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Andrew Tate arrested in Romania following police raid

This shit a whole new world to me. I thought I knew a little about this sphere but apparently not. Shit is sad for the youngins

Which is why I talk about what I talk about and stress the importance of not immediately dismissing people and their grievances because they didn't say it the right way or it's extreme. You condemn what someone says and how they go about it, but attempt to understand what they are trying to convey unless it's just insane.

Men and women are suffering. Men are dropping out of society.

Black men been dropped out of society, but now it's affecting all races of men.

Women turning to internet pornography because they can't afford to live and there ain't no man to marry them because men largely have given up on having a wife and kids.

Women choosing to have kids alone.

Women dying alone.

Andrew Tate is a charlatan but there's salient reason why young dudes followed him and will continue to follow dudes like him.
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I pray the charges stick. I don't like dude as a person but also anybody taking part in the trafficking of people need to be put under the prison. Glad to see one of them Eastern European countries stepping up.
Didn't he move there in the place to circumvent sex trafficking laws? El oh el
This is some shit straight up from a lame ass Netflix movie and I love it. Couldn’t of happened to a nicer guy.
Dude was too high strung, so it turns out. Which made him easy pickings.😅

I never once heeded anything he said in clips online or laid hands to anything he said, even in instances where he had a valid point.

hahaa man forget this guy and everything he ever stood for.