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Allegedly, Kevin Hart's Personal Shopper Stole $1.2M

Look.....I don’t like lil kev.
But wtf y’all got against his grind to make his money?if anything he tried to maybe do right by people. You can’t give people access to too much money.
Thats when niggas start thinking. He won’t miss this lil bit.

try it with white people and leave niggas alone.
It is what it is.

It’s fucked up though

Remember y’all. We may not have Hart money but to somebody else you do. Anybody can get got
oh shit
Look.....I don’t like lil kev.
But wtf y’all got against his grind to make his money?if anything he tried to maybe do right by people. You can’t give people access to too much money.
Thats when niggas start thinking. He won’t miss this lil bit.

try it with white people and leave niggas alone.

oh shut up
When none of the reports were showing a picture of this fuck nigga, that was leading me to believe he was white...

...sure enough:

“Rob the rich, blah blah blah...”

If I’m Kevin white boy woulda got fucked when I found out - they woulda cuffed him to the hospital bed I guess, bruh he definitely woulda got some hands and feet to him...
now kev was just some leader of the ppl


last time i checked he was laughing about smashing a doll house over his sons head if he were gay.

fuck em

That comes off as being a hater over the money he's made.

That tweet was insensitive. He's not funny to me. People laugh at him not with him imo.

But he's worked hard for his success and getting robbed by someone you put your trust in hurts regardless if your worth 50 million or you're making 50k a year
now kev was just some leader of the ppl


last time i checked he was laughing about smashing a doll house over his sons head if he were gay.

fuck em

I guess I gotta be the one:

Gay people finna sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up all 2021...

...y’all want acceptance? Handle jokes like a man just like everybody else.
That comes off as being a hater over the money he's made.

That tweet was insensitive. He's not funny to me. People laugh at him not with him imo.

But he's worked hard for his success and getting robbed by someone you put your trust in hurts regardless if your worth 50 million or you're making 50k a year

i said what i said
Yall need to cut it out and stop acting like Hart is ya local city comedian

Damn right he has a personal shopper; just like he has a personal chef, trainer, a nanny, weed purchaser, etc, etc

If FANS and PAPARAZZI would learn how to act around celebs then the need for these jobs wouldn't exist but we know how ppl get so yeah, I'm not faulting this dude for having ppl to handle this shit

Its a risk, he got got and dude was eventually found out. Prosecute him, get ya shit back, and hire someone else
Yall need to cut it out and stop acting like Hart is ya local city comedian

Damn right he has a personal shopper; just like he has a personal chef, trainer, a nanny, weed purchaser, etc, etc

If FANS and PAPARAZZI would learn how to act around celebs then the need for these jobs wouldn't exist but we know how ppl get so yeah, I'm not faulting this dude for having ppl to handle this shit

Its a risk, he got got and dude was eventually found out. Prosecute him, get ya shit back, and hire someone else

Who won't get caught. Lol.

You can order online anonymous.

You can pay a personal FRIEND. To go scout some shit for you.

Niggas just extra.
Backstabbed by another person he trusted.

Kev gotta keep his circle smaller
Doesnt matter how small his circle is, it will still keep happening. After watching his horrible Joe Rogan interviews and some of the shit he's said online, it clear he's let himself fall fully into the famous Hollywood bullshit, lifestyle. IMO it sounded like hes surround himself with nothing but yes men. His whole interview was him aggressively pushing that 'think positive' mindset like hes a motivational speaker and basically said anyone who doesnt talk like that to him/around him, he gets rid of/doesnt associate with.
When you surround yourself with vampires like that, they're always gunna smile and agree with w/e you do or say while quietly bleeding your ass. They'll never be real with you because thats how they get cut off. Its just smiling and nodding till its time to jump ship.
He's gotta a bunch of people around him that wanna get rich/famous and have no problem lying or stealing to get to the top. No one ever gets out unscathed from that.