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Allegedly, Kevin Hart's Personal Shopper Stole $1.2M

rap niggas don't be talkin bot nothing of asset value. no gold bars? and i ain't talkin bout spittin golden bars. rap generation need to step up on the teachin about life.

The shit that pisses me off when I hear these types of stories is that these dudes never spend or stash the funds in respectable or launder it in a Caribbean island

the funds are always spent on shit they heard niggas rap about the fuck u gonna do w four Pateks if u cant afford one?
What the purpose of a personal shopper like order shit online or something. Buuuuut if he need advice on what painting to get or what legit vs knockoff. But do you need shopper for that
Once you're in the making multi-million dollar territory you hire people for the sake of convenience. Let's not pretend K-Hart felt that 1.2 million at all at his income level. Let alone the peanuts he was paying the guy to do personal shopping.

with a company name and all - bet he has no white clients

this how those 'when black entertainers/atheletes go broke' stories get started

Homie, outside of Orenthal “Knife Work” James, where is a Black person in the same class as a white person treated equally or better?

Again, barring a couple exceptions - point out to me where that happens?

In the same gated community as ‘em? We gon shoot ur son for carrying an Arizona and eatin’ Skittles...

...white boy drivin across state lines to kill protestors? That’s cool lil man go bout your business, we’ll come back to you later.

Worked your way up through academia and bought ya self a house huh? Yeah right nigga this white lady called and said you breakin in - we don’t believe you live here - you under arrest...

...you the Contrarian Queen so I know you prepared to die on your hill, and that’s cool, but let’s not pretend like we can’t go on all day highlighting double standards of treatment within “class” as it pertains to Black people in America. And we resilient so we steady mobbin’ in spite of that fuck shit, but we know it’s there.

Knock it off.
Sometimes it's good to admit that you have no idea what you're talking about, it seems you haven't learned that yet.

I know all about racism within classes - several years of firsthand knowledge...

...that was my original point talkin to Race but here you come taggin’ in flyin off the top rope saying absolutely nothing that refutes it.