking like Dos got a control issue?
these threads always take an interesting turn.

since its kinda missed......

can i ask you guys make it a point to meet the new dude or any dude your ex is involved with?
or is this looking like Dos got a control issue?
You have a control issue.
Where did I say you would expect it?
You just created a hypothetical situation saying dude might flip out out of nowhere. I'm telling you that every married couple I know that made it from the dating stage to marriage without any domestic issues at all would never suspect their spouse of striking them later.

If there's abuse in that relationship, trust and believe it happened BEFORE rings got put on.
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