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This thread ignorant af. Arabs come in many different shades today but the term originates from the tribes that lived on the Arabian peninsula. These folk were not what we would consider as black. During the muslim conquest, they branched out and mingled with the native populations of the the rest of the middle east and north africa. Those that inhabit those places are berbers, arabs, and mixed breeds (legally recognized as Arab-berber). They, too, are not what any of us would consider black. Racially, arab is not historically black (if we go back to when the term originated). Politically, there's been a shift where the Arab world now encompasses all countries that embrace the Arab language and/or its culture and religion. With that has come a culture of disdain for those of darker skin tones as, historically, dark people were slaves of the "true" Arabs (they also enslaved other races, just not to the same extent).

There are no "true" racially black arabs, they are mix breeds. That's just a fact. Them motherfuckers are not white, either. There are no natural white races that close to the fucking equator in a hot desert.

The bold is the only part of your post that matters. We're not talking about what happened 1000+ years ago before the Arabs invaded most of the Old World. We're talking about what's happening right now, and right now, the term Arab applies to more than just that small original population. Again, there are people that would likely be considered black by Western standards that have been living as Arabs for generations. The same goes for whites.
The bold is the only part of your post that matters. We're not talking about what happened 1000+ years ago before the Arabs invaded most of the Old World. We're talking about what's happening right now, and right now, the term Arab applies to more than just that small original population. Again, there are people that would likely be considered black by Western standards that have been living as Arabs for generations. The same goes for whites.

Some Afro-Arabs could be considered black by our standards and some of the fair-skinned Arabs of the levant could pass for white. That does not then mean Arab=black or Arab=white, because those people are products of relatively recent miscegenation. They are not the majority nor are they a large enough minority to be considered normal. If that were the case, we wouldn't be having this conversation because the Arab world at large wouldn't be treating dark skinned people like shit.
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Some Afro-Arabs could be considered black by our standards and some of the fair-skinned Arabs of the levant could pass for white. That does not then mean Arab=black or Arab=white, because those people are products of relatively recent miscegenation. They are not the majority nor are they a large enough minority to be considered normal. If that were the case, we wouldn't be having this conversation because the Arab world at large wouldn't be treating dark skinned people like shit.

No one said Arab = black or Arab = white. People simply pointed out that there are Arabs that would be considered black or white if they were in America, and thus its silly to act like every Arab sees race the same.
No one said Arab = black or Arab = white. People simply pointed out that there are Arabs that would be considered black or white if they were in America, and thus its silly to act like every Arab sees race the same.

Nah, what you are saying is silly; that because we might see them as black, they must identify as black. The Arab world is racist towards dark-skinned and black people. That is not an incorrect statement and it is also not an entirely incorrect statement to liken their racism to the racism of caucasians because the Arab world has a shared culture and that includes racism. It doesn't matter that there are dark-skinned Arabs (who are mix breeds), they aren't immune from being racist towards people darker than them. Look at the janjaweed, some of the motherfuckers are about as dark and nappy as my pop and they'd still murk my ass in the name of arabocentricism.
Nah, what you are saying is silly; that because we might see them as black, they must identify as black. The Arab world is racist towards dark-skinned and black people. That is not an incorrect statement and it is also not an entirely incorrect statement to liken their racism to the racism of caucasians because the Arab world has a shared culture and that includes racism. It doesn't matter that there are dark-skinned Arabs (who are mix breeds), they aren't immune from being racist towards people darker than them. Look at the janjaweed, some of the motherfuckers are about as dark and nappy as my pop and they'd still murk my ass in the name of arabocentricism.

I agree
Nah, what you are saying is silly; that because we might see them as black, they must identify as black. The Arab world is racist towards dark-skinned and black people. That is not an incorrect statement and it is also not an entirely incorrect statement to liken their racism to the racism of caucasians because the Arab world has a shared culture and that includes racism. It doesn't matter that there are dark-skinned Arabs (who are mix breeds), they aren't immune from being racist towards people darker than them. Look at the janjaweed, some of the motherfuckers are about as dark and nappy as my pop and they'd still murk my ass in the name of arabocentricism.

Bruh everything you said can be said about every group of people on earth. There are dark-skinned African Americans that are racist against dark skinned people. At the end of the day making broad statements about entire groups of people is stupid. If you want to say that racism is ingrained in Arab culture similarly to how it is in American culture, fine. If you're saying that Arabs as a collective hate black people, you're wrong and stupid.