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Anybody had lasik eye surgery?

I been telling that joke for years bro

you saying you dont have no mahogany and butterscotch frames with the felt tips?
subtract the felt tips

and you dont know me nigga
Wouldn’t mind it but my eyes are something I’m not willing to risk loosing.

Rather wear glasses than have the possibility of being blind.

Also think you gotta get repeat surgery after 8 or so years as your vision will degrade over time.
Hell I’m only -.75 in each eye

Fam im the same. I went to two places for a lasik consultation and they both said my eyes werent bad enough for lasik and refused to do it and told me any places that does is just trying to grab money because its impossible to improve my eyes since I was only .75

I just stopped rocking glasses after that. You can easily function without missing a step at .75. The only time I rock glasses now is when im watching a game cause the score gets blury.
Fam im the same. I went to two places for a lasik consultation and they both said my eyes werent bad enough for lasik and refused to do it and told me any places that does is just trying to grab money because its impossible to improve my eyes since I was only .75

I just stopped rocking glasses after that. You can easily function without missing a step at .75. The only time I rock glasses now is when im watching a game cause the score gets blury.
i remember realizing that moment when i knew i needed glasses

I sat in the back of class practically my entire life. Got to SR year in college and found myself at the front row of all my classes

I graduated and shrugged it off

FF a couple years later, im driving home approaching my exit and the exit sign looked blurry af. I thought my windshield was dirty so i put on the wipers...shit was still blurry

finally got an appointment and she said I should've been wearing glasses for a least 2 years prior to me coming to see her

fortunately for me, my sight hasnt declined since her initial scrip she wrote for me
I been considering it for a while, I have astigmatism and it’s not too too bad but I’m tired of the contacts and glasses.

If anybody has had it done, how did it turn out? (any short/long term side effects?)

What was your eyesight like before?

How much did you pay for it?
I heard your eyes go back to where they were after a few years.

Kareem Akbar needs glasses?


You still that nigga tho
Fam im the same. I went to two places for a lasik consultation and they both said my eyes werent bad enough for lasik and refused to do it and told me any places that does is just trying to grab money because its impossible to improve my eyes since I was only .75

I just stopped rocking glasses after that. You can easily function without missing a step at .75. The only time I rock glasses now is when im watching a game cause the score gets blury.

I can function but like I said before I hate having to squint to read shit. And a lot of shit be looking blurry af from a distance.

But I never considered that I might not be able to get it for that reason, damn
I can function but like I said before I hate having to squint to read shit. And a lot of shit be looking blurry af from a distance.

But I never considered that I might not be able to get it for that reason, damn

I know the struggle man. Thats why I tried getting it done and even went to a second spot to get a 2nd opinion.
I cant see for shit

kinda scary cause i cant even see big text sometimes

I want to get it but i aint tryin to go blind
Any of yall felt like your when you got glasses that shit made your vision worse than it use to be before you even got them?

thats how I feel when I take them off
I got it. I got PRK while I was in The Marine Corps. The whole procedure took less than 2 minutes. My vision is perfect. One of the best decisions of my life. To this day I maintain that corrected vision surgery should be a free service for everyone. It should be like flu shots. Free.

Don't be scared about the procedure. Here's how it goes.

1. You show up to the office.

2. In the waiting room they'll put one eye drop in each eye every 15 minutes 3 times o numb your eyes. So that's 3 total eye drops. It literally happens while you're just chilling in the waiting area reading a magazine. You won't feel a thing with the eye drops. It's like they're just putting a drop of water in your eyes.

3. After the last eye drop is administered you'll head back to the operating room.

4. In the room you'll lay down on the bed like you're getting ready to get your teeth cleaned.

5. You'll lean all the way back in the bed and they'll hold your eyelids open with a tool similar to one they would use on your mouth at the dentist. You won't even feel it there nor will you have the urge to blink.

6. Now here's where the experience may differ. One of two things are going to happen. Either you are going to get a PRK procedure or Lasik. The difference is with Lasik they basically cut the flap in your eye (it's literally like a built in contact lens that we all have in our eyes) then they shoot the laser into your eye. It sounds scarier than it really is. Picture someone taking out your contact lens for you and then staring at a small red dot right above you on the ceiling for 30 seconds. That's all you do. After you stare at the red dot (that's the laser) they'll close the flap back (the built in contact) and rinse your eye with cold water. That's it for Lasik.

For PRK you'll lay back in the chair and they'll take a device that looks like a q-tip and rub your eye with it. You don't feel anything. It's going to look like you're blinking really fast for like 10 seconds. That q-tip like device is really scrubbing your eye. Once they are done with that you'll simply stare at the small red dot (this is the laser) for like 30 seconds. Once you're done staring they'll rinse your ye with cold water and you're done. That's it.

7. Immediately after the procedure when you sit up your vision will be fucking perfect my nigga. So perfect that you'll literally cry tears of joy. You won't feel a single thing. I promise you you won't feel nothing. Stop being scared niggas lolololol. Seriously though you feel more putting your contacts in and out than you do getting the surgery. It's not gonna blind you my nigga. The whole procedure is shorter than your favorite rap song. the average song is about 3 minutes and some change. the procedure is faster than that. I promise.

8. Now here's the kicker........

You cannot drive immediately after the surgery. The light from the sun outside or just the natural light outside will be too bright for you. They'll give you a special pair of sunglasses that you'll have to wear outside for the next two weeks at all times. It's to protect your eyes from the light. Your eyes will be very sensitive to really bright lights while outside. mostly from natural sunlight. In house you'll be fine.

So here's the scary part. They'll issue you some medicine for your eyes. It's basically eye drops. Use them exactly how they tell you. The next 3 days after your surgery will be hell. Two things are gonna happen. First it will constantly feel like you have hair or dirt in your eyes. Don't rub them. One of the eye drops is to ease the sensation of that feeling of dirt in your eyes. The second thing is your vision is gonna get very blurry for the first 3 days. It's gonna look worse than it did when you used to not have your glasses or contacts in. You won't be able to see shit lol. Nigga watching TV will be hell. Yo ass will be sitting sloe as fuck lololol. This is normal. Your eyes after the surgery will react like muscles during weight training. They'll be in pain like muscles are after training and then heal themselves. Don't go anywhere nigga. Stay yo ass in the house. Keep yo shades on. Take your medicine. After day 3 your vision will transition back to being perfect. From day 3 to bout day 10 you'll see your vision getting stronger den a bitch. Yo gone be standing on the corner reading license plates from three or fo blocks away like a super hero lol. I was putting all types of shit like 50 feet away from me and reading it like an Indian kid at a spelling B. Niggas couldn't tell me nothing. The freedom alone is worth it my nigga.

So that's pretty much it. I got mine done while I was still in the Marine Corps so i didn't have to pay for it. The only advice I'll offer is don't go get this procedure done anywhere where they offer a discount. It's not worth the risk to save a buck. I would go the the nearest major hospital in your area and ask the eye doctors there for a recommendation. Don't half ass it. Go get this shit done niggas. It will literally change the way you view life. After you get it you'll see what I'm talking about #Bars
I got it. I got PRK while I was in The Marine Corps. The whole procedure took less than 2 minutes. My vision is perfect. One of the best decisions of my life. To this day I maintain that corrected vision surgery should be a free service for everyone. It should be like flu shots. Free.

Don't be scared about the procedure. Here's how it goes.

1. You show up to the office.

2. In the waiting room they'll put one eye drop in each eye every 15 minutes 3 times o numb your eyes. So that's 3 total eye drops. It literally happens while you're just chilling in the waiting area reading a magazine. You won't feel a thing with the eye drops. It's like they're just putting a drop of water in your eyes.

3. After the last eye drop is administered you'll head back to the operating room.

4. In the room you'll lay down on the bed like you're getting ready to get your teeth cleaned.

5. You'll lean all the way back in the bed and they'll hold your eyelids open with a tool similar to one they would use on your mouth at the dentist. You won't even feel it there nor will you have the urge to blink.

6. Now here's where the experience may differ. One of two things are going to happen. Either you are going to get a PRK procedure or Lasik. The difference is with Lasik they basically cut the flap in your eye (it's literally like a built in contact lens that we all have in our eyes) then they shoot the laser into your eye. It sounds scarier than it really is. Picture someone taking out your contact lens for you and then staring at a small red dot right above you on the ceiling for 30 seconds. That's all you do. After you stare at the red dot (that's the laser) they'll close the flap back (the built in contact) and rinse your eye with cold water. That's it for Lasik.

For PRK you'll lay back in the chair and they'll take a device that looks like a q-tip and rub your eye with it. You don't feel anything. It's going to look like you're blinking really fast for like 10 seconds. That q-tip like device is really scrubbing your eye. Once they are done with that you'll simply stare at the small red dot (this is the laser) for like 30 seconds. Once you're done staring they'll rinse your ye with cold water and you're done. That's it.

7. Immediately after the procedure when you sit up your vision will be fucking perfect my nigga. So perfect that you'll literally cry tears of joy. You won't feel a single thing. I promise you you won't feel nothing. Stop being scared niggas lolololol. Seriously though you feel more putting your contacts in and out than you do getting the surgery. It's not gonna blind you my nigga. The whole procedure is shorter than your favorite rap song. the average song is about 3 minutes and some change. the procedure is faster than that. I promise.

8. Now here's the kicker........

You cannot drive immediately after the surgery. The light from the sun outside or just the natural light outside will be too bright for you. They'll give you a special pair of sunglasses that you'll have to wear outside for the next two weeks at all times. It's to protect your eyes from the light. Your eyes will be very sensitive to really bright lights while outside. mostly from natural sunlight. In house you'll be fine.

So here's the scary part. They'll issue you some medicine for your eyes. It's basically eye drops. Use them exactly how they tell you. The next 3 days after your surgery will be hell. Two things are gonna happen. First it will constantly feel like you have hair or dirt in your eyes. Don't rub them. One of the eye drops is to ease the sensation of that feeling of dirt in your eyes. The second thing is your vision is gonna get very blurry for the first 3 days. It's gonna look worse than it did when you used to not have your glasses or contacts in. You won't be able to see shit lol. Nigga watching TV will be hell. Yo ass will be sitting sloe as fuck lololol. This is normal. Your eyes after the surgery will react like muscles during weight training. They'll be in pain like muscles are after training and then heal themselves. Don't go anywhere nigga. Stay yo ass in the house. Keep yo shades on. Take your medicine. After day 3 your vision will transition back to being perfect. From day 3 to bout day 10 you'll see your vision getting stronger den a bitch. Yo gone be standing on the corner reading license plates from three or fo blocks away like a super hero lol. I was putting all types of shit like 50 feet away from me and reading it like an Indian kid at a spelling B. Niggas couldn't tell me nothing. The freedom alone is worth it my nigga.

So that's pretty much it. I got mine done while I was still in the Marine Corps so i didn't have to pay for it. The only advice I'll offer is don't go get this procedure done anywhere where they offer a discount. It's not worth the risk to save a buck. I would go the the nearest major hospital in your area and ask the eye doctors there for a recommendation. Don't half ass it. Go get this shit done niggas. It will literally change the way you view life. After you get it you'll see what I'm talking about #Bars

This right here is exactly why I made the thread

Preciate you g
Hell I’m only -.75 in each eye

I'm -150. They were finna take my drivers license lmao. Had to get some specs.

My doctor says while my vision is incredibly bad my eye is almost perfectly healthy so lasik might be doing too much. Plus I got bad luck anyway I know I'll fuck around and end up in that 2% that go blind.