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Anyone have a family member that just can't figure their life out????

William Munny

Active Member
So this all totally hypothetical, but lets say you, the reader of this post, has brother who can't really seem to get his shit together.

So your brother has never really had a serious job, other than serving at restaurants. Covid put a kobash on that obviously, but he's put really put no effort into finding another job on that, even tho he has familial connects to people that could get him a job making a livable wage.

Well.... so my, I mean this hypothetical brother, has been trying to make music, trying art shit, trying everything besides something that could actually be productive. He decides he wants to move the Virgin Island for four months, no plan on place once he gets there. He just knows a chick from HS he hasn't seen in 10 years is living there and she'll let him pay rent month to month once he gets there.

So while he's gone for four months, he decides to rent his apartment in the States out while he's gone to a shady dude. This shady dude is a weed dealer, but seems fairly small time. He's told some pretty crazy stories about shooting at people in the past, but you can't really tell if they are true or not. Once your brother leaves for the Virgin Islands, the shady dude decides he doesn't wanna pay the rent amount they agreed to. Your brother is so nervous for the belongings of his in his apartment, he's flying home after only being in St. Thomas for 10 days to move his shit out of the apartment because he's so sketched by this dude.

Your brother then asks you to take time off work to show up and help move his belongings out and be the muscle (LOL), in case this dude spazzes out, because apparently he's volatile.

First off, helping people move fucking sucks. It's annoying enough to have help people move, but then to have to worry about psycho dude? WTF! The whole situation could have easily avoidable. Like at 31 years old you'd except someone to be smart enough who they let live in their apartment.

Shit man. Anyways. What would ya'll do? Show up strapped? Tell your brother to get his god damn shit together? Wack shit all around.

Also.... this brother didn't even tell you he was leaving for the Virgin Island for four months, you found out second hand through your parents, and he never said shit to you before leaving.......
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i’d help him out this time but i’d also have a talk with him and tell him hope you feel about the decisions he is making, and also tell him you’re not going to help him out of his mistakes again, because you have your own life to worry about.
If I can bring a gun I'm bringing an effin gun!! But its Canada so prolly just a bat. Then I think of all the crime podcasts I've listened to and if shit does pop off and HE dies, they're gonna say premeditated. But its weird af to get the cops to maintain peace especially if he isn't actually like that and is wondering why the cops are there. Can't just throw your brother to the dogs either, so its fucked. Bring more guys? What if he is actually nuts and shoots them too!? Good luck with this one. Hope everything goes smoothly for yall.
If I can bring a gun I'm bringing an effin gun!! But its Canada so prolly just a bat. Then I think of all the crime podcasts I've listened to and if shit does pop off and HE dies, they're gonna say premeditated. But its weird af to get the cops to maintain peace especially if he isn't actually like that and is wondering why the cops are there. Can't just throw your brother to the dogs either, so its fucked. Bring more guys? What if he is actually nuts and shoots them too!? Good luck with this one. Hope everything goes smoothly for yall.

Yah if the guy has the gun, it would be best for anyone showing up to have one as well.
If there's reason to worry about violence try to quell the situation by telling this weed guy in advance he wants to move his stuff out. Be reasonable. Don't just show up there out of blue or on short notice. If ur bro is worried telling the guy in advance will give him reason to start stealing shit that he already hasn't, that's when cops get involved.

But why would someone get angry about belongings that aren't there's being moved out anyway? Because of what it implies about his character? What's the deal?
So this all totally hypothetical, but lets say you, the reader of this post, has brother who can't really seem to get his shit together.

So your brother has never really had a serious job, other than serving at restaurants. Covid put a kobash on that obviously, but he's put really put no effort into finding another job on that, even tho he has familial connects to people that could get him a job making a livable wage.

Well.... so my, I mean this hypothetical brother, has been trying to make music, trying art shit, trying everything besides something that could actually be productive. He decides he wants to move the Virgin Island for four months, no plan on place once he gets there. He just knows a chick from HS he hasn't seen in 10 years is living there and she'll let him pay rent month to month once he gets there.

So while he's gone for four months, he decides to rent his apartment in the States out while he's gone to a shady dude. This shady dude is a weed dealer, but seems fairly small time. He's told some pretty crazy stories about shooting at people in the past, but you can't really tell if they are true or not. Once your brother leaves for the Virgin Islands, the shady dude decides he doesn't wanna pay the rent amount they agreed to. Your brother is so nervous for the belongings of his in his apartment, he's flying home after only being in St. Thomas for 10 days to move his shit out of the apartment because he's so sketched by this dude.

Your brother then asks you to take time off work to show up and help move his belongings out and be the muscle (LOL), in case this dude spazzes out, because apparently he's volatile.

First off, helping people move fucking sucks. It's annoying enough to have help people move, but then to have to worry about psycho dude? WTF! The whole situation could have easily avoidable. Like at 31 years old you'd except someone to be smart enough who they let live in their apartment.

Shit man. Anyways. What would ya'll do? Show up strapped? Tell your brother to get his god damn shit together? Wack shit all around.

Also.... this brother didn't even tell you he was leaving for the Virgin Island for four months, you found out second hand through your parents, and he never said shit to you before leaving.......

Call the landlord of the apartment.
If there's reason to worry about violence try to quell the situation by telling this weed guy in advance he wants to move his stuff out. Be reasonable. Don't just show up there out of blue or on short notice. If ur bro is worried telling the guy in advance will give him reason to start stealing shit that he already hasn't, that's when cops get involved.

But why would someone get angry about belongings that aren't there's being moved out anyway? Because of what it implies about his character? What's the deal?

You have kinda hit the nail on the head here. Your brother doesn't want to make this guy feel like he's getting ambushed, but also doesn't want to give too long of a notice because he's worried his stuff will get sold.

Your brother has told you this guy is just really unstable.
You should help ya brother move his shit. You should also tell him to get his head out his ass and start moving better cuz 31 is old enough to not be flighty and have at least some semblance of. Plan for the rest of your life.
You should help ya brother move his shit. You should also tell him to get his head out his ass and start moving better cuz 31 is old enough to not be flighty and have at least some semblance of. Plan for the rest of your life.

I think the issue is, when you tell your brother shit like this, he either shuts off entirely from family, or blames his parents for some shit from his childhood for why he is the way he is.
You have kinda hit the nail on the head here. Your brother doesn't want to make this guy feel like he's getting ambushed, but also doesn't want to give too long of a notice because he's worried his stuff will get sold.

Your brother has told you this guy is just really unstable.

I say bring people. Like nuff ppl so it's like a legit moving crew. Maybe some big niggaz. Go in broad daylight. Make it a jovial atmosphere tho. Joke around with the weed guy, converse. But with all these dudes around, despite the atmosphere, there's still tension in that weedman is now surrounded. The idea is to not make it seem like he's being ganged, but that the potential is there should he start anything.

Power in numbers.
When you text your brother simple questions like "maybe it would make sense to call the leasing company" he just doesn't respond.....

You can call on his behalf.

Basically you can dry snitch on your brother which would force the hand of the leasing company but gets him out of a messy situation.
Yah if the guy has the gun, it would be best for anyone showing up to have one as well.
But if everyone knows this ahead of time, and people die, the cops are gonna ask why nobody just called the police to keep the peace. Nobody has to mention he's a weed dealer, just some apparent nut job who might go nuts. These hypothetical are stressful.
Really tho, it's not just the stuff that should be moved, this weed guy needs to be moved out too. He's playing games with ur brother not paying full rent. Not cool. I can't stand ppl who think they can strong arm others.
Yea man, call the land lord if ya'll not really bout that life

after this you also need to have a talk with your brother or some sort of intervention involving him and your parents since he likes to blame them.

Let him get his shit off and see if that helps.