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It was bothering me for the longest

skeen was the guy who played the asshole cousin in the bear

at first I thought he played officer hersl in we own this city but apparently that’s another dickhead who looks the same lol
That scene with Mon Mothma and Tay Kolma >>. Lol @ Andor getting arrested on a beachy planet after smashing a chick and running to a bodega. I appreciate that we're seeing different planets. I thought that was K-2SO that was choking him lol
Another thing I enjoy is these are long episodes we're getting. No 30 minute episodes. Shortest episode we've had so far is 38 min. Last 2 have been 54 and 53 minutes
yeah Britell's music really shined in this ep. I love how they've been pushing the envelope with the music in these shows. Even better if they dont have to rely on Ludwig da GOAT for everything. Crosshair's lil electronic harsh noise motif in Bad Batch was dope too
I'll go back around one day. But it's too much shit on deck right now
Man what happened to Andor at the end was crazy

got strong dickhead cop energy from that shore trooper

I felt bad because he really was walking and I can kinda see how it looks like he was trying to blend in while fleeing

6 years is wild

I wonder who breaks him out and if it is Lethan? Again

they really are playing the long game with syril’s story line. I wonder how he comes back and I wonder if Andor winds up killing Bradley cooper girl but I doubt it