no one watched this last night?

classic set up episode to establish the tone of the season


It's on my DVR, can't wait to watch but am waiting for the kid-his day off isn't until later this week smh
Nah, I just can't do this show. I went in wide awake and started yawning 10 minutes in.
Solid 1st ep. They gonna try to scare shorty with the evidence and get her to switch sides.
Ep 2 was pretty good, it's setting up for a dope ass collision in both storylines.

shit is getting REAL!!!
Damn I missed it yesterday, ima watch it today. I knew it was setting up for a crazy episode.
Damn I missed it yesterday, ima watch it today. I knew it was setting up for a crazy episode.

i dont wanna spoil it, but when you heard Gus was gon be apart of the story, this was the episode you hoped you would get

i just keep trying to replay certain scenes from BB in my head when i see the prequel shit. I have no idea the direction they are gonna go with this show and i love it.
How do you think the court battle is gonna finish? @AP21

its a wrap for Chuck

i think Chuck might die tbh

i actually JUST watched the episode in Breaking Bad titled "better call saul" just to try and piece the two universes together

i'm going to pay attention to see if at any point if Saul refers to his brother in the past tense in the sense that he is dead. Chuck has a huge ego and prides himself as being the smarter brother and he got ethered by the person he despises the most despite jimmy being the person that loves Chuck the most
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I agree 100%, buttt it's too early in the season and if he (jimmy) did get off that easy how/why did he turn into Saul and end up in a pretzel store? SOmething else is about to happen.
I agree 100%, buttt it's too early in the season and if he (jimmy) did get off that easy how/why did he turn into Saul and end up in a pretzel store? SOmething else is about to happen.

well the pretzel store is after the events of BB

think back to the last time you saw saul in BB...iirc, he setup the transport that sent Walter off to the wilderness, and that was it, but you dont know what happened to everyone else besides Mike, Gus, Jesse, etc...

we are in the third season of BCS and almost towards the end. I dont think this show will have a spring break so when this goes off, it wont come on again until next spring.

my guess is that we might get a glimpse of his initial transformation in the season finale. Season 4 MIGHT bring us up to an initial meeting with Walter/Jesse, but will focus more on the time he wasnt on screen in BB. I think season 4 focuses on more stuff with Mike and Saul, and season 5 will be a flashforward of the final events of BB but be more centered around him.
Mannn, now Ima just have to rewatch BB, I'm confused lol

brah, the shit is so deep now

the dudes on the IC was going crazy with the connections when BCS first premiered.

But BCS takes place 3 years prior to the events of BB. Its the prequel. When BCS premieres, he is at the cinnamon bun store. He has the mustache and a completely different look. Then i think it was last weeks episode, but before it, when it dimed on the kid that stole the cd's, he told him to lawyer up and dont say anything which gives credence to the fact that he is no longer practicing law but still has the desire to do so.

BB always had scenes in black and white that were flashforwards. In season 2, it was the teddy bear floating in the pool, then gradually you see body bags, you see the White dont learn until the season finale what happened and why the bear was in the pool, et c..
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That's what I'm saying tho. I think he had some traumatic fall out with his bro and he goes into a deep depression state where he's workin at the pretzel spot, then he eventually bounces back as Saul who we saw in BB. But you think the pretzel shit is after BB?
That's what I'm saying tho. I think he had some traumatic fall out with his bro and he goes into a deep depression state where he's workin at the pretzel spot, then he eventually bounces back as Saul who we saw in BB. But you think the pretzel shit is after BB?

yea brah...the pretzel shit is AFTER BB

or put it like this, we are in season 3 and shit just got you think they can string this storyline along for another 2 seasons? Im going with the thought that Vince Gilligan has said that he had 5 seasons in mind for this show just like BB...well actually, he didnt see BB going past 3 initially iirc, but thats for another convo

but the good thing is, the flashfoward scenes have you talking and thinking