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Allegedly, Kevin Hart's Personal Shopper Stole $1.2M

I know all about racism within classes - several years of firsthand knowledge...

...that was my original point talkin to Race but here you come taggin’ in flyin off the top rope saying absolutely nothing that refutes it.
You literally argued against class consciousness in a favor of a system that will always exploit black people for the gain of a small minority of wealth hoarders. Again, sometimes it's to admit when you don't know what you're talking about.
You literally argued against class consciousness in a favor of a system that will always exploit black people for the gain of a small minority of wealth hoarders. Again, sometimes it's to admit when you don't know what you're talking about.

I didn’t “literally argue” against anything. Again, my entire point is that there will never be class consciousness in America because of racism - fuck you think you kickin knowledge or some shit? Fuck you think you Marx? Ain’t finna be no proletariat revolution over here homie as long as these crackas still think they’re inherently better than you...

...so here we are again at square one because you wanted to jump in some shit that had nothing to do with you and you never even understood from jump.


Case in point: this bum ass white man is in the same financial class flying commercial like everyone else, yet in still he still feels that he shouldn’t be treated like a “Black person”. This man believes that his race supersedes his class...

...so do many others.

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I didn’t “literally argue” against anything. Again, my entire point is that there will never be class consciousness in America because of racism
Except, there has been in the past and even recently. You don't get mass amounts of white people marching for murdered black people during a pandemic without some kind of understanding on their part. You're painting with broad strokes on something that can easily be disproved without even a single google search, like it's literally common knowledge due to being on the news for months on end.

If you did actually have a point, you could at least try to argue it better.
Except, there has been in the past and even recently. You don't get mass amounts of white people marching for murdered black people during a pandemic without some kind of understanding on their part. You're painting with broad strokes on something that can easily be disproved without even a single google search, like it's literally common knowledge due to being on the news for months on end.

If you did actually have a point, you could at least try to argue it better.

Nigga act like we ain’t never have Freedom Rider ass white folks in the past mobbin’ out and gettin they head bust too...

...it’s always gonna be some that stand with us and the genuine ones are appreciated, but it’s always gonna be some that storm The Capitol and face no consequences too.

Live life how you see fit, but me personally I ain’t waitin for some “kumbaya” ass moment when color lines don’t exist and we all stand together because we got the same W2s...
Nigga act like we ain’t never have Freedom Rider ass white folks in the past mobbin’ out and gettin they head bust too...

...it’s always gonna be some that stand with us and the genuine ones are appreciated, but it’s always gonna be some that storm The Capitol and face no consequences too.

Live life how you see fit, but me personally I ain’t waitin for some “kumbaya” ass moment when color lines don’t exist and we all stand together because we got the same W2s...
You didn't read a thing I said but have a good day bruh
Whats crazy is everyone in this thread us one idea away from being rich.

and not one of y’all gonna give your money away.

So stop it.
Olé Robinhood app I’m for the poor til I get rich ass niggas